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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 07:41 AM


First Published in 1994


Brice Garrett Is on the Ballot

Brice Garrett for County Clerk of Court“For the last nine months, it has been an honor to serve as your Greenville County Clerk of Court. So many of you have been on my team from day one when I was appointed by Governor McMaster, endorsed by Paul Wickensimer who served honorably in the office for 23 years and who personally recommended me to the Governor to succeed him since I was the Deputy Clerk of Court. For your support, please know I am grateful,” said Garrett.

“I am running for election because we need to continue the good work of this important office.” Your Greenville County Clerk of Court office is the best in the state. We serve everyone who comes in our doors with respect and courtesy.

I am a conservative Republican who always works to save taxpayer dollars and improve the public services this office provides.

As your Clerk of Court

  • My focus is on maintaining our approved budget by local government, which is critical in providing adequate staff and supplies, assigning courtrooms with adequate space for hearings and trials, and assuring community members summoned for jury duty are comfortable.
  • I will work to create the efficiency needed to enable courts to carry out their duties as this position is a serious management position – not political.
  • I will continue to work with Court Administration in Columbia, Judges, the Public Defender, the Solicitor’s office, and the over 1600 attorneys in Greenville County.
  • I will continue to work with the Greenville County Bar Association of which I am a member of the Executive Committee.

The office of Greenville County Clerk of Court is not a political stepping stone – This is a full-time Management Job and one that I take very seriously. We are the gold standard for South Carolina, and I will work to keep that high bar for all of us.