- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Trump and Musk Are Right: Legal Immigrants a Boon to US Economy
- USAID Funded Beginning of Ukraine War in 2014
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- Proposed Hotel Complex on Paris Mountain
Carol Goldsmith Discussed Career in Television
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- By Bob Dill
Popular Television Anchor, Carol Goldsmith, discussed her career in television before a group of retired military officers and spouses of the Military Officers Association of America at the Hilton in Greenville, Friday evening.
She was introduced by LaVerne Tremblay, a member of the board of directors of the Greenville MOAA Chapter, who discovered she had something in common with the veteran news anchor. The ancestors of both had lived on the north side of Chicago in the days of Al Capone and had moved their families to safety away from the criminal activity about the same time.
Ken Ard Running for Lt. Governor
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- By Bob Dill
Ken Ard, above, made a courtesy call on Greenville County Republican Women’s Club President Geri Warren and Past President Betty Poe. A small business owner and current member of county council in Florence, South Carolina, Ard was in Greenville recently seeking support as he pursues the Republican nomination for Lt. Governor of South Carolina. During his first Greenville visit as a potential statewide candidate, Ard met briefly with several local Republican Party leaders and elected officials.
Hunley Chapter Celebrates First Anniversary!
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- By Holly Sheen
On August 15, Hunley Chapter #2667, South Carolina Division, UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy), celebrated its first anniversary! Despite a number of members being out of town, those members and guests still in town observed the occasion with a dinner at quaint, family-owned Rechaud’s restaurant in Greer. The chapter reserved the entire restaurant and enjoyed wonderful food and the attentive service of Rechaud’s friendly staff. A Powerpoint photo show ran continuously on a screen in the background which highlighted the many activities that chapter members were involved in during the last UDC year.
Congress Cheating Military Widows
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- By Bob Dill
A Scandalous “Widow Tax” on The Wives of Those who gave Their Lives for Our Country
There are about 54,000 widows who receive about $1,150 a month in Dependency and Indemnity (DIC) Compensation from the Veterans Administration.
Military personnel purchase a Survivors Benefit Plan (SBP) that provides income for a surviving spouse when the veteran dies. If the veteran dies from service related causes, the $1,150 DIC is subtracted from the widow’s SBP payments that were paid for by her sponsor.
The Death Book for Veterans
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
When you think you have heard the worst regarding the regime running the U. S. government in Washington, D. C., something else even worse surfaces. The latest is the Death Book for Veterans.
Public exposure of the book came just a few days after President Obama assured a large veteran’s group that he will never cut benefits to veterans. Then on Wednesday, August 19th, the Wall Street Journal published a story by Jim Towey, titled Death Book for Veterans. The story exposed the fact that the Department of Veterans Affairs has published a 51 page end-of-life counseling book titled, Your Life, Your Choices.
Whose Medical Decisions?
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- By Thomas Sowell
There was a time when rushing a thousand-page bill through Congress so fast that no one has time to read it would have provoked public outrage. But now, this has been attempted twice in the first 6 months of a new administration.
The fact that they got away with it before, with the "stimulus" bill, may have led them to believe that they could get away with it again.
The Pay Czar's Power Grab
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- By Michelle Malkin
Pay czar Kenneth Feinberg's official government title is "Special Master for Compensation." You'll be happy to know that he's really getting into the confiscatory spirit of his role. Asked by Reuters whether his powers include reaching back and revoking bonuses awarded to financial industry executives before his office was created earlier this year, Feinberg asserted broad and binding authorities -- including the ability to "claw back" money already paid out.
Regulations governing his office explicitly limit his jurisdiction over contracts signed before Feb. 11, 2009. But the fine print is no obstacle to Obama's czars. "The statute provides these guideposts, but the statute ultimately says I have discretion to decide what it is that these people should make and that my determination will be final," Feinberg claims. "Anything is possible under the law."
The Sotomayor Scare
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- By Chuck Baldwin
Note: My son, Timothy Baldwin, writes today's column. He is an attorney who received his Juris Doctor degree from Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham, Alabama. He is a former prosecutor for the Florida State Attorney's Office and now owns his own private law practice. He is author of a new book, published soon by Agrapha Publishing, entitled FREEDOM FOR A CHANGE.
Yes, yes, we have all heard the remarks from those who would call themselves conservative, libertarian or the like concerning the nomination and now swearing-in of Sonia Sotomayor to the United States Supreme Court, which took place on August 8, 2009. Yes, yes, books have been written by those conservative and libertarian editorialists and authors who have explained to us that the United States Supreme Court (US S CT) is "out of control" and how we must elect "conservative" Presidents to appoint "conservative" judges. Ironically, this infatuation with the federal government, and specifically with the judicial branch of the federal government, has actually (at least in part) created the growing enslavement of the people of these States United.
On ‘Agents Provocateurs’: Lessons From the Hal Turner Saga
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- By Steven Yates
I’ve been writing from a politically incorrect point of view about such topics as affirmative action, radical feminism, etc., for over 15 years now. My context is that of a political philosophy which (I hope) promotes freedom and responsibility for all individuals of whatever race/ethnicity, liberty in society, and discourages readers from trusting concentrations of power. Affirmative action programs, I often argued, are of questionable benefit to the majority of blacks, tend to trigger racial resentments that wouldn’t have been there otherwise, and concentrate power over the hiring process in the hands of faceless bureaucrats.
At first it annoyed me when some left-liberal would read such things and accuse me of being a closet racist, or worse. But by the time I’d moved to Greenville (2005), it only amused me.
Blackwood Brothers with Ken Turner
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- By Keith Crowe
This week’s article features one of this year’s inductees to the South Carolina Gospel Music Association’s hall of fame, Ken Turner. As many of you probably know, Ken grew-up in Greer, more specifically in the Apalache Community. In an interview several years ago he shared how his father gave him a guitar and how he learned to play some cords. He said that he sat on the porch at night playing and singing.
Another Man on a Mission
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- By Bob Dill
Farron Hancox: A Living Example of Transformed Lives Through “Wisdom In Living Life”
A few years ago, The Times Examiner published the miraculous story of Winn Freeman, Founder and President of Wisdom in Living Life Ministry. The title of the article was “Man on a Mission.” For almost two decades, Freeman has been showing others the way to real freedom from addiction. Farron Hancox is one of many who sought and found real freedom from addiction with the help of Winn Freeman and Wisdom in Living Life Ministry.
Governor’s Race, Reapportionment Critical in 2010
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- By Bob Dill
State Lawmakers Look into Future
Sen. Phil Shoopman and Rep. Tommy Stringer addressed a group of northern Greenville County precinct leaders Saturday, August 15 at Rock’s Country Store Restaurant. Following brief presentations on the past legislative session in Columbia and a look to the future, they answered questions posed by members of their audience.
Sen. Shoopman represents Senate District 5 in northern Greenville County. The district reaches from Gowansville in the east beyond Travelers Rest and Marietta in the west.
Parent Seeks Help
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- By Staff Reporter
The following letter to the Editor was received from Mrs. Cynthia Zerga on or about July 30, 2009. Mrs. Zerga delivered essentially the same message to Greenville County Council in person during the August 4 meeting. Words and phrases unacceptable for a family newspaper have been omitted from the original letter.
My name is Cindy, and I am a resident of Greenville, South Carolina. I want to tell you about an incident that occurred in my neighborhood on July 17 , and also to share my feelings about why it may have happened and what can be done about it.
Kelly Nalley Selected 2009-2010 Teacher of the Year
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- By Gilbert Scales
On Friday, August 14, Greenville County Schools held their 2009-2010 Teacher of the Year Awards program at the Carolina First Center. There were 100 teacher candidates chosen from the different schools in the school district. From these candidates, ten were selected as teacher of the year candidates. There were three runner-up candidates chosen and then the teacher of the year.
Kelly H. Nalley, a Spanish teacher at Fork Shoals School, was chosen Greenville County Schools, 2009-2010 “Teacher of the Year.” She teaches Spanish to 2nd thru 5th grade students.
Grand Ole Gospel Reunion Returned to Greenville
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- By Bob Dill
Event at Hyatt “One of Best”
Charlie Waller brought the Grand Ole Gospel Reunion back to Greenville this past week after moving to Knoxville for a few years following a long stretch of reunions in Greenville held at Memorial Auditorium until it was torn down. The reunion then moved to the Peace Center for a couple of years and finally to Furman’s Auditorium for the last two years before moving out of the state.
The Grand Ole Gospel Reunion brings hundreds of people from all over the nation to Greenville for almost a week. The influx of Southern Gospel Music fans and performers provides a significant boost to the local economy, especially hotels and restaurants.
Travel With Terry Lt. Gen. Chesty Puller, USMC
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- By Terry Thacker
After awaking the next morning I left the motel and drove to the nearby Shoney’s (Yes, Shoney’s is still in business, just not in the Greenville area.) where I enjoyed the breakfast bar.
After breakfast I headed east along Virginia 10, crossed the James River on I-295 (a magnificent view of the James and surrounding environs) and then hit I-64. When I drove on to the entrance ramp I noticed a curious sight for an Interstate – a closure arm. Yes, it was in the open position, but, if for some reason the authorities wished to close the Interstate to traffic, they could do so. Perhaps its purpose is to close I-64 to eastbound traffic in case a hurricane were to necessitate the use of all four lanes for westbound traffic.
Americans Must Reject Every Aspect of Socialized Medicine
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
If Americans are to remain free people, we must reject every aspect of socialized medicine. By their actions, the Obama administration and the national Democratic Party have demonstrated that they misrepresent facts, use threats and intimidation and reinterpret existing law in order to ensure their base of power and control is strengthened and expanded and that their goals are achieved, if not totally, at least in part.
The federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in the healthcare of American Citizens. When faced with truth and strong opposition, they change tactics and try to achieve the same goals using other methods and approaches.
"Brown Shirts" vs. Purple Shirts
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- By Michelle Malkin
Who are the real thugs? Democrats attack congressional town hall protesters as "Brown Shirts" -- likening taxpayer activists across the country to Hitler's storm troopers. But it's the Big Labor hoodlums clad in identical purple shirts -- the uniform of Service Employees International Union members -- who own the mob label.
Margarida Jorge, a former SEIU organizing director who now serves as national field director for the deep-pocketed, left-wing coalition Health Care for America Now, sent out a memo to her foot soldiers last week on how to counter Obamacare opponents. "You must bring enough people to drown them out and to cover all our bases so as to marginalize their disruptive tactics," she exhorted.
Is Racial Profiling Racist?
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- By Walter Williams
Harvard Professor Henry Gates' arrest has given new life to the issue of racial profiling. We can think of profiling in general as a practice where people use an observable or known physical attribute as a proxy or estimator of some other unobservable or unknown attribute. Race or sex profiling is simply the use of race or sex as that estimator. Profiling represents mankind's attempt to cope with information cost. God would not have to profile since God is all knowing.
People differ by race and sex. Let's look at a few profiling examples to see which ones you'd like outlawed. According to the American Cancer Society, the lifetime risk of men getting breast cancer is about 1/10th of 1 percent, or 1 in 1,000; and 440 men will die of breast cancer this year. For women, the risk of developing breast cancer is about 12 percent, or 1 in 8, and 40,610 will die from it this year. Should doctors and medical insurance companies be prosecuted for the discriminatory practice of routine breast cancer screening for women but not for men?
Why Are Internment Camps Being Built?
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- By Chuck Baldwin
The Internet is abuzz with news about the construction of internment camps all across America. Of course, "mainstream" media outlets refuse to touch the subject; or if they do, they pooh-pooh the story; they do what Glenn Beck recently did: try to debunk the story as fallacious and impugn people who speak of it as "conspiracy nuts." The fact that the Becks, Hannitys, Limbaughs, and O'Reillys of the media circus refuse to deal with the construction of large numbers of internment camps does not make them disappear, however.
For starters, all anyone need do to begin a serious investigation of the subject of internment camps is Google the phrase "FEMA Camps." There is more than enough evidence in that search engine alone to keep one busy with some in-depth private investigation of the subject for quite a while.
Noon Tea Parties Held at Hometown Congressional Offices
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- By Bob Dill
Emphasis on Taxes, Gun Control, Health Care, Judicial Appointment, Tyranny and Socialism
A disorganized and mostly spontaneous Tea Party was held at congressional offices across the country on Friday, July 17th at Noon. The dominant media has mostly ignored the events, although TV cameras and reporters were on hand to record the events.
Almost 200 people of all ages gathered in front of Sen. Lindsey Graham’s offices in downtown Greenville. Many carried hand-made signs with messages
mostly targeting the Obama administration’s socialist agenda and tyrannical methods. Members of Congress were urged to oppose legislation implementing the socialistic agenda and tyrannical practices.
From the Mill to the Moon Festival
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- By Gilbert Scales
Dr. Piers Sellers, born in Crowborough, Sussex, United Kingdom, graduated from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1976, and received Bachelor of Science Degree in Ecological Science, and later he received a Doctorate in Biometeorology, from Leeds University in 1981.
Dr. Sellers and his wife left the UK in 1982, moving to the U.S. He began his NASA career as a Research Meteorologist at Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. In 1984 he began to apply annually to become an astronaut. Since he was not a U.S. citizen, he was not accepted in the Astronaut Program. He became a nationalized U.S. citizen in 1991 and was selected as an astronaut candidate by NASA in April 1996. He reported to the NASA Johnson Space Center in August. He completed two years of training and evaluation and was assigned technical duties in the Astronaut Office Computer Support Branch followed by training in the Astronaut Office Space Station Branch.
Understanding ‘Obamaism’
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- By Bob Dill
Strategy for Destroying Free Enterprise through Orchestrated Crisis (Part II)
In Part I of this series, we discussed the fact that the Obama Administration is following a well-prepared published plan to manipulate the American People and achieve their unannounced goal of destroying the American free enterprise system and creating a socialist dictatorship before intelligent Americans who are not equipped with factual information catch on to the scheme.
President Obama obviously reads the polls and the reports that indicate an increasing number of people have serious concerns about government run health care.
‘Obama Care’ and the End of Life Savings Strategy
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Obama administration is rushing to get control of the nation’s health care system before too many people have time to think about what it is going to cost and how it will degrade medical care in this country. Obama and his 32 Czars intend to be exempt from medication and medical care rationing. They don’t intend for rationing to apply to the elite and the ruling class. And they have no intention of giving up the reigns of government anytime in the near future.
Inside the Monstrous Obamacare Bureaucracy
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- By Michell Malkin
If you think government is too big and too costly, wait until Obamacare kicks in. The Congressional Budget Office put the price tag of the House Democrats' health care takeover plans at $1.5 trillion over 10 years. But the CBO's fine print included a telltale caveat:
"We have not yet estimated the administrative costs to the federal government of implementing the specified policies, nor have we accounted for all of the proposal's likely effects on spending for other federal programs."
Socialist America Sinking
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- By Pat Buchanan
After half a century of fighting encroachments upon freedom in America, journalist Garet Garrett published "The People's Pottage." A year later, in 1954, he died. "The People's Pottage" opens thus:
"There are those who still think they are holding the pass against a revolution that may be coming up the road. But they are gazing in the wrong direction. The revolution is behind them. It went by in the Night of Depression, singing songs to freedom."
Garrett wrote of a revolution within the form. While outwardly America appeared the same, a revolution within had taken place that was now irreversible. One need only glance at where we were before the New Deal, where we are and where we are headed to see how far we are off the course the Founding Fathers set for our republic.
Romans Chapter 13 Revisited
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- By Chuck Baldwin
It seems that every time someone such as myself attempts to encourage our Christian brothers and sisters to resist an unconstitutional or otherwise reprehensible government policy, we hear the retort, "What about Romans Chapter 13? We Christians must submit to government. Any government. Read your Bible, and leave me alone." Or words to that effect.
No doubt, some who use this argument are sincere. They are only repeating what they have heard their pastor and other religious leaders say. On the other hand, let's be honest enough to admit that some who use this argument are just plain lazy, apathetic, and indifferent. And Romans 13 is their escape from responsibility. I suspect this is the much larger group, by the way.
Obama's Health Care Plan Can Be Defeated
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- By Phyllis Schlafly
The Democrats' most recent answer to the question of how they will pay for their trillion-dollar health-care reform was just announced by Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel. He wants to impose a surtax on incomes over $280,000, which would be a staggering blow to small businesses that create most jobs.
Another option floated by the Democrats is to tax employer-sponsored health coverage. Obama-supporter and union boss James P. Hoffa calls this "a bitter, bitter pill for middle-class wage-earners," and has vowed to fight it.
Character Does Matter
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- By Franklin D. Raddish
The Bible says in Colossians 3:17, “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” (King James Bible) The Word of God consistently teaches us to have godly character. There are too many politicians who have the testimony of do as I say, but they do the opposite of what they say. Also, we have too many preachers with a double standard testimony. In both cases, this shows a lack of godly character. The problem is there is a lack of commitment to do right. Evangelist Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., said, “Do right till the stars fall.” We must purpose in our hearts beforehand what we will or will not do. The Bible says in Daniel 1:8, “But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.” (King James Bible) Character cannot be bought or inherited; it must be earned by the earnest desire to do right. There is no greater compliment to an individual than for someone to tell him that he is a man of character. For many people, character is subject to change by the amount of money involved. Character is the sacrificial lamb upon the altar when it comes to fame, fortune, and power. A person of character can eat, sleep, and work well because of the peace in his heart that he is doing right. The number one enemy of character is the philosophy of situation ethics. The devil is the author of this philosophy.
The Taking of Healthcare 1 2 3
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- By Tony Beam
The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3, the movie version of the novel by John Godey is currently enjoying a cinematic revival at the American Box Office. Modern moviegoers are once again thrilling to the story of armed men who hijack a New York City subway train, holding the passengers hostage in return for ransom. The original film premiered in November of 1974 with Walter Matthau and Robert Shaw in the starring roles. The present incarnation of the film features John Travolta as the just-released-from-prison, mastermind felon named Ryder, who engineers the hijacking. Denzel Washington plays the part of Walter Garber, an everyday dispatcher who is drawn into the drama by chance and is forced by Ryder to play a pivotal role in the chaos.
Now And Going Forward
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- By SC Gov. Mark Sanford
I have struggled with how best to convey my regret in letting so many down, and in that regard I realize this op-ed does not do justice to the process of saying “I am sorry.” A handwritten note or phone call would ultimately be more appropriate, but given the number of people I need to apologize to I write this to begin the journey of trying to get things more right with you and others.
It is true that I did wrong and failed at the largest of levels, but equally true is the fact that God can make good of our respective wrongs in life. In this vein, while none of us has the chance to attend our own funeral, in many ways I feel like I was at my own in the past weeks, and surprisingly I am thankful for the perspective it has afforded.
- Taylor Defines ‘Conservative’ for Greenville County Lawmakers
- Gowdy Candidacy Gets Boost from Smart
- Dr. David Woodard to Address Republican Women
- Aeronautics During the War for Southern Independence
- Sen. DeMint Autographs Books at Crossway Christian Supply
- Understanding ‘Obamaism’
- Violating Marriage Vows, Constitution
- Senate Slavery Apology
- The Age Of Despotism
- What Does Independence Day Mean?
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