By ChinaAid

ChinaAid LogoChinaAid works closely with sources in China to expose abuses of human rights, religious freedom, and rule of law since 2002. While not an exhaustive list of cases, ChinaAid's research represents one of the most comprehensive and accurate overviews of persecution.

Throughout 2021, ChinaAid observed escalated oppression of house churches through economic and violent means, as well as coordinated efforts against Christian education.

Bob Fu, President and Founder of ChinaAid and one of the world leaders for persecuted faith communities in China, commented on the trends:

"Our report further confirms that the CCP's war against religious freedom and independent faith communities intensified in 2021. The international community should be concerned about the concentrated effort against children in China that restricts access to religious information and religious education, especially Christian literature. This clearly violates both the children's and parents' rights as enshrined in various international legal norms for safeguarding children's religious freedom. These dramatic measures solidify the widespread atheistic brainwashing within China's state-controlled educational system."

Despite the numerous cases studied, ChinaAid discovered that many experiences of lived persecution were underreported to overseas groups. This leads ChinaAid to conclude that 2021 might have been one of the worst years for religious freedom in recent history.


Read the full report here.

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