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Friday, February 7, 2025 - 07:22 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


US 3rd Congressional District

Evert Electables 3rd Congressional

PLEASE NOTE—IMPORTANT DETAIL: do not take this flier to the polls. By law, you may take only a list of names and offices to the polling site.

  • For candidates already in an office, I have been able to check voting records. My comments reflect their voting records over the course of their tenure.
  • For those who have never run for office before, and who claim a position, I will state their claim, but understand I have nothing by which to verify that claim.
  • Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. A photo ID is required to vote in South Carolina.

This year there is one important dynamic going on—the SC House GOP Leadership has decided to coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce and a few consultants to have a coordinated campaign against Freedom Caucus members across the state.  They are using language and tactics conservatives have had thrown at them for years, it’s just that had always been from the Democrats and the liberals. Examples: extremist, racist, bigot, etc.  Now the GOP leadership is using the same tactics and some of the verbiage of the liberals and twisting the meaning of votes in the House to an extreme, where the truth will not be found.  The establishment has decided to get rid of the Freedom Caucus any way they can, by hook or crook.  It is now known the the GOP House Caucus is openly funding challengers in most if not all of the Freedom Caucus elected Republicans in the state, including a donation by the House GOP Caucus to the challengers to the tune of $4,500.  Understand this is not because they disrespect those members, they do, but they do not respect or appreciate you the voters who are sending those members to the House, they want them obeying them the leaders, not you the constituents.

3rd Congressional

Mark Burns - http://www.markburns.org/        

African American pastor from Easley. He gave a prayer at Donald Trump’s inauguration and goes on the news shows and defends the president regularly.  He has a very charismatic personality. Served in the Army National Guard for 6 years and was honorably discharged.  He has openly talked about the fact that he was a Democrat and that Trump and his campaign and issues helped him see his views were closer to the GOP, and switched parties and traveled with President Trump and campaigned on his behalf in 2020.  Pro-Life, Pro Military, in favor of building the Wall at the border, and regularly speaks out against the woke and cancel culture. Campaigns as an American First candidate, Issues he is campaigning on: Secure our Borders, Uphold the rule of Law, Economic Revival, and Pushing back the Woke agenda.  He has the personal endorsement from Donald J Trump, he regularly speaks with the former president.  At a recent debate he took a strong stand on securing the border, and finishing the wall, we need to do an audit of the DMV, and the voter rolls to make sure non-citizens are not voting.  He stated that his belief is that life begins at conception, but reiterated Trumps stance, that the life issue is a states rights issue not a federal one.  Stop printing money, stop overspending, stop spending on wars and become energy independent, strong supporter of Israel.  Pastor Burns is the most charismatic candidate in this race, he brings energy and passion the race for our issues.  He has an AQ rank from the NRA and an A rank from GOA.  According to the FEC as of the end of the 1st Qtr, he has raised or has loans for a little under 520K

Stewart Jones - https://votestewartjones.com & https://www.facebook.com/RepStewartJones           

A small business owner, former County Council member, and State Representative. He is a conservative Republican, a member of the Freedom Caucus.  He also serves on the Board of Directors for the Upstate Pregnancy Center. Received the CPAC Award for Conservative Excellence multiple times and has been recognized as local Republican legislator of the year.  Campaign issues: Faith & Family, Reverse “Bidenomics Put America First, Secure the Border, Get Tough on China, Protecting the Constitution.  Received a 100 Rank from CPAC, 79 from CFG(Club for Growth), and a 100 from the SC Policy Council. Received an A rank and the endorsement from the NRA and has an A rank from GOA.  He has a long list of endorsements, Sen Rand Paul, Dr Ron Paul, Curtis Loftis, US Rep Bob Good (Freedom Caucus Chair), US Rep Thomas Massie, US Rep Ralph Norman, SC Senate Richard Cash, SC House members, Bill Chumley, Ashley Trantham, Mike Burns, Mark Willis, April Cromer, Thomas Beach, Craig Gagnon, and Patrick Haddon.  Two Sheriffs: Don Reynolds and Dennis Kelly.  I did not include all of them go to his website if you want the whole list.

Sherri Biggs - https://www.sheribiggs.com     

Lt Colonel in the Air National Guard, board certified nurse practitioner and mental health nurse practitioner has worked in Nursing from the Intensive care unit to the administrator of a nursing care home.  She has a Dr of Nursing Practice.  Issues are Secure the Border, Fiscal Responsibility, Defend the Sanctity of Life, Drain the Swamp, and Keep the promises to our Veterans.  At the debate she would prioritize jobs going to citizens first, supporter of Israel, we need to cut spending but not border security.  She stated she is pro-life, but reiterated Trumps stance, that the life issue is a state’s rights issue not a federal one. Some have criticized her for her husband’s donations to Democrat politicians in the state.  For some reason she has decided not to go our local radio show (The Tara Servatius Show)to be interviewed, which is very disappointing and has caused me to second guess my early good opinion of her campaign.  She has an AQ rank from the NRA and an A rank from GOA.  She has been endorsed by Governor McMaster

Franky Franco - https://frankyfranco.com https://www.facebook.com/Frankyfrancoforcongress

He is a lifelong South Carolinian born to first generation immigrants to the US. 

“A living testament to the American Dream, Franky’s mother was a Cuban exile who came to America fleeing Fidel Castro’s communist regime. His father legally immigrated to the United States from Ecuador, seeking economic stability and prosperity but instead found something far more valuable – becoming a born-again Christian and serving his community as a Baptist minister for over 30 years.  As a first generation Cuban American of legal immigrants, Franky understands the threats posed by dictators abroad, and he equally understands the importance of a secure border at home so that our country can be safe and prosperous. He knows we have to finish Trump’s border wall, and his decades of experience in the boardroom means he knows the threats we face from China on trade, technology, and theft.”

He was an executive in a telecommunications company before he decided to get into the race.  His Issues are Stopping Illegal Immigration, Pro-Life, that our Faith is not stifled in the Public Square, dealing with China, and Stopping the Woke culture in the public arena.  He received an AQ rank from the NRA and an A from GOA.  Has raised a total of $115K by the 1st qtr.

Kevin Bishop - https://bishop4congress.com      

Born and reared in SC and has lived most of his life in the 3rd District, He has worked in the political world for most if not all of his career, worked for Congressman Graham and then worked as a communications director for him once he moved to the Senate.  He retired in February of this year.  He is very knowledgeable in almost every issue, but he comes from the establishment side of the party.  His issues are: Secure the Border/Build the Wall/Deport the uninvited, Inflation Economy and Budget, Upholding Life, and stand with Israel.  He supports the save act that says only citizens may vote, that we need to be very weary of China and their economic and military buildup. Received a AQ from the NRA and an A from the GOA.  As of the end of the 1st Qtr he had raised a total of $181K

Phil Healy - https://www.healyforcongress.com         

Retired from the Navy after 23 years, Small business owner, He carries a copy of one of the bills passed by Congress, as an example of what is wrong in DC it is over a foot tall and of course they don’t read the bill before they vote.  Has been a supporter of Trump from the beginning, and before that supported Ron Paul.  Believes that the Life issue should be a state issue.  Fiscal issues are paramount, Pro-life, Pro Second amendment.  Issues: Secure the Borders, Energy Independence, Peace through Strength, Education Reform, Election Integrity, Judicial Reform, Foreign Aid Reform, Defund the FBI, America First, Pro-Life, and Audit/End the Fed.  Received a Rank of AQ from the NRA and an A from GOA, he has raised less than $20K as of the 1st Qtr.  He has a picture posted on his website that he has been endorsed by Dr Ron Paul.

Elspeth Murday - https://murday4congress.com     

She is an agronomist and had some physical issues and was able to find a cure at least for herself.  From what I can see she filed for this race before Jeff Duncan announced he was not running again.  According to the FEC she has not raised or spent enough money to file a report as the end of the1st Qtr.  At this point she is not a serious candidate.

Evert: I expect this to go to a runoff, no one is polling close to 50%, and there are 7 candidates, of which 5 have raised over $100K by the end of the 1st Qtr.  Burns has Trumps endorsement, and has Trumps trust and his ear.  He is also a preacher and as such can lead the field with his charisma and passion on the issues, Stewart Jones is a solid conservative, and has the record to back it up, he has also done the hard work of building a grassroots campaign with a LOT of endorsements across the 3rd district, from solid republicans across the district.  I can see where either of these two can come out in the top two.  Mr Jones endorsements are impressive!  Sheri Biggs rounds out what I consider the top tier of the candidates, I first was impressed by her based on her ads, but recent events (refusing to be interviewed by a local radio station host) and her endorsement by Governor McMaster has pulled back my enthusiasm.  I am impressed by Mr Franco, he has raised over $100k and has a great story, he does not hide his faith, and he is strong on the conservative issues many of us care about.  Mr Bishop is from the establishment, and right now, with the establishment decision to go nuclear on the conservative wing of its own party, will not get enough support to make the runoff.  The last two Mr Healy and Ms Murday, have not raised enough money to make a impact in the race.

For conservatives you have only two choices, Burns and Jones, with Franco as an outside chance.  From what I see I like all three men, but only one gets to win and serve.


SC House

State House District #5

Brandy Tarleton - https://www.brandy4sc.com    

Born in the Upstate and raised in a loving Christian Family.  Was taught the value of hard work, charting your own path through excellence, and following your own conscience.  She decided to run for office because the conservative local vales and issues were not being represented in Columbia.  Running as a Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Small Government conservative who will support our women in women’s sports and has personal experience with the school choice movement.  Her campaign issues are: Life, Protecting Children and Parental Rights, Economic Issues, and Personal Freedoms. She received an “AQ” from the NRA. Endorsed by Moms for America, Stand for Health Freedom, AC for Conservative Future (John Warren’s group), Pickens County GOP, and a couple of Freedom Caucus members.

Neal Collins (INCUMBENT) - www.collinsforsc.com  

Attorney. Pro-Life and somewhat Pro-Gun voting record. Was a VERY outspoken NEVER TRUMPER, did NOT vote GOP in 2016. Voted against the Save Women Sports Act in committee, and the bill failed at the committee level and had to be resurrected. He did vote for this bill at the final vote on the House floor because he had received so much pressure from his constituents. He also was one of the “no” votes regarding Constitutional Carry at the committee level, but again, supported it once it came to the floor, because of pressure from his constituents. He is a moderate at best. He has been a VERY strong Opponent to School Choice through the years. Received an “A” and the NRA endorsement.  His CPAC score for this year was NA because he missed too many votes to be scored. His lifetime score is 58%. Received a 6% score from Club for Growth. In my opinion, he is the second most liberal GOP member in the Upstate behind Jay West.

Evert: I endorse and would vote for Brandy Tarleton.

State House District #6

April Cromer (INCUMBENT) - https://www.cromerforhouse.com/ & https://www.facebook.com/AprilCromerforHouse

Current State House member who is a businesswoman and conservative.  She is a member of the Freedom Caucus, and her issues are: Limiting the size & control given of government, never voting to increase your taxes, and always voting to slash wasteful spending, Fighting for your 2nd Amendment, Supporting Small Businesses and voting against Crony Capitalism, Protecting the Unborn at all stages, Election Integrity, and School Choice.  Endorsed by Richard Cash, South Carolina's Conservative Future, SC Citizens for Life Action PAC, Marine and conservative businessman John Warren, Palmetto Gun Rights Association and received an A and the endorsement of the NRA. Received a 100 score from CPAC and a 97 from Club for Growth.

Kyle White - https://www.kylewhiteforhouse.com/  

He was raised in Anderson County and taught the values of hard work, public service, and education.  He went to high school at TL Hanna, where he was a state finalist for wrestling. Graduated from Clemson University, then went to Mississippi College School of Law.  He is currently a lawyer at the White, Davis, and White Law Firm in Anderson.  Issues running on: 2nd Amendment, Pro-Life, Illegal Immigration, business, infrastructure, education, government reform, veterans, low taxes, law enforcement, and the outdoors. Mr. White is a trial attorney, which means he sues people. His giving record is very mixed between Republicans and Democrats, He contributed to Dem Senator Dick Harpootlian (long-time former state Democratic Party Chairman)!! His voting record is also mixed. He has voted in the Democratic presidential primaries and recently in some GOP primaries. Now he wants to run as a Republican. He is parroting the lying talking points and propaganda of the Palmetto Truth Project regarding his opponent. He received an “AQ” ranking from the NRA. Endorsed by the SC Conservation Voters (SVSC).

He is the chosen candidate of the Columbia Establishment who is funding his campaign.  Will he kiss the ring when told how to vote and will he sign their loyalty pledge?  The political consulting firm he is using is actively working with the Progressive group ”Palmetto Truth Project”. The Palmetto Truth Project is a propaganda arm of the progressives in alignment with the GOP House leadership to lie and defeat all the Freedom Caucus members statewide, because they, the FC, will not Bend the Knee, and abandon their constituents’ values. He has accepted $4,500 from the GOP House Caucus, to IMO buy his loyalty to the Leadership.

Evert:  I endorse and would vote to re-elect April Cromer.


State House District #7

Lee Gilreath - https://www.leegilreath.com

He was born and raised in Anderson County.  Graduated from Belton Honea Path High School then joined the Army National Guard, serving for 7 years. Graduated from Clemson University, he and his brother then started Earth Materials Grading.  Campaign issues: pro-life, protects 2nd Amendment, stop corporate welfare, cut wasteful spending, term limits, restore power to sherifs and fighting for smaller government, reduce regulations, stop illegal immigration, and protect law enforcement.  He is a businessman not a politician.  He has stated he would join the Freedom Caucus.  Endorsed by SC Conservative Future.

Jay West (INCUMBENT) - www.facebook.com/jaywestforschouse7

Businessman; current incumbent. He has a Pro-Life voting record and a Pro-Gun voting record. He received an “A” ranking from the NRA and their endorsement. Endorsed by SC Citizens for Life Action PAC. Jay West is a former Democrat who realized n 2008 he could no longer run and win as a Democrat. In 2004 he ran as a Dem for SC Senate. He gave money to both the Governor and Lt Governor candidates in 2006, and he gave money to Steven Benjamin who was the former Democrat mayor of Columbia. In my opinion, and I think the statistics bear this out, he is the most liberal GOP member in the Upstate. Mr. West received a 45 from CPAC and 13 from CFG. Mr. West is primarily responsible for organizing and raising the money to go after the Freedom Caucus members including, but not limited to, the Palmetto Truth Project. So, if you value the Freedom Caucus and have friends who live in Belton, Honea Path, Iva, or in Anderson County south of the city of Anderson, call your friends and let them know to vote for Lee Gilreath. Polling says Mr. West is in trouble, which is why Gov. Henry McMaster is campaigning on his behalf.

Evert: I happily endorse Lee Gilreath and encourage all conservatives to support, help, and/or send him money so that we can put Mr. West into retirement.


State House District #10

Thomas Beach (INCUMBENT) - https://www.beachforhouse.com

He’s a licensed realtor from the Piedmont area. He served 4 years as an airborne infantryman, with service in the 75th Ranger Regiment. Ran last time on traditional family values, Pro-Life, and supporting 2nd Amendment gun rights, and in my opinion, he has kept those promises. A Father, A Soldier, and a Conservative Fighter. Campaign Issues: Immigration, Protecting Taxpayers’ monies, Fighting for Transparency, Protecting Life, Protecting Innocence, and the 2nd Amendment.  Received an “A” ranking and the endorsement from NRA, endorsed by John Warren’s SC Conservative Future group, Sen. Richard Cash, Palmetto Gun Rights, and the best for last – Donald J. Trump. Many of you have probably seen a lot of fliers coming from Palmetto Truth Project and his supposed “conservative” opponent, which are covering many of the same issues. On the gun rights issue see the letter on his FB page from GOA, National Association for Gun Rights and Palmetto Gun Rights to see how they view Thomas Beach’s support for gun rights. CPAC Score: 100%, CFG Score 90%.

Pam Anthony - http://www.pamforschouse.com

Born and raised in Greenville, then moved to Anderson.  Has been in the Healthcare industry. Served on the Greenville Sheriff's Foundation. Campaign issues: Law Enforcement & First Responders, Taxation, Education, Infrastructure, Veterans, DEI, Insurance Reform, Judicial Reform, and Illegal Immigration. Ms. Anthony is the chosen candidate of the Columbia Establishment who is funding her campaign.  Will she kiss the ring when told how to vote and will she sign their loyalty pledge?  The fliers she is sending out are mimicking the Progressive group ”Palmetto Truth Project”. The Palmetto Truth project is a propaganda arm of the progressives in alignment with the GOP House leadership to lie and defeat all the Freedom Caucus members statewide, because they, the FC, will not Bend the Knee, and abandon their constituents’ values.  

Evert: I endorse and would vote for Thomas Beach.


About the Author, Evert Headley

Evert has been involved with politics since 1989, both at state and local levels. He considers himself to be a Reagan conservative (conservative on social, economic, and national security issues). His first issue is always the Right to Life (without that right, which is endowed by our Creator, none of the other rights even exists). His second issue is always the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) because this right guarantees the ability of individuals and states to defend the other rights. His third issue is always the First Amendment (freedom of religion, speech and assembly). His fourth issue is the defense of capitalism and the defeat of Socialism/Marxism/Fascism, along with the protection of private property rights. On the national level, we are printing too much money, spending too much money, and borrowing too much money. The federal government is trying to usurp and infringe upon the rights reserved to the states and to the individuals.

Produced by Evert M Headley

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