By W.H. Lamb
Category: W.H. Lamb
An Appeal to Divine Providence
An appeal to Divine Providence. A bronze sculpture of founding fathers John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson, by sculptor Stan Watts.

Last time I began a discussion centered on a sermon that one of our great “Heroes of the Faith”—and a personal hero of mine—delivered many years ago while he was Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  I refer, of course, to Rev. Dr. D. James Kennedy (1930-2007), one of the finest examples of Christian patriots our nation ever produced, and one of God’s great and devoted servants his entire life after his Christian conversion.  (Just for information:  the “D” in Dr. Kennedy’s name stands for “Dennis”; and yes, Dennis J. Kennedy was a dance instructor for a time for Arthur Murray Dance Studio).  I’ll remind you again that I’ll be  using my own words as much as possible in this article, but I will refer to his words or paraphrase them when I must, to clarify the point he was trying to make in his sermon titled: REMEMBER.  I’ll do my best to communicate his thoughts from that memorable message he delivered to his congregation at Coral Ridge Church so long ago.


Dr. Kennedy was a great student of American history, and he seemed to especially admire that group of stalwart Christian Separatists called “Pilgrims”, so we’ll begin to examine more of God’s “Providential” miracles with that brave band.

The Pilgrims set sail soon thereafter, attempting to go further to the south where the climate was warmer (it was late November/early December, 1620 by this time), but their Heavenly Father had other plans for them, and providentially “He that rides  upon the storms blew again and the waves rose up and fell, and the wind blew, and the Mayflower turned around and headed north and returned to Plymouth (originally Pawtuxet)—the ONLY place where they could have survived (due to the scarcity of the original inhabitants).

However, they were observed by a Tory woman who saw the evacuation in progress, and she sent her servant to the British forces to warn them that Washington’s army was escaping.  When the servant arrived and began to warn the first troops he came into contact with, they couldn’t understand one word he said, for he had arrived squarely in the HESSIAN LINES—the German mercenaries who were hired by the British king to fight for him against the Americans. Neither could understand the other, and by the time that a translator was found in the morning, Washington and his army had escaped.  “He that rides  upon the sea had blown again.”   God had provided TWO miracles that one night! 

It seems apparent to me, at least, that “the invisible hand of Him who plants his footsteps on the sea and rides upon the storm…brought us to this land of freedom.”  That’s what Dr. Kennedy said, and I believe it.  There are many more examples just during our War of the Revolution about God’s providential miracles, especially how He seemed to protect General Washington from harm during battles when his horse was shot out from under him, when musket balls passed through his coat or uniform, but never a serious scratch was incurred.  Could our Heavenly Father have been preserving George Washington for another, greater task in the years after the Revolution?  With the benefit of hindsight it is obvious that the answer to that question is “yes”! 


It is a clear lesson both of Biblical teaching and of our history that God protects and liberates both people and nations that obey and honor Him.  Scoffers may declare that providential “miracles” are just random “co-incidences”; I prefer to think of them as “God-incidences” and not “random” at all.  We as Christians know that as long as we stay vigilant, neither Satan nor his “gang” can prevail.  Why is that? Satan can’t prevail against us because by the power of God’s Holy Spirit Christians have total power.  On the other hand, we also know that God does allow the “God of this world”—Satan—the Devil—Old Nick—Beelzebub--whatever he has been called through history—to EXIST among us.  What does that infer?  Well, it seems to me that when a nation—like the U.S. for example—a nation once proud of its constitutional freedoms and endowed with multiple blessings—loses its vigilance, its concern for righteous living, its desire to protect the helpless (the unborn, for example) and provide untold opportunities for its people to excel—when such a nation becomes “lukewarm” and turns away from God at an increasingly rapid pace, just as OUR nation has done, after a certain time of “patience” and calling that nation—us—to repentance, God will surely remove His hand of protection and will allow Satan—who despises ALL of humankind—to drive that nation to destruction and certain enslavement of its people. 

How close are we to that time of “destruction and enslavement”?  I can only respond to that question by observing that we, as a nation, are much closer to the precipice of destruction than we were before the evil administration of the Marxist/progressive Comrade Joe Biden came on the scene.    (In fact, some patriots believe that our nation has already gone over that “precipice”.)  It is obvious that Biden and his Klan of New Bolsheviks are hell-bent (literally and figuratively) on the destruction of our free enterprise economic system that gave such a high standard of living to so many of us for so long, and are willingly doing the “bidding” of their masters in The Council on Foreign Relations, the no longer very hidden globalists of the “Deep State” and its “New World Order”, and are kowtowing to the commands of that fascist wanna-be tyrant, Klaus Schwab and his truly sinister World Economic Forum.  Most informed Americans know that we have been on a “downhill slide” as a nation for many decades, and Comrade Biden and his band of Merry Marxists are only one symptom of our long-festering national ROT. 

The evil Fascists of the World Economic Forum, as they plot their “Great Reset of Mankind” from Davos, Switzerland, and the equally evil Fascists who direct The Council on Foreign Relations  in its quest for their long sought “New World Order” (a goal so loved by our late President, CFR member George H.W. Bush), are but symptoms of a great Satanic EVIL that has enslaved and confused the minds and souls of Americans, and sadly many Christians, for generations.  They—we all—are being dragged, mostly unknowingly, into the fatal pit of political and religious CONFUSION and ever-increasing susceptibility to the lies and deceits of the Evil One who works through those entities mentioned above. 

Our Founding generation gave us the underpinnings of a free enterprise system, and more freedoms and blessings than we could count.  These things, in reality, were the results of their love for and commitment to Jesus the Messiah, and during their Revolutionary War they declared that they had “no king but King Jesus”.  We need that same spirit this very day, for if we as Americans determine that Jesus the Messiah is not our LORD, then the “vacuum” will be filled by some other “lords” not of our choosing, and the reality of “Hell on Earth” will be upon  us!

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