By Eagle Forum

Congress is voting this week to raise the federal government spending caps by $360.8 trillion. Democrats’ Investing for the People Act (H.R. 2021) is just a way to drive our country into more debt to advance their agenda.

Since the Budget Control Act of 2011 was passed, the spending caps have been raised four times. Congress should be cutting spending, not raising it. Recently, the United States’ debt reached $22 trillion. Any business or individual who would incur that amount of debt would have to file for bankruptcy. This is exactly where our nation is headed if our elected officials are not able to reign in spending. 

Congress continues to fund unnecessary and failed programs like Planned Parenthood and Head Start. Recently, a report showed that the federal government spent $4.6 million on lobster tails last September. The American people should not be forced shoulder the weight of the government’s reckless spending.

Please call or email your Representative and ask them to oppose H.R. 2021.

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