
Triplets, Harris, Elizabeth, and Andrew Rowe will have a special birthday on Wednesday, February 29, a Leap Year birthday!  Born on February 29, 2004 at MUSC in Charleston, SC, these spontaneous triplets are very rare.  The odds of being born on Leap Day are 1 in 1,461 and the odds of being a spontaneous triplet is 1 in 8,100 births.  Therefore, the odds of being a spontaneous triplet born naturally (not via C-section) on Leap Year are virtually non-existent; the Rowe triplets may be the only set in the world.  Born full-term at 37.5 weeks after an uncomplicated pregnancy, the healthy triplets at almost 17 pounds collectively went home after 2 days of "rooming" in with mom and dad, Jeff and Kelly Rowe formerly of Mt. Pleasant now livng in the upstate of SC.  They continue to be active 8 year olds, home-schooled, and involved in sports, cub scouts, church, and their large family of nine.

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