[The following piece was written and originally published in September 2021, shortly after the removal of General Lee’s statue in Richmond.]
A “progressive” gang of orcs and goblins just pulled down Robert E. Lee’s statue in Richmond. None of those filthy miscreants would have been fit, morally or intellectually, to kiss the General’s muddy boot. What those fools don’t realize – amid their devilish celebratory glee – is that history – God’s Providence – is now changing course.
Battered from without; betrayed from within – the South – with its hated Christian conservatism – lives on. As the illegitimate, inept and tyrannical Biden regime implodes on the world’s stage, Texas and Florida are leading true, red America out of the evil, Marxist-atheist, Yankee empire.
Lee and the South fought for real self-government and for real or ordered liberty, including race realism. As a true Christian, Lee understood, with Burke, that intemperate men cannot be free, since their sinful passions forge their fetters. He understood, with Calhoun, that since virtue among men is unequal, so too is earned liberty. That’s why, when the undeserving are given too much freedom, statues of great men like Lee and Calhoun come down, society disintegrates, and government waxes tyrannical.
So the wicked Yankee empire that Lee so ably and nobly opposed is now teetering. Those who now ignorantly malign Lee and the South as racist and treasonous will be swept away. And on that glorious day, the South – that bastion of Western Christendom – will rise again; as will beautiful new statues of Lee, Calhoun and other American heroes.
Winston McCuen holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Emory University and is a John C. Calhoun scholar. A native of Greenville County, South Carolina, he is the son of Dr. William Garrison McCuen Sr. and Anne Ballenger King McCuen.