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Monday, January 13, 2025 - 02:06 AM


First Published in 1994


The Democrat Party is now waxing Marxian and Gramscian communist, as the Republican Party, in response, is waxing populist. For deep, structural, moral, spiritual, and political-institutional reasons we would need political-philosophical geniuses like Augustine and Calhoun to explain to us, the days of more moderate and peaceful politics in the United States are now gone forever. 

While outright communists like Harris and Walz are at the head of the Democrat Party just now, they are not, of course, the actual head or leaders of that Party. Real power among the Dems emanates from the same shadowy, deep-state actors who tried recently, by a useful and expendable proxy, to assassinate the Dem’s dread pariah, Donald Trump.  And those same dark forces will likely try again, against both Trump and his VP, Vance.

By deep philosophical insight, we see that false, hyper-abstract, egalitarian philosophy deeply infects both Democrat and Republican thinking and policies. Among both, we hear a lot of ignorant, ahistorical nonsense about abstract natural rights and about the supposed history, purpose, and millenarian destiny of the United States.

But earthly politics, in a fallen and sinful world, is typically about choosing the lesser of two evils. And certainly, and by far, the more benighted of the two parties, as evinced by their candidates, are the Dems with Harris and Walz, who are both so stupid and ignorant and deluded and dangerous in the trajectory and effects of their policies, as to approach the truly pathological and anti-Christ. 

Open borders; the homo-trans butchering of children; the casual and convenient murder of the unborn; fourth trimester “abortion”; the persecution of political opponents, and of Christ and His followers in particular; the deliberate financial ruination and enslavement of true, working Americans; futile and destructive DEI efforts to efface ineffaceable, hardwired, deep, genetic, God-created inequalities in intelligence and behavior between the races.  That is today’s Demo-communist Party.

And so, this November, we will have another election SEASON, instead of a single election DAY. And if, as in 2020 and 2022, common sense and sanity and rational self-interest and patriotism are again edged out by brainlessness, skullduggery, and murderous hatred of the Good, we will see with our own eyes if true Americans are numerous enough and resourceful enough to forcibly throw off wicked communist usurpers whose caprice and arrogance and stupidity will, if not forcibly checked, destroy America.


Winston McCuen - South Carolina