The previous article dealt with several common challenges to a young earth. In this article solutions are provided for the first four that are simple and for the most part well established. These will be short explanations but references will be given to help you understand them better.
- Impact craters.
Biblical creation does offer a very convenient way of handling meteors asteroids and their impact craters. One aspect is that not all of them are impact craters. This is particularly true of so-called fossil craters here on Earth. This reduces the number of actual craters considerably. There are other explanations such as volcanic activity and under the conditions of the flood even air bubbles.
As for the source of asteroids and meteors, the descriptions of the breakup of fountains of the great deep from both Hydro Plate Theory and Catastrophic Plate Tonics would both tend to throw large amounts of material into space with sufficient velocity to escape the Earth. The fact is the total mass of all known asteroids, meteors, and even comets add up to only a tiny fraction of the mass of the Earth. Most of the actual impacts around the solar system would be from this material. Furthermore, they were not all spread out over a single year with many of them occurring after the Flood.
- Radiometric dating.
Helium diffusion rates in zircon crystals have provided strong evidence not only for accelerated nuclear decay but for an approximately 6000-year timeframe. When predicted between younger than old earth models helium diffusion rates fit the younger of model perfectly while being off from in order by a factor of 100,000.
- The standard geologic column.
The major problem with the geologic column is that the model was developed in the late 1700s, yet it is impossible to find any statistical real-world data on fossil distribution. With cell phones and GPS this could be done but no such data seems to be available any place. In fact, there is nothing available on fossil distribution that does not assume the standard geologic column to provide an objective comparison of it with reality.
One explanation of general trends such as certain animals not being found together from the perspective of the Genesis Flood would be ecological zonation along with things such as title actions bringing different habitats in at different times.
- Distant Starlight.
There are two main ways of dealing with distant Starlight based on General Relativity and the best part is they are not mutually exclusive. The first involves time dilation, this approach involves the expansion of the universe during the creation week. If the water above is modeled correctly this approach naturally recreates the type 1 a supernova data interpreted as an accelerating expansion without the need for dark energy.
The other approach called asynchronous convention based the fact that under relativity there is no absolute now. This allows you to choose what you consider to be “now” within the range of your light cone. In the asynchronous convention now is defined as the entire incoming light cone, such that the light effectively arrives from distant stars instantaneously. You have to remember that God not only created the matter in our universe but its space-time as well.
These four descriptions of solutions to these problems are simplified but the concepts are accurately described even if not in every last detail. Alternately the point is though none of these challenges are unsolvable, most of them actually have natural solutions. You just have to look at the situation from a perspective where they can be seen.