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Sunday, February 9, 2025 - 09:59 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Voters Compromised APC

To my Anti Fed Ed/Global Warriors, We’ve not too long before our next election cycle. Across the globe, about 70 countries will be casting votes for the candidates presented before them to choose from. 

However, with the recent UN (United Nations) Summit of the Future1, what will voting look like in our near and distant futures? 

The United Nations, Not Individual Countries, Matters?! 

As stated above, the Summit of the Future (September 2024) was held in New York City. Each year, the UN meets in NYC to have meetings. 

When the Summit of the Future, specifically a new UN Charterwas held & agreed upon, it basically furthered cemented the US (as well as ALL the other member-state countries) into giving up more sovereignty of our (their) government(s). By changing the sovereignty, you also impact voting, as well as a host of other key points of government. 

Why would the US delegates commit We the People to THAT?! Compliance to the United Nations is very costly (not only our taxpayer dollars go to support the UN, but now our very system of government is being sacrificed. 

If that wasn’t enough, the Global Citizen Festival rounded out the Summit festivities. From my archives, here’s an excerpt about what I’ve shared about the Global Citizen Festival“Global Citizenship (a direct ‘attack’ on every nation’s individuality and culture by the U.N., United Nations)” 

It’s important to point out that this quote was made in 2018, during a Republican led Administration. The stark reality is, that the same quote can be made during a Democrat led Administration, too. What does this teach us? That regardless of major political party, the United States is being dissolved before our very eyes! 

We can also learn that neither party has completely removed We the People from the United Nations, which is clearly a socialist based entity. If you study history, you know that under a true socialist system, voting is completely a farce. Is this what we are destined for? Is this what our students and children will be faced with?! 

A Follow Up Conference: 

Warriors, to almost dovetail the UN’s efforts, the 2024 Generation Democracy held its Summit (Oct. 7, 2024).2 Here’s a direct quote from the review of the Summit“A core theme of the Summit was empowering young leaders with the skills, knowledge, and networks needed to drive democratic change.” The US sent a special envoy to be among the elite featured at the Summit. 

Typically, ‘a youth’ (young leader) is anyone who is a teenager to about 24 years of age. The objective of the UN Youth Strategy3 played right into the Summit of the Future (Sept. 2024).It’s obviously, also playing into the Generation Democracy Summit, as well. 

The UN Youth Strategy was described as a holistic umbrella approach to guide our children to the UN’s ideas of peace, security and human rights. Of course, all through the lens of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Without this type of umbrella, the coercion of reshaping our children’s minds from national to globally couldn’t be enforced as much as the UN Secretary General needs. 

Another part of blatant socialism is tracking and tracing citizens. If you’ve followed my blog long enough, as well as listened and researched to the plethora of like minded people who have exposed the vast levels our governments go to to do this in each of our countries, you know, it’s only going to be expanded with AI. 

In 2021, I wrote this article4 about our rights being sacrificed in the name of AI (Artificial Intelligence). In that article I revealed that the Mozilla Foundation (parent group of Firefox) had hosted a webinar5 on “Democratic Values and AI”. In the opening comments you can learn how this move isn’t reserved for Americans only, but everyone in other countries as well. 

So, what ARE the values of a UN-led democracy? Straight from their website6“good governance, monitors elections, supports civil society to strengthen democratic institutions and accountability, ensures self-determination in decolonized countries, and assists in the drafting of new constitutions in post-conflict nations.” Warriors, in other words, the bedrock of the UN’s first charter and now this new one signed and agreed upon in September, is a democracy! Not a republic, not a monarchy. No other form of government will or can survive under the UN’s thumb. 

How Has America Chipped Away at A Constitutional Republic?

In recent history (further research into a more distant history is definitely in order to completely understand the more recent moves, but for our purposes, we’ll focus on recent), post-9/11 saw the US State Department enter into the Inter-American Democratic Charter (specifically via the U.S. Mission to the Organization of American States (OAS7). Here’s a direct quote from the website for the OAS“The promotion of peace, democracy, and good governance are core OAS concerns.” Warriors, do you see the SAME words used in the OAS’s website as used in the UN’s?! 

(*Note: be sure to access the OAS’s website (embedded above) and read Article 1 of the IADC, you’ll see ‘free and fair elections’ mentioned. However, just how ‘free and fair’ can these elections be when you’re using the very SAME goals as the globalists?! You’ll also learn how the IADC led to a Quebec Summit and much more.) 

Then, there’s the USMCA (US-Mexico-Canada Agreement). This ‘agreement’8 was something We the People never voted on, or said we wanted. The subsequent moves9 by our US Congress to put into a legislative form of all the WAYS10in which the USMCA must be met11, soon followed. With those moves, several different APPOINTED committees were set in place to oversee every aspect of all 3 countries. Think of an American version of the EU Union (European Union). The John Birch Society12 published an excellent article on how Americans were sacrificing our form of government, as well as our freedoms, by allowing the USMCA to exist. The video JBS produced13(about 30 minutes long) laid out the appointed committees. The time stamp you really need to listen for is near 6:45 where the words ‘international bureaucracy’ are uttered. Then, notice the image of the powers increased under the USMCA through the Federal Trade Commission“Government procurement”, “Intellectual Property Rights”, and “Rules of Origin and Origin of Procedures” all are attached to voting. 

Enter, Lowering the Age of Voting: 

Here in the US, the subject of lowering the age of voting FROM 18 to 16 is not a new subject. In Canada, the government has been debating and researching this topic for a while. They have based their quest on following other countries which have done so. Why? Supposedly the younger you can get our children to vote, the more involved in good democracy they’ll become. Can we hit a ‘pause’ button for a moment, please? 

When the human body develops, especially the brain, it needs years to fully develop. While a child CAN reach a level of cognitive maturity at age 16, most don’t develop a psychosocial level (one of the last steps in truly understanding and thinking needed for adulthood) of understanding until age 18. Considering how important voting is and many issues it surrounds, shouldn’t we be not even considering a move to lower the age?! The National Institutes of Health published a paper14 studying children and youth from around the world on this subject. 

Back to Canada for a moment, according to this recorded talk15(by several government leaders and their associates), the research they chime on about glows with how great a 16 year old can be at contributing to society. 

According to the NPR (National Public Radio16), across the EU, 2 countries (Belgium and Germany) 16 years olds will be voting for the first time in 2024. 

World Population Review17 shared that at least 2 South American countries allow 16 year olds to vote, but by 18, it’s a mandatory event. (The website clearly showed that the vast majority of nations use 18 years for the earliest a person can vote.) 

UNICEF18(the arm of the UN which also stated in 202119that some pornography in schools was OK and that all homeschooling was bad), shared that voting by 16 years old isn’t specifically named in their Convention on the Rights of the Child, but, that voting COULD fulfill what is included in Article 12 (for example: “the child’s right to express his or her views freely in “all matters affecting the child”). Warriors, don’t let it be lost that even as globally aligned and awful as UNICEF is, that they also consider a 16 year old to be under the ages of adulthood. That said, the UN, UNESCO, UNICEF all support the Convention on the Rights of the Child as well as the Human Rights Declaration, where voting is also laid out to fit the UN’s agenda, NOT each country, on it’s own. 

The website HRE (Human Rights Educators20based in the US, clearly states that the CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) is a legally binding treaty that established standards governments ratify to uphold! Considering the tag line for the website is “Every Child, Every Right”, it’s not hard to see that voting, as a right, will be lumped in! 

Then, there’s the US Congress, they too, are introducing bills and writing resolutions concerning younger voters. 

HR Joint Resolution 1621(introduced 1/11/23) and still in the current Session (118th). This resolution has 17 co-sponsors, along with one sponsor. 

It unites both the Republicans and Democrats in an effort to seek the repeal of the 26th Amendment and replace it with a newer version allowing 16 year olds to vote. It leaves a mandate that within 7 years, three-fourths of the States ratify this. (*Note: with each of these, don’t get lost in what member of Congress sponsored or co-sponsored, or that, with the exception of 1 member, all are Democrats. Look to the States which will participate, they don’t always vote one party; at least under the current 2 party system.) 

S 298522(introduced 9/28/23) by one Senator and has 10 co-sponsors. This Senate bill has an identical ‘sister’ bill in the House (HR 529323). The House version has 68 co-sponsors and one sponsor. Both of these bills would like to see the States offer voting pre-registration to 16 year olds. There are a few conditions. See Article 6 of these big bills. (*Note: usually, when the Congress has two identical bills in a current session, the one with the most co-sponsors has a better survival rate than the lesser. Also, watch this topic, because if it fails in the 118th Session, it can be re-introduced in the 119th Session.) 

Both this bills are title the Youth Voting Act

Currently, in the US, specific towns allow 16 year olds to vote in limited capacities. The National Youth Rights Association24 website is watching this and in full support of a national lowering of the voting age. 


From my archives: 

1) *The STEM25(Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) push was a key tool of the UN to promote the SDGs. 

2) *The vast amount of globalization being pushed on our children26is steeped in collectivism, a vital part of socialism’s success. 

3)*Law enforcement across America (as well as elsewhere) is under the thumb of the UN. Law enforcement is also a huge part of the success of compliance needed for socialism to survive27

4) *Be sure to scroll down to the list of resources and notice the links dealing with ‘democracy’. Democracy is what the UN needs America to become (instead of the Constitutional Republic it IS). Democracy is often used in promoting citizens to vote, here and elsewhere. Just turn on a TV and watch the news media ads for “Democracy 2024” or similar advertising. 


1) Warriors, we’re seeing some very alarming things going on in our world. Voting is a precious commodity, as well as a right we have. Not assigned by the government, but encompassed in our freedom to speak. That’s a naturally given right, that no government should be able to remove. However, what we’re seeing isn’t so much a way to remove our right to vote, but to limit that right..in essence, limiting our free speech.

If you’re reading this in the US, know not only your US Constitution, but your State’s version. If you’re reading this from outside the US, know what your government framework says, and what it doesn’t. 

Often, the way these things fly under the radar is the unspoken word or intent.

2) Inform others about these efforts. Recently, I was a guest at a local middle school28 and I focused on the several amendments our US Constitution devoted to voting. When I brought up the push to lower the age to 16, the adults were horrified, as well as the students feeling nowhere near ready to be that active. Neither group didn’t say ‘no’ to voting, just not at 16 years. It’s too soon!

3) Lastly: watch and listen concerning this UN led effort, and, share this article!


  1. https://www.un.org/en/summit-of-the-future/declaration-on-future-generations
  2. https://www.iri.org/news/driving-democracy-forward-insights-from-the-2024-generation-democracy-global summit
  3. https://www.commoncorediva.com/2018/10/03/future-kids/
  4. https://www.commoncorediva.com/2021/11/15/what-rights/
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bi4pjdSjgvE
  6. https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/democracy
  7. https://usoas.usmission.gov/our-relationship/policy-programs/democracy/
  8. https://www.commoncorediva.com/2020/01/23/the-crushing-blow/
  9. https://www.commoncorediva.com/2020/01/27/the-crushing-blow-part-two/
  10. https://www.commoncorediva.com/2020/01/28/the-crushing-blow-part-three/
  11. https://www.commoncorediva.com/2020/01/29/crushing-blow-the-conclusion/
  12. https://jbs.org/nau/usmca/
  13. https://jbs.org/video/nafta/usmca-what-they-are-not-telling-you/
  14. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6551607/
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5Ji-23ei5U
  16. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/07/nx-s1-4987217/eu-parliamentary-election-there-will-be-16-year-old-voters -in-germany-and-belgium
  17. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/voting-age-by-country
  18. https://www.unicef.org/innocenti/should-children-vote
  19. https://c-fam.org/friday_fax/unicef-report-says-pornography-not-always-harmful-to-children/
  20. https://hreusa.org/projects/every-child-every-right/every-child-every-right/
  21. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-joint-resolution/16/text?s=1&r=1&q=%7B%22search %22%3A%22voting+16+years+old%22%7D
  22. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/2985/text?s=1&r=4&q=%7B%22search%22%3A %22voting+16+years+old%22%7D
  23. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/2985/related-bills?s=1&r=4&q=%7B%22search% 22%3A%22voting+16+years+old%22%7D
  24. https://www.youthrights.org/issues/voting-age/voting-age-status-report/
  25. https://www.commoncorediva.com/2018/09/21/under-our-noses/
  26. https://www.commoncorediva.com/2018/04/04/global-smobal/
  27. https://www.commoncorediva.com/2023/08/26/brute-force-ahead/
  28. https://iredellstandingfortruth.com/2024/10/05/east-iredell-middle-school-constitution-day/