Judy and George meet up at the church one evening for marital counseling at the behest of Pastor Phil. George thinks that Judy has texted him to come, and Judy thinks that George has texted her to come. By the way, Pastor Phil never does show up.
What's going on here? Who has set up this counseling session? After a few minutes of bickering, George leaves to go home so that he can watch a basketball game on TV, leaving a weepy Judy all alone in the otherwise dark, vacant church – but not for long.
A moment later in walks a younger woman, whom Judy believes to be the counselor who has come to conduct the session. The woman informs Judy that Pastor Phil is at the game and won't be coming.
The scenery for this one act play consists of two chairs, nothing more. The riveting dialogue, however, more than makes up for the sparseness of the set.
Judy agrees to engage in counseling with this friendly, unnamed woman and soon begins to open up to her. The dramatic conversation that ensues is compelling and before long the observer begins to understand just who this woman really is.
As the dialogue unfolds, Judy confronts a dark episode from her past that she has repressed and dismissed for many years. In time she finds forgiveness and redemption.
After the younger woman leaves, George returns. Judy confesses her dark secret to her husband, and the fireworks begin. Will George retain his anger, or will he come to grips with Judy's past?
A special live performance of Viable: The Truth of Christ's Love in One Act will be presented at First Presbyterian Church of Greenville's Arts Center on Friday, January 24 at 7:00 p. m. Proceeds will benefit Lifeline Children's Services.
Tickets can be obtained by going to the First Presbyterian Church Greenville website and clicking on the Events tab or going to https://firstpresgreenville.ticketspice.com/viable.