By Eagle Forum
This Tuesday, after a year of extensive research and discussion with industry experts, House members of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) released their healthcare plan. Entitled, “A Framework for Personalized, Affordable Care,” the plan’s main goal is to empower individual Americans in their healthcare decisions.
Highlights of the plan include: 

It is encouraging that Republicans are seeking real solutions to some of the problems facing the healthcare industry, like affordability, rather than let the Democrat narrative take the lead. Democratic plans are a one-size-fits-all approach in the form of socialized medicine that will harm, not help Americans. Their Medicare for All Act of 2019 combines all health insurance, including current government healthcare programs like Medicare and Medicaid, into one single comprehensive (primary and specialty care) system. Unlike the RSC plan, Medicare for All will not allow individuals to control their healthcare decisions and they will be forced to receive less than quality care. 

Eagle Forum applauds RSC for working on an alternate plan that actually benefits Americans. We look forward to seeing the implementation of the plan as it is formed into legislation.

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