Immigration laws in the United States are congressionally crafted for reasonable, gradual and orderly assimilation of foreign-born citizens of another country who wish to relocate here. Foreign born aliens here have a legally enforceable allegiance to the country of their citizenship and not to the United States.
As a nation, we have welcomed, and still do welcome, LEGAL immigrants for many years.
No foreign-born individual has a “right” to cross the borders of this nation at all except on terms and conditions specifically approved by the American people in Congress assembled. Anyone here illegally are “statutory” illegal aliens, not legal immigrants, and should be arrested and incarcerated until deported.
Elected national legislators, elected by bona fide American citizens, formulate national immigration policy-not globalists, illegal aliens, foreign organizations, political parties or sanctuary cities.
Anarchist Democratic Party illegal alien activists cause erratic confusion: we have porous defenseless borders, insufficient deportations, and insufficient execution of penalties. The Democratic Party has in the past and now does actively and openly encourage foreign born citizens owing allegiance to another nation, and many criminals and gang members, to arrogantly violate America’s duly debated and approved immigration statutes, even to the point of voting in American elections!
This is lawlessness! The Democratic Party encourages lawlessness to the open defiant point of supporting sanctuary cities in America that willfully violate national debated and passed immigration laws and abet, aid and hide lawbreakers from authorized immigration officers, thus thwarting efforts to protect true Americans for their political goals. These seditious sanctuary cities are in rebellion against America and are bastions of Democratic Party anti-American supporters. They provide free legal assistance to evade our national laws, free transportation, free housing, free food and free health care and expect other Americans to pay involuntary taxes to finance their efforts. They are financing an invasion of foreigners who owe this country no allegiance or patriotism at all.
Each foreign-born lawbreaker spends weeks, even months of forethought; much cunning, effort, cost and planning and then spends days and weeks in execution of their plan, fully knowing those carefully calculated risks to themselves and their families, if apprehended, for arrogantly and illegally penetrating our borders. They come anyway!
All lawbreakers knowingly subject their families to the consequences! But illegal aliens can depend on seditious Sanctuary Cities and other anti-American Democratic Party strongholds to assist them in breaking the law! Lawbreakers and those who encourage them and succor them cause harm to illegal alien families and our fellow Americans who risk their lives to enforce our immigration laws!
Incidentally, what “Sleeping Beauty” miracle suddenly transforms these dedicated law breakers into law abiding citizens with an allegiance to our country? Bank robbers may desperately need what others have saved and deposited in banks but that does not justify their taking by force what others have earned! Do bank robbers turn law abiding after robbing a bank: or, just want more?
Once melted into the Hispanic community here, especially in seditious anti-American Sanctuary Cities, illegal aliens retire each night and arise each morning consciously calculating how to evade detection and game the system. Their life is one of constant intentional deceptions and that reveals the inner true heart of dedicated lawbreakers.
And, someone must offer them subterfuge daily! After all, they can’t speak English! American jobs are taken; and wages driven down (most sent to their country of allegiance), all the while plundering our social and medical safety network paid for by working legal citizens. Citizens who paid for and for whom the “safety net” was intended wait in line after illegal aliens for monetary assistance and medical care. Shamelessly, illegal aliens willingly and consistently breach any law to satiate personal needs and desires. They will not change! Their perceived needs should not suffocate American needs!
American civil liberties, earned at self sacrificing great cost, should not be defined as a “right” belonging to demanding lawless masses in the streets attempting to avoid the just results of their wantonness! Instead, civil liberties should encourage respect for law, not reward lawlessness as Democrats have done for years as a panacea for purchasing new liberal Democratic voters!
It is Democratic Party politics financed off the bent backs of American workers! How many thousands voted illegally in the Presidential elections? Do you believe anti-American seditious Democratic Party Sanctuary Cities restrained or aided illegal aliens to vote? To vote all you have to do is sign a form that states you are a citizen under penalty of Perjury. Is that oath of integrity, for most a bar, anthing to someone who plans for months how to break into the country, plots daily to obtain benefits and gets public aid after fraudulently signing similar forms about citizenship? No one is required to initially prove citizenship under most current voting laws! Who checks voting forms anyhow-do you think anti-American, seditious, Democrat Sanctuary City Party officials do!
Illegal aliens have cast a shadow on; and, made life more difficult for legal immigrants who honored the law of their adopted country, transferred their allegiance and came here legally. These people have true character and we desperately need, seek and honor them and their integrity. But not lawbreaking illegal aliens! Sadly, we have enough unworking citizens already on welfare and healthcare without taking in other nations' citizens..
Are you legally here and now a citizen of this great nation after patiently honoring American law? May God bless your integrity! My sincere hope is that you and yours realize your American Dream, produce happy healthy children of similar good character and integrity; and you enjoy your sons and daughters and grandchildren in a robust free society in America!
Folks like you, along with Americans born here, are building; and, are the backbone of this nation! Our joint allegiances and patriotism as fellow citizens are to this nation!! But if you are here illegally you are not welcome: go home or be justifiably jailed and deported!
Jim S. Brooks, retired inactive attorney Bar #911, 225 Heather Drive, Spartanburg, S.C. , 29301;