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Unveiling the Secrets of the Oort cloud
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
If you have any interest in astronomy, you have probably heard of the Oort cloud. It is considered to be a large sphere of comet-like bodies orbiting the Sun and is claimed to be the source of long-period comets. The major problem with all the hype surrounding the Oort cloud is the fact that there is no actual evidence that it even exists.
The only reason why the Oort cloud is thought to exist is because of the fact that we still have long-period and short-period comets. This fact, particularly the short-period comets, is inconsistent with a solar system that is 4.5 billion years old. This was simply a solution proposed to deal with a piece of evidence that naturally points to a young solar system by placing an unobservable reservoir of comets at great distances from the sun.
Unveiling the Secrets of the Kuiper Belt
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
The Kuiper Belt is a doughnut-shaped region of the solar system that astronomers find fascinating. It stretches beyond the orbit of Neptune and is home to numerous icy bodies. This area of the solar system is fascinating because although it exists it does not match the predictions made by the nebular model of planetary formation.
The Kuiper Belt begins at roughly 30 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun, which is just beyond Neptune and extends out to about 55 AU. In general objects in this region are called Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) which are Icy bodies ranging in size from small chunks to dwarf planets. Dwarf Planets are the most noticeable objects found in the Kuiper Belt because they are the biggest. They include Pluto, Haumea, and Makemake, and they are clearly the largest bodies found in this area. Many short-period comets, such as Halley's Comet, are thought to originate in the Kuiper Belt, but this is just pure speculation based on the fact that they could not have survived in their current orbits for billions of years.
An Alleged Direct Image of a Solar System Being Born in the Orion Nebula
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
Since 2009, protoplanetary disks have reportedly been observed in the Orion Nebula, 7,500 light years from Earth. But are these genuine observations or merely astronomers' interpretations supporting their theories on planet and star formation?
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope
Conclusions on Atavisms as Evidence for Universal Common Descent
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
Evolutionists claim what is called atavism as evidence for universal common descent. However, the designation often presupposes universal common descent. For example, in our investigation of it, see previous articles, we have seen several cases where these features are more likely than not simply birth defects or genetic defects. Furthermore, in cases where they may actually qualify as atavisms only qualify as evidence for universal common descent if it is assumed.
Extra Toes in Guinea Pigs
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
Guinea pigs are a fairly popular pet, and they are a common alternative to cats and dogs. They normally have relatively large heads and eyes, as well as fewer toes than most mammals. However, sometimes Guinea pigs will grow extra toes in a condition called polydactyly. It is commonly cited as an atavism and evidence for universal common descent by suggesting that it shows they descended from five-toed ancestors.
Normally Guinea pigs have four toes on their front feet and three toes on their hind feet. These toes are important in both their mobility and grooming such that a deviation from these numbers can cause problems.
Wings Reborn: The Unexpected Return of Flight in Insects
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
The reappearance of wings in insects can refer to the development of wing structures or the expression of the genes associated with them after being dormant or mutated. They are commonly referred to as atavisms and considered by evolutionists to be evidence of universal common descent. However, they represent degeneration as opposed to the creation of something new needed by universal common descent evolution.
What was the star of Bethlehem?
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
The star of Bethlehem is a well-known part of the Christmas story. It only appears in the Gospel of Matthew, and it seems to have intrigued people more than even the virgin birth itself. It has also caused more speculation about possible naturalistic explanations than probably any other part of the Bible. Particularly as Christmas approaches it is a topic that people actually become interested in.
There have been many attempts at finding naturalistic explanations for the Star of Bethlehem. However, every single one of them does not explain one or more aspects of what is actually described in the Bible. Consequently, if you are looking for a naturalistic explanation you will not really find one.
Teeth in Birds
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
The claim is often made by evolutionists that some birds have teeth, calling them atavisms. However, of all the “atavism” claims that I have seen, this is definitely the most ridiculous. They consist of jagged ridges within a beak and a toothlike structure used in hatching.
Some birds have jagged ridges within their beaks that superficially look like teeth. These are serrated edges inside the beak called tomia. These conical projections are made of cartilage and help the bird in gripping food. These are not hard structures like teeth and any similarity is superficial. Calling them atavisms or any form of evidence for universal common descent is fallacious.
Snakes with Legs
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
One interesting example of a legitimate atavism is cases where snakes develop with legs. Now these legs are not functional and do not always grow from the right spots on their body, but they do exist. Evolutionists will claim that they are evidence of universal common descent with snakes evolving from four-legged lizards. However, interestingly enough this is one example where the Bible may have already given us an answer.
One of the difficulties associated with confirming this is the fact that there are way too many CGI pictures online. Sometimes, they are obviously fake but there are plenty of times when it is harder to tell.
Hind Limbs on Whales and Dolphins
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
Some whales and dolphins have been discovered to have a set rear flippers. They are labeled as atavisms, based on the presupposition that whales and dolphins are descended from land animals that had hind limbs. However, from a creationist and design perspective there are two other possibilities.
It needs to be noted that these flippers do not have any bones. The rear bones in both whales and dolphins serve reproductive purposes. They serve as anchor points for reproductive structures and are different in males and females. However, it needs to be pointed out that these are flippers, not lags. They cannot be considered evidence that whales and dolphins descended from four-legged land animals.
Are Atavisms Evidence for Universal Common Descent Evolution?
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
An atavism is defined as the recurrence of an ancestral trait that has been missing for generations. They usually result from genetic recombination. They are claimed as evidence for universal common descent evolution however sometimes the labeling of such a trait as an atavism is based on the presupposition of universal common descent. This makes the argument a form of circular reasoning.
Two main types of features tend to fall under this category. The first is an actual reproduction of the feature in question, even if it is not fully functional, and one that may resemble something considered by evolutionists to be from the past but it is simply a malformation in the particular organism.
Does the Bible Teach the Earth is 6000 Years Old?
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
The approximate 6000-year figure frequently cited as the Biblical age for the Earth is commonly criticized by those wanting to accept both the Bible and an old Earth. The claim is often made that nowhere does the Bible actually state that the Earth is 6000 years old. They then attack the chronological calculations that lead to this figure. So ultimately, the question of this article and what does the Bible say about the age of the earth and does that lead to a figure of about 6000 years?
What About Space Aliens?
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
The idea of alien life in outer space is quite popular today. It is a very popular theme in science fiction. However, the notion is mainly a result of atheistic ideas on the origin of life and common descent evolution. The question of this article is whether or not space aliens can be compatible not only with Biblical creation but the Biblical concept of salvation as well.
Is Intelligent Design Scientific?
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
One of the tactics used by evolutionists against intelligent design is to claim that it is unscientific. This claim rests on two main smaller claims. The first is that it is not naturalistic and the second is that it is unfalsifiable. What is interesting is that by attacking the scientific nature of intelligent design in biology they are attacking it in fields such as archaeology and criminal forensics.
The first claim is that intelligent design cannot be considered scientific because it is not naturalistic, and science can only consider naturalistic explanations. This is fundamentally untrue because there is nothing in the scientific method that forbids a supernatural explanation. It is only in institutionalized science where there is a priori commitment to naturalism. Such an argument does not exclude a possibility of some kind of natural designer. Ultimately the key to understanding this argument is a desire on the part of those making it to exclude God as a possible explanation for anything.
Are Polygenic Trees Really Evidence of Universal Common Descent?
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
One thing often presented by evolutionists as evidence for universal common descent evolution is polygenic trees. However, what they often ignore is that they never have the alleged common ancestor between the branches. Furthermore, there does not need to be an actual relationship to be able to make such relational trees. All that is necessary is comparing patterns of what the objects being compared have in common.

When presenting alleged evolutionary transition evolutionists will frequently simply provide a list of animals comprising a list of the animals comprising the alleged transition series. The impression given by such a series is that there is a direct ancestor-descendant relationship between these animals. However, never do such transition series represent actual ancestor-descendant relationships even according to evolutionists.
Is intelligent Design an Argument from Incredulity?
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
One of the common claims made by atheists against intelligent design is that it is an argument from incongruity. While sometimes, people do use this type of argument when arguing for intelligent design, the idea is actually based on we observe not personal belief or understanding. It is the arguments against intelligent design that are mainly arguments from incongruity.
An argument from incongruity is an informal logical fallacy where a person argues that something must be true or false based on their understanding or belief about it. An argument from incongruity has two main forms.