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Johnnelle Raines - Regional Upstate Leader of SC Parents Involved in Education
"Just Pray NO!" Ltd.
130 Agency
1663 Media Arts LLC
1LT Brenda Jansons
4 Winds
4 Winds Christian Athletics
A Brief Review By Mitchell Zuckoff with the Annex Security Team
A Washington Stand Staff Report
A. Larry Ross Communications
Adam Andrzejewski - Eagle Forum
Adam Carroll - The Choate News
Adam McCann - WalletHub Financial Writer
Adam McCann, WalletHub Financial Writer
Addie Patterson
Adriana Cohen
Advertisment Ad
Advocacy Center
Advocates for Faith & Freedom
Al Snyder
Alabaster House
Alaina - Palmetto State Watch
Alaina Moore - United Patriots Alliance
Alan Schaurer - Greenville, SC
Alex Newman
Alex Newman - The New American
Alex Newman, The New American
Alex Titus
Alexander Reyes - Right Wire Report
Aliyah Return Center
Allan Brown - Greenville, SC
Allan E. Brown - Greenville, SC
Allan E. Brown – Greenville, SC
Allan E. Parker, Jr.
Allen West
Alliance for Israel Advocacy (AIA)
Allie Van Dyke
Alveda C. King
Alveda King
Alveda King Ministries
Amber Nichols, CECHS Principal
America First Legal
America's Christian Credit Union (ACCU)
America's Future
American Conservative Union Foundation
American Heritage Association
American Heritage Girls
American Legion
American Legion - Taylors, SC
American Legion Department of SC Photographer Gilbert Scales
American Legion Department of SC Photographer, Gilbert Scales
American Legion Department of SC PhotographerGilbert Scales
American Legion Photo by Gilbert Scales
American Legion Photographer Tony Dunn
American Legion Post 214
American Life League
American Policy Center
American Policy Council
American Right to Life
Americans for Citizen Voting
Amnon Weinstein – Founder Violins of Hope
Amy Ammons - Aurora Farms
Amy Mek - Eagle Forum
Ana Artiel Helms
Anderson County Museum
Anderson University
Andra Hopulele -
Andrea Batchelor
Andrew J. Beckner - Anderson University
Angel Studios
Angelina Velazquez - Skyline News
Angeline Tan - The New American
Anglican Office for Government and International Affairs
Anna Owens
Anne Schlafly
Anne Schlafly - Eagle Forum
Anne Schlafly - Eagle Forum Chairman
Anne Schlafly Cori
Anne Schlafly Cori - Chairman, Eagle Forum
Anne Schlafly Cori - Eagle Forum
Anne Schlafly Cori, Chairman, Eagle Forum
Anne Schlafly Cori, Eagle Forum Chairman
Anne Schlafly, Eagle Forum Chairman
Appalachian Youth Missions
April Few
Arielle Del Turco - Family Research Council
Arielle Del Turco and Alaina Cothran - The Washington Stand
Armstrong Williams
Art Moore - World Net Daily
Arthur Hampton
Ashley D. Bell - US SBA
Ashley Landess
Association of Christian Schools International
Atomic Biology Institute
Austin McClelland
Australian Heart Ministries
Author Unknown
Average Steve - Palmetto State Watch
Bang Hall
Barbara Powell
Barbara Wilson
Barbara Wilson - Greenville, SC
Barry Kay
Beaufort Federation of Republican Men
Becket Law
Ben Graydon
Ben Johnson - The Washington Stand
Benton Blount - Greenville County Councilman, District 19
Best Christian Workplaces -
Best Christian Workplaces Institute
Beth Baty
Betsy McCaughey
Betty Creager - Greenville, SC
Bible Gateway
Biblical Archaeology Society
Bill Donohue
Bill Donohue - Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Bill Donohue - Catholic League President
Bill Donohue - President, Catholic League
Bill Donohue, Catholic League President
Bill Donohue, President of Catholic League
Bill Donohue, President, Catholic League
Bill Hahn - The New American
Bill Ivy - John's Island, SC
Bill Kivett
Bill Watkins
Bill Williamson
Billy Cannada - NGU
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA)
Biola University
Bishop E.W. Jackson
BJU Press Release
Blenton Blount
Blue Sunday Child Abuse Prevention Initiative
Bob & Tom Show
Bob Adelann
Bob Adelmann - The New American
Bob Bostwick
Bob Dill
Bob Dill - Founder of The Times Examiner
Bob Dill - Publisher of The Times Examiner
Bob Dill & Gilbert Scales
Bob Dill & Keith Crowe
Bob Dill and Arthur Hampton
Bob Dill and Gilbert Scales
Bob Dill, Publisher
Bob Dill, PublisherBy Bob Dill Eight new Army second Lieutenants were commissioned at Furman University McAlister Auditorium Saturday, May 6th, 2016. Lt. Col. Gregory Scrivens is Professor of Military Science at Furman. Also participating in the ceremony
Bob Dowd
Bob Jones University
Bob Unruh - World Net Daily
Bobby & Erica Woods
Bonita Wells
Bookwell Travel
Bradlee Dean
Bradley Dean
Brandon Scruggs
Brenda Collins
Brenda Jansons
Brett Brocato
Bright Hope
Britfield Institute
Brock Huard - Above & Beyond
Brotherton, Elizabeth
Bryan Fischer - AFA
Burt Prelutsky
By Brenda Jansons, 1LT. USA (Ret)
By Heather Sheen
By Janine Hansen, Eagle Forum National Constitutional Issues Chairman
By John Di Lemme, Founder of Conservative Business Journal
By Jonathan Veit, School of Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences
By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
By Stefan J. Bos, Special Correspondent Worthy News
By Thomas C. Hanson
By Tony Perkins - Family Research Council
By U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint
By Valerie Bishop
C. Mitchell Shaw - The New American
C.J. Baker, M.D. - Eagle Forum
California ProLife
Callahan Burton, Age 17
Calvin Freiburger,
Campus Renewal
Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
Canberra Declaration
Candelaria Productions
Capitol Resource Institute
Capitol Resource Institute (CRI)
Capt. Joseph R. John
Captain Joseph R. John
captvid56 - YouTube
Carlet Auguste
Carmel Communications
Carol A. Hatcher - Watkinsville, GA
Carol Reeves
Carol Reeves - Just Say Something
Caroline McIntyre
Carolyn McLarty - Eagle Forum
Carroll Hughes
Carroll Kelley
Catching Fire News
Catholic League
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Cathy A. Spigarelli - The New American
Cathy Mickels
Cathy Ruse - Family Research Council
CBN News
CBS Sunday Morning
CEC For Life
Center for Christian Statesmanship
Center for Responsive Politics
Chad Kister - Nelsonville, OH
Chandler Tucker
Chantel Hoyt
Charles Creager Jr.
Charles Creager, Jr.
Charles Scaliger - The New American
Charles W. Aiken - Greenville, SC
Charleston Athenaeum Press
Chay Gill - Greenville, SC
Cheryl Cuthrell
Cheryl Teague
Cheryl Teague Cuthrell - URW President
Cheryll Cuthrell
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Children of God for Life
Children's Ministries International, Inc.
China Aid Association
Choose Life of Georgia
Chris Gill - Greenville, SC
Chris Lawton
Chris Sullivan
Chrisitna Jeffrey, Ph.D.
Christian Community Credit Union
Christian Defense Coalition
Christian Freedom International
Christian Gomez - The New American
Christian Learning Centers of Greenville County
Christian Lingua
Christian Medical Association
Christian Medical Association (CMA)
Christian Newswire
Christian Newswire - Alveda King
Christians Engaged
Christians for Personhood
Christina Jeffrey
Christina Jeffrey, Ph.D.
Christopher J Conner
Christopher Sullivan
Chuck Asay
Chuck Baldwin
Church of the Messiah
Church United
Cindy Sullivan
Clayton Morris
Clayton Morris, Redacted
Clemson - The Newstand
Clemson University
Clemson Veterans Project
Clenard Childress Jr.
Cliff Gribick
Cliff Kincaid
Clinton Colmenares - Furman University
Club Champion
Clyde Rector
Coach Dave Daubenmire
Coach Dave LIVE
Colleen Holcomb, President of Eagle Forum
Columbia Christians for Life
Concerned Women for America
Concerned Women for America (CWA)
Confederate Veteran magazine, Vol. XXVII, No. 5, May, 1919
Congressman Chip Roy, R-TX - Eagle Forum
Constitutional Education and Consulting
Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA)
Convention of States Action
Convoy of Hope
Cooke Media Group
Corey A. DeAngelis
Cornerstone Television Network
County Councilman Willis Meadows
Courtesy of Heidi Barnett
Courtesy of VVA
Courtney Montgomery - BJU
Creation Moments Board Chairman Mark Cadwallader
Crown Financial Ministries
Crystal Ellis
CURE America Action
Curtis Loftis - SC Treasurer
Curtis Loftis, State Treasurer of SC
Cyndy Miller
Cynthia Skelton
D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship
D. James Kennedy Ministries
D. Michael DeRidder - The New American
Dallas Woodhouse - The Nerve
Dan Hart
Dan Hart - The Washington Stand
Dan Harvell
Dan McCaleb - Worthy News
Dan Richardson
Dan Titas, ACSC, 4-24-2024, shared with APC from his iAgenda 21 article
Dana Morgan
Daniel McCarthy
Dave Schwartz - FAN of South Carolina
Dave Workman
David B. Lobb - SC MOAA Council
David Brody
David Brody - CBN News
David Brody/CBN News
David Closson - Family Research Council
David E. Rulapaugh
David Green, Founder & CEO of Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.
David Harsanyi
David Kelley - The New American
David Kelly - The New American
David Knapp
David Knapp - Greenville, SC
David Limbaugh
David Sorensen
David Thompson
Day Gardner
Day Gardner - National Black Pro-Life Union
Day Gardner - President of National Black Pro-Life Union
Day Gardner, President of National Black Pro-Life Union
Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union
Day of Tears
Dean Allen
Debbie Spaugh
Deborah Akers
Deborah Bunting - CBN News
Deborah Schwartzkopff - Mcminnville, OR
Denison Forum
Dennis Behreandt - The New American
Dennis E. Neves - Greenville, SC
Dennis Prager
Deputy Jonathan Smith
Devon Williams, daughter of Walter E. Williams
Devvy Kidd
Diana Polk
Diane Hardy
Dianna Zoppa Media
Dianne Mitchell
Dianne Mitchell - Greenville, SC
Dinesh D'Souza
Diocese of South Carolina
Do U Media, LLC
Don Lowry
Don Maresca - Bluffton, SC
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
Double Blessing
Douglas Macgregor
Douglas Macgregor - The American Conservative
Dr. Al Snyder
Dr. Alveda King
Dr. Ben Carper
Dr. Carole Hornsby Haynes
Dr. Christa Krzeminski
Dr. Christina Jeffrey
Dr. Clyde Wilson - via Charleston Athenaeum Press
Dr. Duke Pesta - The New American
Dr. James Dobson
Dr. James Dobson Family Institute
Dr. Jane M. Orient
Dr. Jane Orient
Dr. Joe Carrano
Dr. Joe Haines provided by Charleston Athenaeum Press
Dr. John Seago - Eagle Forum
Dr. Keith Smith
Dr. Lee Vliet
Dr. Richard Amerling
Dr. Robert Malone
Dr. Terry Lee Rude
Dr. Thomas Kendall, Sr.
Dr. Tim Ball - Eagle Forum
Dr. Tony Beam
Dr. William Scott Magill
Dr.Jane M. Orient
Drew McKissick
Dustin Turner
E. Ashley Landess - President, South Carolina Policy Council
Eagle Forum
Eagle Forum Engage
Eagles' Wings
Ealge Forum
Earl Nutz - Greenville, SC
Eastern European Mission
Ed Hiserodt - The New American
Ed Martin
Ed Martin, Phyllis Schalfly Eagles President
Ed Martin, Phyllis Schlafly Eagles
Ed Martin, President of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles
Edward D. Sloan, Jr.
Edward Sloan - Greenville, SC
Elaine Thorp
Eleanor Vaughn
Eleanor Vaughn - GLA
Elizabeth Lee Vilet, M.D.
Elizabeth Lee Vliet
Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D.
Ellen Weaver
Ellen Weaver - Republican Nominee for S.C. Superintendent of Education
Ellen Weaver | State Superintendent of Education
Emmitt Barry - Worthy News Correspondent
Emmitt Barry, Worthy News Correspondent
empty tomb, inc.
EPA Press Office
EPA Press Release
EPIC Agency
Epoch Studios
Erick Erickson
Erick Erickson - The Resurgent
Erick Erickson -
Erin Montgomery
Ethan Huff - Natural News
Eugene Delgaudio - President of Public Advocate
Eugene Kozachenko
Eunie Smith - President, Eagle Forum
Evan Mulch
Evert Headley
Evert M Headley
Evert M. Headley
Every Black Life Matters
Expectant Mother Care
Family Research Council
Family Research Council (FRC)
Family Research Council Staff
Felicity Domentii - RentCafe
FEMA News Desk
First Baptist Church of Dallas
First Foundation, Inc.
FLCC Alliance and Jenna McCarthy
FLCCC Alliance & Jenna McCarthy
Flood Water Productions
Former US Ambassador Chas Freeman
Fountain Inn Museum
Fountain Inn Musuem
Frances Arthur
Frank Allen
Frank Allen - Greenville, SC
Frank Bernard Osteen
Frank Conner
Frank Davis
Frank de Varona
Frank Hall
Frank Hall - Greenville, SC
Frank Hawkins - US Army Retired Intelligence Officer
Frank Raddish
Frank Raddish - Founder/Director Capitol Hill Independent Baptist Ministries
Franklin D. Raddish
Franky Piper
Frederic Bastiat
Free Speech Foundation
Freedom Action Network of SC
Freedom's Journal Institute
Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI)
Friends of the Hunley
Furman University
Garrett Watson, Erica York, William McBride - Tax Foundation
Garrett Watson, Erica York, William McBride, Alex Muresianu, Huaqun Li, Alex Durante - Tax Foundation
Garry Smith
Gary McCullough
Gary McCullough, director of Christian Newswire
Gary Varvel
GCRP Executive Committee Members
Gene Kizer, Jr., Charleston Athenaeum Press
George Washingmachine
Georgia Right to Life
Georgia Right to Life (GRTL)
GFA World
Gil Crouse
Gilbert Scales
Gilbert Scales & Tony Dunn
Gilbert Scales, American Legion
Gilbert Scales, American Legion Dept. of SC
Gilbert Scales, American Legion Post 3
Glassy Mountain Fire Department
Glenn Beck
Glenn D. Bridges
Glenn Gillen
Global Media Outreach
Good Landing Recovery
GOP Presidential
GOP Presidential Staff
GOP Press Release
Gospel for Asia
Grace Clark
Grant Marcum
Greenville County Councilman Benton Blount
Greenville County Councilman Steve Shaw
Greenville County Councilman Willis Meadows
Greenville County GOP
Greenville County Republican Party
Greenville County Republican Women
Greenville County Schools
Greenville Election Commission
Greenville for Life
Greenville GOP
Greenville Patriot Caucus
Greenville Tea Party
Greenville's Saturday Market
Greg Shorey
Greg Shorey - (former S.C. GOP Chm. ‘58 –’61)
Greg Shorey & Gale
Guest Column by Steve Haynie
H. K. Edgerton
H.K. Edgerton
Hamilton Strategies
Hannah Hill - SC Policy Council
Harlan Hill
Harold “Hal” Shurtleff
Harry Kibler
Harry Kibler - Founder of RINO Hunt, Pelzer, SC
Harvest Hope Food Bank
Heather Fleming - Water Mission
Heather Sheen
Helga Rogers
Helga Rogers Kelley
Henry Lamb
Henry Pickard
Henry Timrod 654 Children of the Confederacy
Henry Timrod 654, Children of the Confederacy
HK Edgerton
Holly Sheen
Home Educators Association of Virginia (HEAV)
Hope Summers
House Energy Action Team
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy - The Washington Stand
Hugh McInnish - Huntsville, AL
Human Life International
ICON Media Group
If U Love Me
InChrist Communications
Infinity Concepts
Informed Consent Action Network
Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)
Inspire PR Agency
Institute for Faith & Culture
Institute for Faith and Culture
Institute of Judicial Conduct
Institute on Religion & Democracy
International Committee on Nigeria (ICON)
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
International Multi-Faith Coalition (The IMFC)
International Samaritan
Isaac Newton Project
J. Don Rodgers
J. Steven Wilkins
J.C. Worthington - Taylors, SC
Jack Baudion - News10
Jack D. Smith, Jr.
Jack Marlar
Jack Schewel - Abbeville Institute
Jacki Garbinsky
Jackie Juntti
Jacque Bruce
Jacqueline Arnold/Sweet Life USA Publishing
James "Chip" Moore
James "Chip" Moore and Bob Dill
James Aldridge
James Aldridge - Anderson, SC
James Anthony - The Post Millennial
James Dobson
James F. Aldridge - Anderson, SC
James M. Spurck
James Moore
James Murphy - The New American
James Murphy - The New American
James Spurck
James Spurck and Terry Thacker
James Spurck, Managing Editor
James Spurck, Publisher
James Spurck, Publisher - Opinion
James Whitfield - Clear Creek, Iowa
Jan and Carroll Hughes missionaries to the native Americans in Arizona
Jan Jekielek - The Epoch Times
Jan Kendall
Jane M. Orient
Janice Butler
Janine Hansen - Eagle Forum
Janine Hansen, Eagle Forum National Constitutional Issues Chairman
Jared Bridges - Editor-in-Chief of The Washington Stand
Jared Bridges - The Washington Stand
Jared Walczak - Tax Foundation
Jayne Ferrer
Jayne Jaudon Ferrer
Jeff Haladay
Jeff Lynch Ad
Jeff West
Jeffrey West
Jenna McCarthy
Jennifer Majors
Jennifer Sawyer
Jennifer Wills
Jerry Patterson
Jess Dennis -
Jim and Nancy Page - Greenville, SC
Jim Barbare
Jim Brooks
Jim Brooks - Roebuck, SC
Jim Forbes
Jim Freeland
Jim Gaston - Greenville, SC
Jim Jarvis
Jim M. Collard - South Carolina
Jim S. Brooks
Jim S. Brooks - Roebuck, S.C.
Jim S. Brooks - Roebuck, SC
Jim Wilkie
Jinger Kelly
Joan Holleman Brown, Writer for the Summerville Journal Scene, Summerville, S.C.
Joanna Martin, J.D.
Joanna Martin, J.D., "Publius Huldah"
Joanna Martin, J.D., "Publius Huldah" or "PH"
Jocelyn Givens - American College of Rheumatology
Joe Dill - GCRP 1st Vice Chairman
Joe Jackson - Republican National Committee
Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. - The New American
Johan Deckmyn (Brussels, Belgium))
John & Andy Schlafly
John and Andy Schlafly
John B. Casoria
John Bennett, Vice-President, Understanding The Threat
John Birch Society
John D. Guandolo - Understanding the Threat
John Daniel Davison - The Federalist
John Di Lemme, Founder of Conservative Business Journal
John F. McManus - New American
John F. McManus - The New American
John H Utz - Greenville SC
John H. Utz
John H. Utz - Greenville SC
John H. Utz - Greenville, SC
John Hagee
John Mac Ghlionn - The Epoch Times
John Murphy
John Porter - Harrison, Arkansas
John Porter - Harrison, Arkansas 72601
John S Kiernan, WalletHub Managing Editor
John Stosell
John Utz - Greenville SC
John Utz - Greenville, SC
John Warren - SC Conservative Future
John Warren - SC's Conservative Future
Johnelle Raines - Pickens, SC
Johnnelle Raines
Johnnelle Raines - COTU Leadership Team
Johnnelle Raines - Pickens County, SC
Johnnelle Raines - Pickens SC
Johnnelle Raines - Pickens, SC
Johnnelle Raines - Upstate Regional Leader SCPIE
Johnnelle Raines , Pickens SC
Johnnelle Raines, Board Member USPIE
Johns Hopkins University - SSE
Jon Levine - New York Post
Jonah Bennett
Jonathan Sciano - Former Air Force Sergeant
Jonathan Veit, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences; Public Service and Agriculture
Jones Literary
Jonny Gamet - Assistant Athletic Director for Communications and Marketing
Jonny Gamet - BJU
Jordan Drischler
Joseph Backholm - The Washington Stand
Joseph Jackson - RNC
Joseph M Bianchi
Joseph M Bianchi - Greenville, SC
Joseph M. Bianchi
Joseph Mercola - The Epoch Times
Joseph Opager
Joseph Project International
Josh Hammer
Joshua Arnold
Joshua Arnold - Family Research Council
Joshua Arnold - The Washington Stand
Joshua Cook - Travelers Rest, SC
Joshua Goodwin
Joshua Philips - Crossroads
Josiah Magnuson
Josiah Magnuson - SC House Representative for District 38
Joy Stockbauer - The Washington Stand
Joy Stockbauer and Mary Szoch
Joyce Kamen - V.P. with FLCCC
Joyce Worthington
JPII Life Center
Juanita Smith
Judge Andrew Napolitano
Judge Napolitano
Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom
Judge Napolitano & Ray McGovern
Judi Caler
Judicial Action Group (JAG)
Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch - Corruption Chronicles
Judicial Watch's Weekly Update
Judith A. Tanzola
Julia Barnes
Juliette Kozak
Just Say Something
K. Cole Communications
K.D. Hastings - The Washington Stand
Karen Faulkner - Worthy News Correspondent
Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent
Karen Floyd
Karen Rogers
Karen V. S. Rogers
Kari Lake
Karl Day
Kat Stansell - American Policy Center
Katherine Loughead - Tax Foundation
Katherine Loughead - Tax Foundations
Kathleen Marquardt
Kathleen Marquardt - American Policy Center
Kathleen Marquardt - Catching Fire News
Kathleen Marquardt, American Policy Council
Kathy Scales Crouse
Katie Casey - Club Champion
Kearney Smith - Green Mountain, NC
Keisha Wham
Keith Crowe
Keith Crowe & Bob Dill
Kelly Rowe
Ken Hausman - Sarasota, FL
Ken Hemm
Kenneth Chan - The Washington Stand
Kevin White
Kieth Crowe
Kim Cox
Kitty Werthmann
Kris Ullman - Eagle Forum
Kris Ullman - President of Eagle Forum
Kris Ullman, President, Eagle Forum
Kristen A. Ullman - Eagle Forum President
Kristen A. Ullman, Eagle Forum President
Kristen A. Ullman, President, Eagle Forum
Kristen Levesque
Kristina Twitty - Eagle Forum National Issues Chair for Bioethics
LaDonna Ryggs
Lamar McCarrell
Landon Mion -
Lara Kaufmann
Larry & Amanda Anderson
Larry Durham
Larry Elder
Larry Greenley - The New American
Larry Johnson
Laura Baumgartner
Laura Belknap
Laura Hollis
Laura Orrico Public Relations, LLC
Laverne Howell - NGU
Learn Northeast
Lee B. Miller
Legonier Ministries
Lela Gilbert - Family Research Council
Lela Gilbert & Arielle Del Turco
Lelia King, Build Carolina
Lenna Smith
Let Them Live
Lew Perry
Lewis Vaughn
Lewis Vaughn - Greer, SC
Lewis Vaughn, SC Sen., Ret.
Liberty & Justice Consulting Firm
Liberty Counsel
Liberty Sentinel
Life Dynamics
Life Legal Defense Foundation
Life Research Institute
Ligonier Ministries
Lillian K. Ansley
Linda R. Thigpen
Lindsay Haynie
Lindsey Anderson
Lisa Price
Locke Media
Lodonna Riggs
Lois Gates - Greenville, SC
Lois Gates - Travelers Rest, SC
Lt. Gen. (US Army-Ret.) William G. Boykin
Lucelle Raad - Sarasota, FL
Luis Miguel - The New American
Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.
Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. - Arizona Today
Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. - Host and Commentator
Lyle Rapacki, Ph.D
Lynne M Taylor - American Policy Center
Lynne Taylor - Catching Fire News
Lynz Piper-Loomis - Candidate for U.S. Congress, SC-01
Lynz Piper-Loomis For Congress
Lynz Piper-Loomis LLC
Lynz Piper-Loomis, candidate for U.S. Congress, SC-01
Magda Aguila
Maj. Ralph Stoney Bates, Sr., USMC (Ret)
Major General Donald A. McGregor, USAF (Ret.) - The New American
Make America Great Press
Make-A-Wish South Carolina
Malaine Reed
Managing Editor
Manifold Productions, Inc.
Manuel Ybarra, Jr.
Manuel Ybarra, Jr. - Coalgate, OK
Marc Morano – Eagle Forum Report
March of Dimes
Maria Brady - Boiling Springs Tea Party, SC
Marilyn M. Singleton
Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD
Marilyn Singleton
Marilyn Stewart, NOBTS
Marjorie Jackson - The Washington Stand
Mark Lerner - The Constitutional Alliance
Mark Lewis
Marlene Dowd
Martha R. Van Schaick
Mary Ballinger
Mary Bellinger
Mary Kathryn Colbert
Mary Margaret Olohan - The Daily Signal
Mary Szoch - Family Research Council
Mary Szoch - The Washington Stand
Mary Szoch - Washington Update
Mary Szoch & Arielle Del Turco - The Washington Stand
MaryAnn Steinmetz
Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jerry Jimenez, Navy Office of Community Outreach
Matrix Productions
Matt Carpenter - Washington Stand
Matthew Boyle - Breitbart
Matthew J. Hayduk
Max Olson Chasing
Maximilien Robespierre
Maya Badman & Jeff Lockridge - U-Haul
McMaster for Governor
Meg Kilgannon - Family Research Council
Meg Kinnard, Associated Press
Messianic Jewish Alliance of America
Michael Barone
Michael Berry - Eagle Forum Report
Michael Gaddy
Michael J. LaPierre
Michael LaPierre
Michael Shealy - Leesville, SC
Michael Tennant - The New American
Michael Welch
Michele Bachmann - Family Research Council
Michell Malkin
Michelle Anderson - Greenville, SC
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkins
Michelle Mancini - Bluffton, SC
Michelle Rogier Shuman - Greenville County
Michelle Shuman - Greenville County
Michelle Shuman - Greenville, SC
Mihaela Buzec - RentCafe
Mike Couch
Mike LaPierre
Mike LaPierre – On the Record
Mike Scruggs
Mikki Willis
Military Bible Association
Mimi Nguyen Ly - The Epoch Times
Ministry Brands
Miracle Hill
Miracle Hill Ministries
Missey Marsh - Candidate, GCS Board of Trustees
Mission To Myanmar
Mitch Dobrenen
Mitchell Gunter
MOAA Press Release
Moms for America
Moms For America Action
Moms for Liberty
Mona Charen
Moody Bible Institute
Mountain Gateway
MTS Management Group
Muriel Larson
Museum of the Bible
Nancy Bostrom
Nancy H. Click
Nate Leupp
Nate Leupp - Chairman, GCGOP
Nate Leupp - Greenville GOP
Nate Leupp, Chairman of the 4th Congressional District
Nate Leupp, Chairman of the Fourth Congressional District
Nate Leupp, Chairman of the Fourth Congressional District, SCGOP
Nate Leupp, Greenville GOP Chairman
Nathan Earle
National Association of Evangelicals
National Black Church Initiative
National Black Pro-Life Coalition
National Black Pro-Life Union
National Federation of Republican Women
National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum
National Law Enforcement Museum
National Prayer Luncheon for Life
Navy Office of Community Outreach
Neil Patel
Nevada Family Alliance
New American TV
New Jersey Right to Life (NJRTL)
NFRW Press Release
NGU - Press Release
NGU Press Release
NGU Report
Nick Arama - Red State
Nigel Jones - The Spectator
Nikki Saylors
Nikki Warner
Nite Line
Nite Line - WGGS TV-16
Nite Line - WGGS-TV
Nite Line Press Release
NiteLine Press Release
No Kill South Carolina
North Greenville University
Northern Colorado Look Up Celebration
NorthRidge Church
Office of US Senator Tim Scott
Old Guard Republic
Oliver North
Oliver North & David L. Goetsch
One Million Souls Campaign
One Tax For All
OneShare Health
Open Doors USA
Operation Outcry
Operation Rescue
Our Faith Under Fire
P. Henry
Palmetto State Watch
Pam Durham
Pam Evans
Parental Rights Foundation
Paris Mtn. Country Club
Pastor Don Lowry
Pastor S.E. Broden & Dr. Randy Short, M.Div.
Pastor Stephen Broden, Executive Director, Content of Character Series
Pastor Stephen E. Broden - Fair Park Bible Fellowship
Pastor William Green
Pat Buchanan
Pat Carlson, Eagle Forum Environmental Chairman
Pat Carlson, Environmental Chairman, Eagle Forum
Patricia Tolson - The Epoch Times
Patrick Haddon
Patriot's Legal Defense Fund
Patti Black
Patty McMurray - Gateway Pundit
Paul Dragu - The New American
Paul Guy
Paul Howell
Paul Martin - Focus on the Family
Pearl Fredricks Drenckpohl
Personhood Alliance
Pete Bellinger
Peter Butchart
Peter LaBarbera - WND
Peter Navarro
Peter Rykowski - The New American
Phil Clark
Phil Clark - Just Say Something
Phil Watson
Phillip Clark
Phillip Clark - CEO, Just Say Something
Photo By Bob Dill
Phyllis Schalfly Eagles
Phyllis Schlafley
Phyllis Schlafly
Phyllis Schlafly Eagles
Phyllis Schlafly's Sons
Phyllis Schlafy
Piedmont Women's Center
Post 214
Post 214 Photo
Prentiss & Christiana Kendall - Greenville, SC (19 & 21 year old daughters of Dr. Thomas Kendall)
Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast, Inc.
Press Releas
Press Release
Press Secretary - The White House
Pressley Stutts
Prison Fellowship
Prison Fellowship International
Prison Fellowship International (PFI)
Project Veritas
Public Advocate
Public School Exit
Publisher Bob Dill
Publius Huldah -
Pure Flix
R. Cort Kirkwood - The New American
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.
Rabbi Dov Fischer
Randall Terry
Randy Page - BJU
Raquel Sheen
Raquelle Sheen
Raqyelle Sheen
Ratio Christi
Raven Clabough - The New American
Ray Sheen
Ray Simmons
realMedia Newswire
Rebecca Terrell - The New American
Red Skelton
Redacted with Clayton Morris
Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
Region IV Director Renee Ellmers
Reid Lehman - Miracle Hill President/CEO
Remote Area Medical
Rep. Mike Burns
Rep. Tommy Stringer
Republican National Committee
Retirement Reformation
Rev. David A. Newberry
Rev. Robert Slimp
Rev. Rusty Thomas, Director of Elijah Ministries
Rev. Thomas Littleton
Rhett Burns
Richard Amerling
Richard Cash
Richard Harris - Executive Director, Truth & Liberty Coalition
Richard Harris, Executive Director of the Truth & Liberty Coalition
Richard Harris, Executive Director, Truth & Liberty Coalition
Rick Brundrett - The Nerve
Rick Brundrett from "The Nerve"
Rob Pue - Wisconsin Christian News
Rob Schwarzwalder - The Washington Stand
Robert H. Johnson - Greer, SC
Robert Ryggs
Robert Slimp
Robert W Malone MD, MS
Robert W. Malone MD, MS
Robin Itzler - Editor of Patriot Neighbors
Robin M. Itzler - American Thinker
Robin M. Itzler's - American Thinker
Robyn Small
Rock Springs Baptist Church
Rod Bishop, Ron Scott, Ph.D. and Mike Rose - STARRS
Rod Dreher - The American Conservative
Rollis Smith
Roman Balmakov - Epoch TV
Ron Tamaccio - Greenville, SC
Ronald Hall
Rosemary Reed
Rosenberg Report
Roy Gullick
Rudy Jones
Rusty L. Thomas - founder American Reformation Church
Ruth Moreno - Family Research Council
Ryan Hite, Phyllis Schlafly Eagles
S.A. McCarthy - The Washington Stand
S.C. Department of Commerce
Sabal Homes
Salena Zito
Sam Manley
Samaritan's Purse
Sandy Krebs - Greenville, SC
Sanuel L. Blumenfeld
Sarah Courtney
Sarah Holliday - The Washington Stand
Sarah J. Mercado
Sarah Justice - South Carolina Bar
Sarah Shoemaker
Save a Life International Life
Save the Storks
Save Unborn Life
SBA Press Release
SC Association for Justice
SC Carolina Policy Council
SC Depart. of Commerce
SC Depart. of Revenue
SC Department of Commerce
SC Department of Juvenile Justice
SC Dept. of Commerce
SC Freedom Caucus
SC GOP Press Release
SC Gov. Henry McMaster
SC Gov. Mark Sanford
SC Governor's Office
SC House Freedom Caucus
SC Lt. Governor's Office
SC MOAA Council
SC Policy Council
SC Rep. Bobby Cox
SC Rep. Jonathan Hill
SC Rep. Josiah Magnuson
SC Safe Elections -
SC State Treasurer Curtis Loftis
SC Treasurer Curtis Loftis
SC Treasurer Curtis M. Loftis, Jr.
SC Treasurer's Office
Scott Crosby
Scott Rasmussen
Scott Tillman - U.S. Term Limits
Scott Tillman, U.S. Term Limits
SCPIE President, Sheri Few
Selwyn Duke - The New American
Sen. Shane Martin
Serve & Connect
Shannon McKenney
Sheldon Richman
Sheri Few - Republican Candidate, SC Superintendent of Education
Sheri Few - USPIE
Shirley LaGarde
Shomer Peeple
Sid Miller, Texas Agriculture Commissioner via Eagle Forum
Sight & Sound
Slavic Gospel Association
Slavic Gospel Association (SGA)
Sonny Perdue
Sonny Perdue, US Secretary of Agriculture
South Carolina Freedom Caucus
South Carolina Policy Council
Sovereign Right Hand Throne Films
Staff Report
Staff Reporter
Stanton Healthcare
Stanton Public Policy Center
Stanton Public Policy Center/Purple Sash Revolution
Star Parker
Staying True to America’s National Destiny
Stefan J. Bos - Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
Stefan J. Bos, Special Correspondent Worthy News
Stephen Brown
Stephen Bryant
Stephen Gardner
Stephen H. Balch - National Review
Stephen Mauriello MSW, LMSW
Stephen Moore
Stephen Rivers -
Steve Baldwin - Renewal Nation
Steve Bonta - The New American
Steve Bradley - Clemson
Steve Byas
Steve Byas - The New American
Steve Byas, The New American
Steve Groeninger
Steve Haynie
Steve Jones
Steve Lefemine
Steve Lefemine - Christian Pro-Life Missionary
Steve Lefemine - Christians for Personhood
Steve Lefemine - Columbia Christians for Life
Steve Meyer - American Policy Center
Steve Sabato
Steve Sabato - SmartAsset
Steve Wohlberg
Steve Wong
Steven Hawkins - Freelance writer from Greenville SC
Steven Hawkins - Greenville SC
Steven Hawkins - Greenville SC.
Steven Hawkins - Greenville, SC
Steven Haynie and J. Don Rogers
Steven Yates
Stew Peters Show
Stop Prop 1
Stop World Control
Stuart McClure
Submission from Dan Richardson
Subscriber Written
Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
Susan B. Anthony List
Susan Clark - GCS
Susan Clarke
Susan Forbes - OneBlood
Susan McLaughlin
Susan McLaughlin - South Carolina Aquarium
Susan Quindag
Suzanna Dye
Suzanne Bowdey
Suzanne Bowdey - Family Research Council
Suzanne Bowdey - The Washington Stand
Suzanne Smith
Tabitha Walter - Eagle Forum
Tabitha Walter - Eagle Forum
Tabitha Walter, Eagle Forum
Talbert Black, Jr. - Palmetto Liberty
Tammy Chumley
Tammy Hughes
Tammy Johnston
Tasha Byrd
Task & Purpose
Tax Foundation
Taylors American Legion Post 214
TC Public Relations
Ted Nugent
Ted Pittenger - Samaritan Ministries International
Teri Donahoo
Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network
Terry M. Thacker
Terry M. Thacker, Times Examiner Reporter
Terry Odom - Piedmont, SC
Terry Payne - Marble, NC
Terry Rude
Terry Thacker
Texans for Life
Texas Alliance for Life
The Abortion Survivors Network
The American Legion Post 214
The American Prize
The Book Experts
The Bucket Ministry
The Charlie Kirk Show
The Church Initiative, Inc.
The Citadel
The Clemson Newsstand
The Daily Caller News Foundation Editorial Board
The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
The Frederick Douglas Foundation
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
The House Ministry Center
The Influence Lab
The John Birch Society
The Justice Foundation
The KAIROS Company
The Marriage Initiative
The National Day of Prayer Task Force
The Nerve
The New American
The New American - 9-23-13
The Old Schoolhouse®
The Presidential Prayer Team
The Restoration Project
The reThink Group
The Salt & Light Council
The Salvation Poem Project
The SC Freedom Caucus
The Science Dilemma
The South Carolina Republican Liberty Caucus
The Sovereignty Coalition
The Stew Peters Show
The Times Examiner
The Times Examiner Staff
The Tulsi Gabbard Show
The White House
The Why Files
Theresa Hubbard, Eagle Forum National Security Issues Chairman
Theresa Kizer
Thomas Barilovits
Thomas C. Hanson
Thomas C. Hanson & Bob Dill
Thomas Ciesielka
Thomas Hanson
Thomas More Law Center
Thomas More Society
Thomas Sowell
Tiffany Mauk
Tim Graham
Tim Henderson - Stateline
Tim Tebow Foundation
Times Examiner Report
Tina Sayward
Tom Corbin
Tom DeWeese
Tom DeWeese - American Policy Center
Tom DeWeese - American Policy Council
Tom DeWeese - Catching Fire News
Tom DeWeese, President American Policy Center
Tom Hanson
Tom McClain - Cameron, SC
Tom Mullen Talks Freedom
Tony A. Dunn
Tony A. Dunn & Stuart McClure
Tony Beam
Tony Dunn
Tony Dunn & Bonita Wells
Tony Dunn & Gilbert Scales
Tony Dunn & Haylie Guthrie
Tony Dunn & Stuart McClure
Tony Perkins
Tony Perkins - Famiiy Research Council
Tony Perkins - Family Research Council
Tony Perkins - The Washington Stand
Tony Perkins - Washington Update
Tony Perkins's Washington Update
Tonya Cunningham - South Carolina
Trail Life USA
Trais Graham
Travelers Rest Police Department
Travis Weber
Travis Weber & Arielle Del Turco - Family Research Council
Trayce Bradford, Eagle Forum Issue Chairman Opposing Human Trafficking
Trial Lawyers for Justice
Trinity Broadcast Network
Troops & Allies
Troy Newman - President of Operation Rescue
TRPD Press
Trump Campaign
Truth & Liberty Coalition
Truth and Liberty Coalition
Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson - Fox News
Tucker Carlson & Neil Patel
Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel
Turning Point Ministries
Ty McCollam
U.S. Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX) - Eagle Forum Report
U.S. Election Assistance Commission
U.S. Parents Involved in Education
U.S. Term Limits
Unchained Leader
United Housing Connections
United Patriots Alliance
United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps - Guadalcanal Squadron
Upstate Republican Women
Upward Sports
US House Energy and Commerce Committee
US House Speaker Paul Ryan
US Rep. Jeff Duncan
US Rep. Jeff Duncan Congressional Office
US Rep. Jeff Duncan Office
US Rep. Jeff Duncan's Office
US Rep. Joe Wilson
US Small Business Administration
USA Christian Church
USPIE Action
Vanessa Morrone
Vans for Life
Veronika Kyrylenko - The New American
Veronique de Rugy
Victorious Family
Vietnam Veterans of America
Vivian Bradbum - Union, SC
Vivian Bradburn - Union, SC
Voice of the Martyrs
VVA Chapter 523
W. H. Lamb
W.H. Lamb
Walter D. Kennedy
Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III, Commander, United States Navy, Retired
Walter McSherry
Walter Williams
Warren Mass - The New American
Washington Center
Waters for Delegate
Weston Y. Loyd
Weston Y. Loyd - The White House
White House Release
William F. Jasper
William F. Jasper - The New American
William F. Jasper | The New American
William Jasper - The New American
William Jeynes
William McBride - Tax Foundation
William Murchison
William Pillow
William Thompson - Greenville, SC
William Warren
William Wood Jr.
Williams F. Jasper
Williams Timmons
Willis Meadows
Winston McCuen
Winston McCuen - Landrum, S.C.
Winston McCuen - South Carolina
Winston McCuen - Ware Shoals
Winston McCuen - Ware Shoals, SC
WMAC Press Release
Women for Trump
Women of Grace
Women's Rights Without Frontiers
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Worthy News
Worthy News’ George Whitten and Stefan J. Bos
Yusuf JP Saleeby MD & Dr. Keith Berkowitz - The FLCCC Alliance Community
Yvonne Julian - Greenville, SC
Zadie Oleksiw
Zoe Warren - The New American