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Thursday, February 13, 2025 - 09:54 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


The Twightly Zone in America Politics
Beware of "The Twilight Zone" where things - and words - are not what they appear to be!

I’ll wager that some of you also feel like we’ve been living in some kind of “reincarnation” of Rod Sterling’s great old TV series, ‘The Twilight Zone’, over the past four “Biden” years (or much longer for those of us blessed with long memories.  You know—that “Twilight Zone where things never were what they appeared to be.  For certain we haven’t been living in “normal (constitutional) times” during Comrade Biden’s “mal-administration” (if indeed we ever did during any of our lifetimes), nor are we living among a population of mostly ‘rational’ people, sad to say.   At best perhaps only “half rational”, courtesy of the poisonous propaganda constantly oozing from what passes for “main stream”, or “legacy” media. 

What is our modern ‘twilight zone’? Plainly, it’s a formerly great and Christian-oriented nation still euphemistically called the “United” States of America, where once plain-as-day and totally accepted FACTS are denied and absolutely preposterous propositions and outrageous beliefs are asserted by hordes of mouth-breathing buffoons and deliberate morons with “straight faces to a sea of nodding heads”, as William Allen observed several years ago in Impact (a publication of D.James Kennedy Ministries)

So what do I mean by that statement that we’re now living in “the twilight zone”?  Consider the following “WOKE/POLITICLLY CORRECT” UNTRUTHS (with some “rectifying” comments from me in parentheses):

1) Two men or two women can “marry”, say the ‘wizards’ of our courts (in defiance of God’s laws).  We all know, I’m sure, that “court-made” law trumps legislated law, now don’t we?  That’s much better than that “old fashioned” concept that our Founders wanted the Congress to make laws and the courts to rule on whether or not they were constitutional.  How “out of date” is that? The courts obviously know much more about laws than our elected lawmakers, so end of discussion.

2) At least half of our population is confused, and totally in error, when they have the temerity to deny that “abortion on demand” is “constitutional”.  That same “enlightened” half continue to agitate to make the “MURDER OF THE UNBORN” (abortion) a “constitutional Amendment”,  (now that the evil “Roe v. Wade” ruling by the Extreme Court has been ruled “unconstitutional” by the Supreme Court.)  Just because there is no mention of the right to abortion—which we all recognize as a woman’s natural ‘health care’ right-- and just because there is no mention of ‘health care’ as being a constitutional ‘right’ in that outdated old parchment, doesn’t mean that such laws are not constitutional.  Right?  We all know that they are such!

The Supreme Court has declared that the right to abort one’s unborn child was found in the Constitution’s “penumbras”, so that settles it.  Obviously the Supreme Court was wrong when it recently ruled that the Justices in 1973 were in violation of the Constitution.  But that’s what happens when we only have nine justices on the Court—especially justices nominated by ex-president Trump, who was controlled by Russia.  Right?  We really need at least 15, and preferably more, and if they’re all liberal Democrats, that’s even better!  Everyone knows that!

3) Any biological male or female can change his/her birth gender, even (and preferably) as a pre-teen,  and females who become a ‘man’ can “father” a child, and males who become a ‘female’ can bear a child—really! (Just ask the gender “confused” kooks now infesting our country. Has the “plumbing” and DNA of men and women changed since my biology classes in the 1950’s?  Apparently so).

4) It is healthy, and morally correct, for any adults in authority over young people (except parents) to convince said young people that it is perfectly normal to consider “gender reassignment therapy”,  even irreversible  surgery, since we all know that such therapy or surgery will lead to a full and happy life for that once gender confused young person.  And the younger the age this is done, the happier the “transitioning” child will be.  Documentation to the contrary should be ignored because it was produced by lying “right wing extremists” or Bible-believing Christians, (all of whom are surely “extremists”), both of which are increasingly problematical and “dangerous” in our culture, (especially if they are the parents of said child), and need to be “dealt with”, preferably by the F.B.I. or the D.O.J.

5) Nuclear families are ‘dangerous’ to a child’s mental health—single parent child raising or child raising by two people of the same gender should now be considered “normal” in this ‘brave, new world’, and are much to be preferred over the God-mandated and old-fashioned ‘one man and one woman’ parenting.  Obviously children prefer the modern family, rather than that “outmoded” ‘mother, father, children’ arrangement.  Don’t they?  Of course they do!  We all know that.  (Oh, do we?)

6) “Woke” people are not ever obliged to answer a “trick” ‘what is a woman?’ question posed by enemies of “woke-ism”, such as hateful conservatives in the Senate, ignorant Bible-believing Christians, and deplorable right-wing extremist agitators and politicians, because all ‘reasonable’ people must admit that it is difficult to define “what is a woman?” (even if you ARE one), and especially if one does not have a degree in human biology from an “acceptable” university.  If you disbelieve this, just ask our newest far left, anti-constitution Extreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, for a definition.  Is she “woke”, or what?  She surely is!   Yes indeed!  (Thank  you, Comrade President Biden!)

7) “Cancel Culture” doesn’t really threaten free speech, and is actually a good thing, because it attacks and shuts down (or shuts up) any mongoloid conservatives who still believe that the U.S. Constitution protects free speech, which of course it does--but ONLY for leftist/progressive/socialist/Marxist “educated” and “woke” citizens who love the constitution (of the Russian Federation or the Chinese Communist Party).

8) Society is much safer if we severely ‘defund’ our police departments, fire most of them, and replace them with ‘social workers’ whose new mantra is: ‘come, let us reason together’.  Thankfully, they won’t need those horrid and dangerous firearms that police insist on carrying.  (Especially when confronting those “peaceful” Venezuelan gangs!)

9) The nation’s “premier” disseminator of (totally “slanted”) truth, the venerable and thoroughly trusted New York Times, has been assuring the American people that the U.S.A. was not born in 1776 but was “birthed” in 1619 near Jamestown, Virginia in order to “establish slavery”, and that the American  Revolution was not fought to establish a free society but was waged to “preserve slavery”.  So now you know the “truth”, not those lies spouted by hate-filled Americanists, conservatives, Constitution literalists, Bible-believers, silly D.A.R. women, and other pesky enemies of “The New World Order”.  Isn’t it good to know the truth?  Yes it is!  (But NOT the New York Times’ version of “truth”.)

10) Continued use of fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas, gasoline) will result in the end of most life on this planet in less than 10 years, because the atmosphere will be so “polluted” by CO2 (a gas required by ALL plant life) that there will be no oxygen left to breathe; also the polar ice caps will have all melted, so the polar bears will drown and die, and one-third of our nation will be under water. We all know that this is true because all of the climate ‘experts’ like Al Gore, Barak Obama, and Alexandria Cortez, and their perfectly rational supporters, keep assuring us that it is true (even though it is NOT). But we should not worry, because our far-left Marxist Biden Administration did all it could for the past four years to try to eliminate the use of those ‘dangerous’ fossil fuels, making them more scarce each month, and forcing up the price of each (as well as the prices of everything else and blaming it on Russia’s Putin, who is NOT responsible for our plight).  A major worry for “wokesters” is the evil, pro-pollution President Trump and his extremist MAGA fanatics,  as he was re-elected by so many misinformed Americans who have rejected the plain truth so faithfully spread by our patriotic legacy media!

This is being done by concerned governmental ‘experts’ who know what they are doing, so don’t worry.  And, as our esteemed and hard-working  (at least three half-days per week) President Biden kept assuring us (when he was conscious), if gasoline gets too expensive to afford any longer, we all can buy those wonderful and “affordable” electric vehicles that don’t require gasoline (but which DO require extremely expensive batteries made by our dear friends and allies in Communist China—plus tons of money to buy the scarce vehicles, plus vast numbers of those slow to recharge “electric charging stations” that don’t exist and that are powered by COAL OR NATURAL GAS POWER PLANTS that Biden and his Marxist fellow devils kept trying to shut down).  Wasn’t it great to have a president who really looked out for the best interests of the American people? Like President Biden always did? Unlike that horrible last one we endured, and that the “stupid half” of the population recently re-elected because of his promise to “Make America Great Again”?  You really don’t believe him, do you?  Of course you don’t!

11) Gender accurate pronouns are no longer encouraged (he, she, him, her) or even permitted in many cases, but are expected now to reflect the “fact” that there are “dozens” of genders, (our own common sense and study of biology to the contrary, notwithstanding).  That there are so many in our wonderful federal government and in academia and the corporate world who have recognized these “facts” as 100% accurate, makes those who deny this “truth” to be what they really are:  bigots, racists, homophobes, misogynists, deplorables, evil conservatives and worst of all, Bible-believing Christians!  Ignore everything they say and, if they get too obnoxious, report them to the F.B.I.

12) Violent rioters who loot, burn, destroy, or damage private property, and injure or kill the innocent, are misunderstood societal “heroes”, while people who protest via marches and picketing according to the “outmoded” First Amendment, must be denounced as “enemies of the people”, and should be shunned or “doxed” (by their mouth-breathing, brain damaged fellow citizens). Those extremists who don’t support the Black Lives Matter Movement or who don’t support and encourage the patriots who belong to “AntiFa” should be identified and harassed at every opportunity by the true patriots of the nation.  For more information on how to harass these extremists, refer to recent “pronouncements” by Maxine Waters on how to handle these “nuts”.

13) Mega-billionaires, such as top C.F.R. member George Soros and his wonderful son, Alex Soros, are considered “upstanding patriots” when they fund the political campaigns of District Attorney or Secretary of State candidates around the nation, candidates who are expected to be “super-soft” on  and sympathetic to, criminals and who prefer to “look the other way” when angry citizens protest what they call voting irregularities and corrupt election boards.  What do ordinary citizens know?  They’re not powerful billionaires, are they?  They need to shut up and obey!  If they won’t, report them to the F.B.I.

14) It’s much better for society when corrupt parole boards, corrupt and paid off state prison system administrators, progressive governors, etc. release multiple thousands of violent criminals from prisons, long before their sentences are completed, as an act of “compassion” to the criminals so they won’t get “Covid-19” in prison or because there is no more money to keep them open. It’s even BETTER for criminals of all stripes to be “pardoned” for their “minor crimes” (such as murder), as thousands recently were by Comrade President Biden.  Of course, the “minor” danger this might impose on the protesting law-abiding population should be discounted as “hateful right wing rhetoric”, and any blow back by the citizenry should be ignored.  It will go away eventually.

15) The 2020 general election, we are constantly assured by the patriotic Marxist progressives/collectivists of the former Comrade Biden Administration (including by our senile anti-American former president), was the “most secure in American history.”  Those claiming otherwise are “deplorables” and “right wing extremists” who are all hateful white supremacists and racists, and are obviously “enemies of free elections”, and their claims are false, baseless, and absolutely unproven; they should all be put in jail for indefinite periods, without trial, for daring to doubt the assurances of our patriotic main stream media and “our” government—just like those violent and heavily armed extremists in Washington, D.C. who perpetrated a “violent insurrection” on January 6, 2020 at the specific direction of President Trump, and who tried to take over the legitimate government of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and their Globalist “advisors”. 

Thankfully our diligent Congress people formed a “January 6 Select Committee” to allow a total cover up—I mean get to the real truth of that dastardly insurrection--when so many people (especially Capital police) were killed and injured, and so much damage was inflicted on the Capital building.  Probably millions of dollars of damage! Perhaps even billions!  Without any doubt this was the fault of President Trump, an evil extremist who plotted that heavily armed “insurrection” and who should be indicted for his role in fomenting all of the violence in and destruction of our Capital building and sent to prison for 500 years—or longer!  Just because the American people refused to believe our “official” lies—oops—I mean verifiable facts,  is no reason to let that “evil doer”, Trump, go free and unpunished, just because so many uninformed Americans recently re-elected him!

16) Our nation is much more “diverse”--which is good--and more “American” if we allow virtually unrestricted  and unvetted immigration into our nation, because obviously all of these undocumented guests who have come among us to escape violent right wing governments in their countries (illegal invaders) will sooner or later (probably sooner) become Democrats and will vote forever for the socialist/Marxist candidates of the Democrat Party (The Klan of New Bolsheviks)—and that will be “very good” for our nation.  If you don’t believe this, just ask Comrade Biden—he’ll tell you the same thing (if he’s awake and if you can find him).  And don’t believe those lies by those hateful “right wing extremists” and “MAGA” nuts and those uncaring Republicans in Congress that many of these poor unfortunates who are coming among us with rags on their backs and tears streaming from their eyes are hiding violent terrorists among them and bringing disease and potential violence among our population.  We all know that’s a lie, because most of them are women and children and very few men.  How heartless can you be?

17) Unborn babies—even those with beating hearts and fully formed fingers and toes are just “blobs” of tissue, just “products of conception”, and are not to be considered as human beings until they are born---and sometimes not even then (depending on “consultations” between the abortionist and the mother).  Thus it is perfectly acceptable to terminate (MURDER) them while they are still in their mother’s womb.  At least the Extreme Court said so back in 1973, so that settled the matter until those “right wing extremist” Justices nominated by that “right wing extremist” President Trump to the Supreme Court recently overturned the Roe v. Wade decision made long ago by true judicial geniuses and “social justice” warriors who found “the truth” in the difficult to detect “penumbras” of our highly respected Constitution!   (Of course, the “right” to murder one’s unborn child is NOT in our Constitution, but why get “nit picky”?)

18) Inflation is really good for the nation and our people.  If one doubts this, just consult the financial “gurus” who run the Federal Reserve System, that highly principled group of international bankers (who are NOT a part of the U.S. government).  Everyone knows  that the “FED” was created by dedicated and patriotic banking professionals  in 1913 as a PRIVATELY OWNED banking system (that “creates” money out of thin air) because they have the “best interests of the American people” in mind, (and then “loans” that money to the U.S. government at high interest rates—activities which historically have led to INFLATION, which they assure us is “only temporary”, and which will “soon be under control, and going down”.) You believe what these bankers tell us, don’t you? Of course we all do.  It also makes those individuals and member banks filthy rich.  So what’s wrong with that?  Getting filthy rich is what America’s all about!  Right?  Of course.

19) Increasing lawlessness and crime are just “illusions”, and any actual increases in such are because a segment of our population is maltreated and harassed by racist law enforcement in our largest cities.  Everyone knows that almost all crime is perpetrated by wielders of evil handguns, and the even more Satanic
“AR-14”-style (President Biden’s description) “assault rifles”, (which are NOT assault rifles—‘AR’ stands for ‘Armalite Rifle’-the company that first developed this sporting rifle), which are used in almost all crimes if handguns are not available,  and we all know that those .22 caliber cartridges the AR-15 fires are so powerful they can kill 20 people with one round, or destroy an armored vehicle with just a few rounds, and their “clips” hold hundreds of rounds, which nobody needs for hunting.  Yeah—if you doubt this just ask our all-knowing Comrade Former President Joe Biden--he’ll straighten you out and assure all of you pro-gun nitwits that “the 2nd Amendment is NOT absolute”. We all know that, don’t we?  Surely  you don’t doubt our former wise President’s assurances, do you?  Now doesn’t that reassure you?  Besides, if you need to defend yourself in your home, just grab your double barreled shotgun, go out onto your back porch, and fire off two rounds into the air.  According to Joe Biden that will scare away any intruders, even the ones who might be IN your home.  And he’s an expert on firearms and crime prevention, so don’t doubt him!  And don’t listen to pro-gun Republicans!  They are very dangerous! 

20) Public “education” in the government controlled centers of indoctrination (euphemistically called “schools” or “centers of induced ignorance”) is more successful than ever, and parents are flocking to them to allow their kids to partake of the “superior” educations they receive therein, because their learning proficiency test scores are getting better every year.  Aren’t they?  Now where else could our parentally “repressed” kids learn the truth about how ‘racist’ white kids are and white society is and always has been?  Shame—shame—shame on white racists!

21) The mainline “woke” churches of the nation are correct in phasing out or watering down the preaching of God’s Word--which is just a collection of “fables” and “fairy tales”--, and the new “social gospel” now being taught in these churches will be quite beneficial in the years ahead, as mankind pursues “Heaven on Earth” rather than eternal existence with an imaginary Creator in His imaginary Heaven.  We all know that “man” can make his own ‘paradise’ and doesn’t need to worry about some kind of superstitions taught in the Bible.  Right?  Of course.  Don’t doubt the wisdom of our liberal leaders—Democrats and progressive Republicans!

NEXT TIME:  We’ll pick up on our discussion of why we Americans appear to have been living in “The Twilight Zone” for at least the past four years (or longer).



A native of Cleveland, Ohio W. H. (Bill) Lamb was graduated from Cleveland State University (Ohio) in 1960, and relocated to South Carolina in 1964.  For many years he was an Industrial Engineer, Chief Industrial Engineer, and plant manager in the steel, electronics, and apparel industries in Ohio, South Carolina, and Alabama. 

An avid and long time writer concentrating on political and cultural issues of concern to America’s Christian Patriot community, he was published in the Lancaster, S.C. “News” during the mid-to-late 1960’s and in Greenville’s “The Times Examiner” since 1999.   The late Christian Patriot, Col. Bobby Dill, was his first editor for The Times Examiner, the publication he always refers to as “a great journal of truth”.

Married to Barbara for 65 years, he has two adult kids, five grandkids, and six great grandkids, plus a “feisty and opinionated” 80 lb. Pit Lab named Hayley, who runs the entire house.

A long time member, with Barbara, of the patriotic John Birch Society, he believes that it is the duty of ALL Christians to first, share the love of his Savior, Jesus, with others, and then to be dedicated patriots and do everything possible to both resist the evil of collectivism that is smothering Western Civilization and educate and motivate his fellow Americans in the preservation of our unique Constitutional Republic.