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Sunday, February 9, 2025 - 06:08 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


President Trump Must Keep a Clear Vision as the Global Left Uses Tactics to Subvert Him

President Trump begins his new administration with promises of significant changes. His supporters are supercharged by his massive election victory that called for decisive action to cut the size and cost of government, eliminate corruption, and reduce the power of federal agencies. Above all, Trump’s supporters believe we are on a course to restore the Republic of our Founders.

However, as the celebration begins, it’s never been more vital for those who support Trump’s plan to stay vigilant to its opposition. The main lesson the forces of freedom must learn is that the Left never accepts defeat, and they never quit. Their movement for big government control has a specific agenda, and they intend to keep it moving forward under any circumstances.

We are seeing them now digging in, preparing to stop any attempt by Trump to pull back on their agenda. An interesting tactic taking place is the rush Mar-a-Lago by many leaders of the “woke” corporations that have been major perpetrators of the global agenda. They are now seeking to meet with Trump as they suddenly announce new policies in line with his agenda.

I call it a tactic because these leaders have never been supporters of limited government, as they fill their pockets with tax dollars and push for legislation to destroy their competitors. Free enterprise, private property protection, and national sovereignty have rarely been of interest to them. But now, they are attempting to get close enough to Trump to somehow get him to back off just a bit.

Take for example the current discussion of new ways to deal with Canada. Trump began by simply joking that we should make Canada the 51st state. His real concern is to make strides to secure our northern border from more hordes of illegal immigrants. Trump is also looking for ways to strengthen and secure the American dollar as the primary world currency. Suddenly, Canadian business mogul Kevin O’Leary has expressed interest in meeting with Trump to discuss the idea of “an economic union” between the United States and Canada.

Trump needs to be very careful with such a discussion. I have strong suspicions that the real purpose of such a talk is to set him up for much more than just building a more positive relationship with our northern neighbor.

Let me explain.

For several decades there have been talks of creating closer economic partnerships and security plans among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It’s just for the “common good” among close neighbors. What could be better for our security?

In 2005, the idea gained serious momentum under President George W. Bush as he proposed the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) with Canada and Mexico. The joint statement from the three nations described its purpose to … “establish a common approach to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the security and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic across our shared boarders.”

Part of the SPP discussion centered on creating a common North America currency called the “Amero” as the U.S. Dollar was to be junked, along with the Mexican peso and the Canadian Dollar. The militaries of all three nations would be pooled, and, of course, a common government entity would have to be established to oversee it all. Helping to enforce policy, especially environmental regulations, would be Public/Private Partnerships (PPPs) among the governments, international corporations, and non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). National sovereignty would be blended into what could only be called a “North American Union”, (NAU) very similar to today’s disastrous European Union.

For the U.S., it was all being negotiated by Bush in secret, without congressional input until a group of patriots from all three countries formed a coalition to expose it. The coalition was created and led by the late Howard Phillips, founder of the Conservative Coalition, myself and my American Policy Center, and Connie Fogal, of Canada, to name a few. To make a long story short, we succeeded in at least temporarily halting the NAU aspects of the SPP.

Next, in 2019, President Trump sought a replacement for the North American Free Trade agreement (NAFTA), which was continuing to grow in the direction of a North American Union, promoting sustainable development goals that were helping to decimate American industry and agriculture, regulate economies, and prevent industrialization.

As a knowledgeable businessman, Trump had experience with the problems of NAFTA and wanted to replace it with a limited and reasonable plan that would reduce government intervention and promote actual free trade among the three nations. To that end, Trump proposed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). He said, “Americanism, not Globalism will be our credo.”

Considering that the USMCA was specifically promoted as a plan to reduce the global agenda influence on basic trade deals among the three sovereign nations, it came as a major surprise that the U.S. Congress, under the control of Nancy Pelosi quickly passed the deal. How was that possible?

Well, just before Trump was to sign the USMCA in January 2020, I received information that Pelosi and the Dems had added about 600 pages to the document that Trump had negotiated. Those 600 pages basically imposed the Green New Deal into the USMCA provisions. Those new provisions reinstated the Paris Agreement Trump had tossed aside. The new wording also used environmental policy to set up “agency governance” rather than the sovereign government that Trump was trying to restore. Sustainable Development would become the rule for USMCA trade deals.

I received inside information about the Democrat’s actions and somehow was able to get in contact with two White House policy staffers to issue a warning about the changes – before Trump was to sign the agreement. We had a conference call, and I gave them the information. They were surprised by the info but accepted it and were prepared to tell President Trump. As they prepared to approach Trump, they were stopped by C.J. Mahoney, the Deputy U.S. Trade rep and the chief negotiator for the USMCA. The staffers were instructed to say nothing. As a result, Trump never learned the truth and signed the agreement that he thought he had negotiated. It seems apparent that even today, as he continues to promote it as a historic deal, he is still unaware of the betrayal.

Finally, in January 2023, Joe Biden met with Mexican President Obrador, and Canadian Prime Minster Trudeau for the 10th North American Leader’s Summit. They created the Declaration of North America (DNA). These leaders claimed that the plan is to “fortify our region’s security, prosperity, equity, and inclusiveness through commitments across six pillars: 1) diversity, equity, and inclusion; 2) climate change and the environment; 3) competitiveness; 4) migration and development; 5) health; and 6) regional security.”  How does any of that differ from a North American Union? The plan contains no mention of protection of property rights, national sovereignty, or a free market.

Do the provisions of all these proposals look familiar? Each of these plans carry the same global agenda of Agenda 21, the Green New Deal, and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. That’s how the Left does it. Never go backwards. Keep pushing until the opposition collapses and finally agrees to accept your agenda.

The global agenda forces haven’t run and hid from Trump as they suffer defeat. Rather, certain members of their forces are rushing to him, looking for conversations on how they can work together on future policy. They speak in codes about security, prosperity, and neighborly cooperation. But the agenda is the goal. I feel certain that Trump is being targeted as he talks of deals with Canada that could well lead to a NAU.

What’s really behind O’Leary’s drive to speak with him about an economic forum with Canada? Another questionable example is his recent nomination of North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum as Secretary of Interior and head of the National Energy Council. Burgum is close friends with Bill Gates, who has bought up vast amounts of ND to impose wind and solar and enforce sustainable policy that is destroying small farmers. Now, Burgum will be able to oversee millions of acres of federal land and determine what activities will be allowed on it. Who pushed him on Trump?

I must say that I issue this alert very reluctantly. In no way do I want to appear that I am attacking President Trump. I believe in him, support his goals, and want him to win. But he does seem to have a weakness in listening to and trusting some of the wrong people. Despite all he’s been through, he sometimes fails to understand a lot of the rot that surrounds him.

It’s vital to the success of the MAGA plan that his supporters help him stand strong and keep the vision clear as the global Left employs lies and fake smiles to subvert his plans to restore our greatness. He can’t do this alone.


Tom DeWeese is founder and president of the American Policy Center and is an internationally recognized expert on the issue of Sustainable Development and its attack on private property. He is author of three books, including Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: the WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property, and Individuals.