By Eagle Forum

Limbaugh Schlafly

Eagle Forum joins millions throughout the country in mourning the passing of the inimitable Rush Limbaugh.

Rush embodied the spirit of the country he loved so much.  He was a brilliant pioneer who gave a voice to those scorned by liberal politicians and cultural elites, hardworking Americans who value faith, family and freedom. 

Eagle Forum’s beloved founder, Phyllis Schlafly, once told me that she was “not a hugger.”  She particularly recoiled at overly-affectionate politicians.  However, she would note . . .there were exceptions.  Rush was one of the few people on the national stage Phyllis actually wanted to hug!

Phyllis loved the above photo, taken in 1996, because Rush and she were kindred spirits, both gifted with superior insights and intellect and committed to hard work and excellence in service to America.

While Rush is irreplaceable, we, at Eagle Forum, commit to honor him by continuing to advance the liberating cause of conservatism. 

During this time, on behalf of the thousands of families we represent throughout the country, we send our prayers and sincere condolences to Rush’s wife, Kathryn, his brother, David, a beloved friend of Eagle Forum, and the entire Limbaugh family.


Colleen Holcomb, President
Eagle Forum

Kathryn Limbaugh honored Rush and his audience by personally sharing the news of his death on the February 17, 2021 episode of his radio program. Click here to hear her touching tribute.

Hits: 1910