By Eagle Forum

Thanks to your efforts, Senate Leader McConnell is holding a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S. 130) on Monday, February 25th. This vote is critical to hold medical professionals accountable for keeping babies alive who survive a failed abortion attempt.

CapitolExtreme abortion legislation has popped up in several states this year, with New York officially passing a bill that would allow third-trimester abortions while repealing any born alive provisions. Despicable comments made by pro-abortion lawmakers have indicated that they would allow babies to die even if they were born alive. This is an issue beyond abortion; it is infanticide.

This should be a commonsense bill that should not depend on party politics. A recent poll found that 77% of Americans support these protections. However, Senate Democrats have already blocked the vote six times. It is time that your elected Senators stand up for life.

No matter your Senators’ political party, they must hear from you. Please call or email your Senators to urge them to vote “YES” on S. 130, the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act.

Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Email your Senators
Hits: 2011