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Sunday, February 9, 2025 - 03:42 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Everts Electables Primary 2024

Republican Primary - June 11, 2024

PLEASE NOTE—IMPORTANT DETAIL: do not take this flier to the polls. By law, you may take only a list of names and offices to the polling site.

  • For candidates already in an office, I have been able to check voting records. My comments reflect their voting records over the course of their tenure.
  • For those who have never run for office before and who claim a position, I will state their claim, but understand I have no way to verify that claim.
  • The polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in South Carolina, and a photo ID is required to vote.

This year, there is one important dynamic:  the SC House GOP Leadership has decided to coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce and a few consultants to coordinate a campaign against the Freedom Caucus members across the state.  They are using language and tactics that conservatives have thrown at them for years; it's just that they have always been from the Democrats and the liberals. Example: Extremist, racist, bigot, etc.  Now, the GOP leadership is using the same tactics and some of the verbiage of the liberals and twisting the meaning of votes in the House to an extreme, where the truth will not be found.  The establishment has decided to get rid of the Freedom Caucus any way they can, by hook or crook.


4th Congressional

Adam Morgan - https://www.voteadammorgan.com/

He is a businessman, author, composer, public speaker, and licensed attorney. He received his B.A. from BJU and his law degree from the University of South Carolina School of Law.  Several years ago, Adam set aside a career as an attorney to help his in-laws, Ron and Shelly Hamilton, with their family business, Majesty Music, Inc. (Majesty Music is a Christian music and book publishing company, music school, and recording studio in Greenville. Majesty Music produces the Patch the Pirate audio series. Patch the Pirate is the 3rd largest religious children’s radio broadcast in the United States.) In 2021, Adam Morgan, along with fellow conservative SC House Representatives, founded the SC Freedom Caucus, which actively fights for conservative values in legislation. Adam is a conservative champion and is recognized nationwide with awards such as the Taxpayer Hero Award from Club for Growth, the Conservative Achievement Award from ACU/CPAC, and the Conservative Excellence Award from ACU/CPAC. As a House member, he made promises, and he has kept them.  Protecting Life, Advancing 2nd Amendment Rights, Stopping the Radical Left, Saving Women’s Sports, Parental Rights, Defending the Constitution, and Securing Medical Freedom. Last year, during the VW/Scout debate about giving a foreign corporation over a billion dollars to move to the state, a legislator questioned why Mr. Morgan would value his constituents’ views over the professional bureaucrats’ opinion.  Morgan explained that as a representative, he put his constituents’ views first on issues. The video went viral (you should Google it). He speaks and votes as we, as conservatives, want our representatives to say and do.  In fact, this exchange is what brought out the wrath of the leadership and was at the beginning of the Palmetto Truth Project’s vengeful campaign of deceit and lies to defeat the Freedom Caucus.  Timmons has picked up the progressive Palmetto Truth Project’s criticism of Adam on “missing” votes. Adam has responded by giving the total votes during his term, he has a 95% attendance record, one of the highest in the SC House.  Received an A rank from the NRA and the GOA.  CPAC 100%, CFG 97%, SC Policy Council 100%.  Endorsed by Cong Dan Bishop, Cong Matt Gaetz, Cong Bob Good (Freedom Caucus Chair), Cong Mary Miller (Cong. Family Caucus Chair), Cong Ralph Norman, Dell Baker, Sid Cates, Mike Fair, Joe Dill, Dan Hamilton, Wendy Nanney, Garry Smith, David Thomas, Lewis Vaughn, America First PAC, House Freedom Fund, Veterans For Trump, Thomas Beach, Bill Chumley, Wayne McCall, John McCravy (Family Caucus Chair SC), Alan Morgan, Ashley Trantham, Stan Tzouvelekas, Palmetto Conservative Fund, Sheriff Hobart Lewis, and John Warren and the SC Conservative Future.

William Timmons (INCUMBENT) - https://votetimmons.com

Former prosecutor in the Solicitor’s office. Entrepreneur, small-business owner, and JAG officer in the Air National Guard.  While in Congress, he has a conservative voting record: strong Pro-Gun votes, strong Pro-Life votes,
“A” ranking and endorsement from the NRA, “A” ranking from Gun Owners of America, and he has a 100% Pro-Life voting record from National Right to Life (NRTL). He’s campaigning on Integrity of Elections, Securing Our Country, Defend the Rule of Law, Right to Life, Stopping the Waste, Securing the Border, and Supporting the 2nd Amendment. Timmons supported Speaker McCarthy when the motion was put to vacate the Speakership. McCarthy was not a conservative—in fact, he did great harm to conservatism through some of his negotiations. It was a good thing he got put out. The biggest issue in the campaign is one that hardly anyone speaks about. Two years ago, right after Timmons won the primary, it came out that he was having an affair with his wife’s friend. Since then, Timmons’s voting record has moved to the right.  Not conservative enough for him to join the Freedom Caucus, or to come to the defense of Freedom Caucus members when they were thrown out of the SC House GOP caucus. In fact, he’s using some of the same talking points as the Palmetto Truth Project against Adam Morgan.  Endorsements are Pres. Donald Trump, the NRA, the Nat’l Right to Life, Gov. Henry McMaster. He has a list of 15 US House members who are veterans who are endorsing him, Cong Marjorie Taylor Greene and US House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Evert: I endorse and will happily vote for Adam Morgan for Congress. I’ve always felt that Timmons does not base his positions on principle but rather on pragmatism and does not handle criticism very well.


SC Senate


Senate 6

Ben Carper - http://www.drbencarper.com

Ben Carper is a native of Greenville. Ben has a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Psychology, Doctor of Divinity, and Doctor of Sacred Literature. He taught high school for nine years and college for eight years. He has been a real estate broker in the area for the past 30 years. He is passionate about the people of Greenville County and firmly believes in their potential to contribute towards a flourishing community.  He is a man of faith who understands people want the opportunity to work, keep more of their money, be proud property owners, and enjoy a quality of life in their safe and secure communities.  Ben is committed to protecting Greenville County citizens from the massive intrusion and over-regulated actions of big government and its globalist partners, not just on a county level but also on the state level. He plans to give taxpayers more power over their own money and to support the parental rights of the constituents of Greenville County. He plans to run as a true conservative Republican who takes no authority from anyone other than his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and the citizens of Greenville County. He fully supports the local Greenville County GOP platform and plans to work with the SC Freedom Caucus in the SC State House of Representatives. The issues he’s running on are Citizen Control of State and Local Government, Lower Taxes, Less Government, Support for Fire and Police, anti-woke and cultural Marxism, Immigration, Election Integrity, Judicial Reform, against Scout deal, favors money following the child for School Choice, against red flag laws in favor of opting out of vaccine mandates. Endorsed by Dr. Bob Jones III and Palmetto Conservative Fund.

Dan Nickles - http://www.dannicklesforsenate.com

He was born and raised in Belton, SC. He applied to dental school and was accepted at Emory University, and graduated as a DMD from MUSC. Interned at Grady Hospital in Georgia, working alongside surgeons and oral surgeons for trauma and emergency patients. “I have had great mentors in my life, starting as a child, with a strong-rooted family and a hard-working mom and dad.” He has stood firm for patients’ rights, regardless of what their insurance dictates. “I refuse to let insurance control my patient's needs, and that is the same way I will fight for you! I will stand firm when voting to pass bills that will affect the people.” Not getting pressured behind closed doors to vote against what the people need. He has been recognized for excellence in dentistry by the American Academy of Periodontology. His office has been in Greenville in the Lake Forest Shopping Center for 33 years, and he is not quitting dentistry if elected. His vision is to bring positive, conservative change to our state, protect our children, preserve our families and businesses, and restore our Christian values in South Carolina. Running as Pro-Life and Pro-2nd Amendment and Judicial Reform. His campaign issues are Securing the Border, Protecting Citizens, Lowering Taxes, Protecting Our Children, Control over our Healthcare against the czar, Protecting Senior Citizens, Repairing the Roads, Protecting Life, Voting Integrity, Tort Reform, and Protecting Business. He wants the money to follow the student with school choice. Endorsed by State Senators Josh Kimbrell and Dwight Loftis. He is a very nice man but on some key issues he’s not very knowledgeable as he did not understand some of the questions at a forum.

Jason Elliott - http://votejasonelliott.com

Former staffer of Senator Jim DeMint. He is an attorney in town. Has been involved in politics locally for a long time. He has a 100% Pro-Life voting record. Mr. Elliott has been the House member for District 22 for several years. He is currently the only openly gay man serving in the House. His voting record is a little mixed. He’s a supporter of gun rights, he has a very strong pro-life record, and he is a supporter of school choice. He has been endorsed by and received an “A” ranking from the NRA. He voted for the Save Women’s Sports bill on the open floor, but against it in committee. From what I can see he is trying to represent his district, even when his views may be different from his district. His CPAC rating is 58%. His Club for Growth rank is 20%. Received a 67% from SC Policy Council. Endorsed by the NRA. His endorsement list is too long to even list. Both the House leadership and the State Senate leadership tried to keep anyone from running against him. The SC Senate GOP Caucus is already sending mailers on his behalf even though he is not yet the nominee. He is the favored candidate of the Columbia establishment. Having said all that, if Mr. Elliott were running for a Senate seat outside the Upstate, he would be the conservative choice. As of the March filing deadline, he had raised just shy of $200,000, whereas his opponents combined had not even raised $10,000.

Evert: I will vote for Dr. Carper.  My wife is voting for Carper.  In my opinion he is the most conservative candidate, I just don’t know if he will have the funds to get his message out.   


Senate 12

Lee Bright - https://www.facebook.com/senatorleebright       

Raised in Pauline and graduated from Dorman High School. He has been in the trucking and insurance businesses. He was the former State Senator from this district before Mr. Talley defeated him in the Republican primary. The governor at the time, Nikki Haley, coordinated with the Chamber of Commerce to defeat Lee Bright because of his sponsoring and support of the “bathroom bill,” which stipulated people were required to use the bathroom corresponding to their biological sex. I believe he was the most conservative state senator while in office. He also was the most difficult senator to get along with. There were a lot of conservatives who did not come to his aid due to burnt bridges. In 2014, he ran for US Senate against Lindsey Graham, and in 2018, he ran for the open 4th Congressional seat. His campaign issues are: Pro-Life, 2nd Amendment, Immigration, Roads, and Spending. When he was in the Senate, he was known as a fighter for conservative values. Because of his history in the district and having run for office at the state level, his entrance into the race makes him the odds-on favorite to win. In the past, he openly supported and endorsed Ron Paul for President. He is a very charismatic, in-your-face, street-fighting conservative. Because of that, he rubs some people the wrong way. I’ve even had issues with him because of tactics and strategies. Generally speaking, he marches to his own drum.  He received an “A” ranking from the NRA.  He filed late, so he shows very little funds raised.  Next filling will be within the next 10 days.  Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.

Skip Davenport - https://www.skipforsenate.com

Campaign issues: businessman, political outsider, conservative Republican, Pro-Life, Pro-2nd Amendment, Pro-Trump. He is a businessman who comes from an outsider's perspective and knows how to budget responsibly. He wants to protect life and keep our children safe. He is not someone playing the old stale politics. He wants to deal with immigration and the resulting drugs, fix the roads, support law enforcement, cut taxes, and make the government more accessible, accountable, and transparent.  He received an “AQ” ranking from the NRA.  The finance report shows the money raised is about 102K, including loans.

Roger Nutt - https://www.rogernut.com/

Current State House member representing District 34. A lifelong resident of Spartanburg County. He is a licensed professional engineer in SC and GA. He served on County Council District 6. Campaign issues: more freedom & less government, 2nd Amendment, roads and infrastructure, unborn lives matter, Taxes, “go woke – go broke,” and opportunities. He had been a strong proponent of fixing immigration and voted for constitutional carry. He is a strong supporter of first responders and police, and his record reflects that. Voted in favor of pro-life and “Save Women’s Sports.” He received an “A” ranking from the NRA and their endorsement. CPAC ranking of 69 and SCPC ranking of 78. In the State House he is in the top 20 most conservative. He is strongly pro-life, pro-gun, low-tax, and pro-business. Endorsed by Nat’l Assoc. of Realtors and Spartanburg Home Builders Assoc.  The finance report shows the money raised is about 90K, with no loans.

Hope Blackley - https://www.hopeblackley.com

Ms. Blackley has an incredibly inspiring life story. She started her career as a preschool teacher in partnership with United Way of the Piedmont. She moved on to the 7th Circuit Solicitor Office as an advocate for child victims. She served under Trey Gowdy. She was appointed by the governor as a crime victim advocate for the state of South Carolina. In 2010, she was appointed by the Governor to the Spartanburg County Clerk of Court and won re-election multiple times. She then worked in Congressman Timmon’s office as his district director. Campaign issues: Education, Public Safety, Prosperity, and Service. Her passion is focused on helping children and victims; however, I do not see any mention of the right to life on her website. Of the 4 candidates, I think she is the closest to the Columbia Establishment. She received an “AQ” ranking from the NRA, the highest ranking given to a non-incumbent.  The finance report shows the money raised is about 64K, with no loans.

Evert: I consider this one of the hardest races to gauge. Before Bright got in the race, we had 3 top-tier candidates. As you can see from their fundraising, each of them has raised more than $50,000. Lee Bright brings a whole new dynamic to this race. I consider him to be the odds-on favorite to win this race, but I don’t know if he can raise the money. The question is, does it go to a run-off, and who would the second runner be? Skip Davenport and Roger Nutt are conservatives; either of them will bring good skills to the State Senate. Davenport brings the perspective of a businessman and a concerned citizen who has watched things go from bad to worse and jumped into the race to try to make a difference for his community. Roger Nutt is not a Freedom Caucus member, but nonetheless one of the most conservative members outside the Freedom Caucus. I don’t prefer Bright’s style, but I still believe he is the odds-on favorite to win. The question is whether Davenport or Nutt can overtake him in the race. Before Bright got in the race, I was going to support Davenport, and I know lots of conservatives supporting Roger Nutt for good reasons.


SC House


State House District #5

Brandy Tarleton - https://www.brandy4sc.com

Born in the Upstate and raised in a loving Christian family.  She was taught the value of hard work, charting your own path through excellence, and following your own conscience.  She decided to run for office because the conservative local values and issues were not being represented in Columbia.  Running as a Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Small Government conservative who will support our women in women’s sports and has personal experience with the school choice movement.  Her campaign issues are: Life, Protecting Children and Parental Rights, Economic Issues, and Personal Freedoms. She received an “AQ” from the NRA. Endorsed by Moms for America, Stand for Health Freedom, AC for Conservative Future (John Warren’s group), Pickens County GOP, and a couple of Freedom Caucus members.

Neal Collins (INCUMBENT) - www.collinsforsc.com

Attorney. Pro-Life and somewhat Pro-Gun voting record. He was a VERY outspoken NEVER TRUMPER and did NOT vote GOP in 2016. Voted against the Save Women Sports Act in committee, and the bill actually failed at the committee level and had to be resurrected. He did vote for this bill at the final vote on the House floor because he had received so much pressure from his constituents. He also was one of the “no” votes regarding constitutional carry at the committee level, but again, supported it once it came to the floor, because of pressure from his constituents. He is a moderate at best. He has been a VERY strong Opponent to School Choice through the years. Received an “A” and the NRA endorsement.  His CPAC score for this year was NA because he missed too many votes to be scored. His lifetime score is 58%. Received a 6% score from Club for Growth. In my opinion, he is the second most liberal GOP member in the Upstate behind Jay West.

Evert: I endorse and would vote for Brandy Tarleton.


State House District #6

April Cromer (INCUMBENT) - https://www.cromerforhouse.com & https://www.facebook.com/AprilCromerforHouse

Current State House member who is a businesswoman and conservative.  She is a member of the Freedom Caucus, and her issues are: Limiting the size & control given to Government, Never voting to increase your taxes, and always voting to slash wasteful spending, Fighting for your 2nd Amendment, Supporting Small Businesses, and voting against Crony Capitalism, Protecting the Unborn at all stages, Election Integrity, and School Choice.  Endorsed by Richard Cash, South Carolina's Conservative Future, SC Citizens for Life LIFEPAC, Marine and conservative businessman John Warren, Palmetto Conservative Fund, Palmetto Gun Rights Association, and received an A and the endorsement of the NRA. Received a 100 score from CPAC and a 97 from Club for Growth.

Kyle White - https://www.kylewhiteforhouse.com/     

He was raised in Anderson County and taught the values of hard work, public service, and education.  He went to high school at TL Hanna, where he was a state finalist for wrestling. Graduated from Clemson University, then went to Mississippi College School of Law.  He is currently a lawyer at the White, Davis, and White Law Firm in Anderson.  Issues running on 2nd Amendment, Pro-Life, Illegal Immigration, business, infrastructure, education, government reform, veterans, low taxes, law enforcement, and the outdoors. Mr. White is a trial attorney, which means he sues people. His giving record is very mixed between Republicans and Democrats. He contributed to Dem State Senator Dick Harpootlian (long-time former state Democratic Party Chairman)!! His voting record is also mixed. He has voted in the Democratic presidential primaries and recently in some GOP primaries. Now, he wants to run as a Republican. He is parroting the lying talking points and propaganda of the Palmetto Truth Project regarding his opponent. Received an “AQ” ranking from the NRA. Endorsed by SC Conservation Voters (SVSC).

He is the chosen candidate of the Columbia Establishment, which is funding his campaign.  Will he kiss the ring when told how to vote and sign their loyalty pledge?  The political consulting firm he is using is actively working with the progressive group “Palmetto Truth Project”. The Palmetto Truth Project is a propaganda arm of the progressives in alignment with the GOP House leadership to lie and defeat all the Freedom Caucus members statewide because they, the FC, will not Bend the Knee and abandon their constituents’ values.            

Evert:  I endorse and would vote to re-elect April Cromer.


State House District #7

Lee Gilreath - https://www.leegilreath.com

He was born and raised in Anderson County.  Graduated from Belton Honea Path High School then joined the Army National Guard, serving for 7 years. He graduated from Clemson University, and he and his brother then started Earth Materials Grading.  Campaign issues: Pro-Life, Pro-2nd Amendment, stop corporate welfare, cut wasteful spending, term limits, restore power to sheriffs and fighting for smaller government, reduce regulations, stop illegal immigration, and protect law enforcement.  He is a businessman, not a politician.  He has stated he would join the Freedom Caucus.  Endorsed by SC Conservative Future.

Jay West (INCUMBENT) - www.facebook.com/jaywestforschouse7

Businessman; current incumbent. He has a Pro-Life voting record and a Pro-Gun voting record. He received an “A” ranking from the NRA and their endorsement. Endorsed by SC Citizens for Life Action PAC. Jay West is a former Democrat who realized in 2008 that he could no longer run and win as a Democrat. In 2004, he ran as a Dem for the SC Senate. He gave money to both the Governor and Lt Governor candidates in 2006, and he gave money to Steven Benjamin, who was the former Democrat mayor of Columbia. In my opinion, and I think the statistics bear this out, he is the most liberal GOP member in the upstate. Mr. West received a 45 from CPAC and 13 from CFG. Mr. West is primarily responsible for organizing and raising the money to go after the freedom caucus members including, but not limited to, the Palmetto Truth Project. So, if you value the Freedom Caucus and have friends who live in Belton, Honea Path, Iva, or in Anderson County south of the City of Anderson, call your friends and let them know to vote for Lee Gilreath. Polling says Mr. West is in trouble, which is why Gov. Henry McMaster is campaigning on his behalf.

Evert: I happily endorse Lee Gilreath and encourage all conservatives to support, help, and/or send him money so that we can put Mr. West into retirement.


State House District #10

Thomas Beach (INCUMBENT) - https://www.beachforhouse.com

He’s a licensed realtor from the Piedmont area. He served 4 years as an airborne infantryman, serving in the 75th Ranger Regiment. Ran last time on traditional family values, Pro-Life, and supporting 2nd Amendment gun rights, and in my opinion, he has kept those promises. A Father, A Soldier, and a Conservative Fighter. Campaign Issues: Immigration, Protecting Taxpayers’ monies, Fighting for Transparency, Protecting Life, Protecting Innocence, and the 2nd Amendment.  Received an “A” ranking and the endorsement from NRA, endorsed by John Warren’s SC Conservative Future group, State Sen. Richard Cash, Palmetto Gun Rights, and the best for last – Donald J. Trump. Many of you have probably seen a lot of fliers coming from Palmetto Truth Project and his supposed “conservative” opponent, which are covering many of the same issues. On the gun rights issue, see the letter on his FB page from GOA, National Association for Gun Rights, and Palmetto Gun Rights to see how they view Thomas Beach’s support for gun rights. CPAC Score: 100%, CFG Score 90%. Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.

Pam Anthony - http://www.pamforschouse.com

Born and raised in Greenville, then moved to Anderson.  Has been in the Healthcare industry. Served on the Greenville Sheriff's Foundation. Campaign issues: Law Enforcement & First Responders, Taxation, Education, Infrastructure, Veterans, DEI, Insurance Reform, Judicial Reform, and Illegal Immigration. Ms. Anthony is the chosen candidate of the Columbia Establishment who is funding her campaign.  Will she kiss the ring when told how to vote and sign their loyalty pledge?  The fliers she is sending out mimic the Progressive group ”Palmetto Truth Project”. The Palmetto Truth Project is a propaganda arm of the progressives in alignment with the GOP House leadership to lie and defeat all the Freedom Caucus members statewide because they, the FC, will not Bend the Knee and abandon their constituents’ values.

Evert: I endorse and would vote for Thomas Beach.


State House District #17

Mike Burns (INCUMBENT) - https://www.facebook.com/mikeburnsforschouse

Retired businessman, member of the Freedom Caucus. He has been a consistent conservative in northern Greenville County, quietly voting on behalf of his constituents. I have always found him to be accessible to his constituents. He is Pro-Life and Pro-2nd Amendment. He consistently opposes wasteful spending and needless regulations. He has an A ranking and endorsement from the NRA. CPAC Ranking: 92%. Endorsed by Adam Morgan, Steve Shaw, Sam Manley, Sen. Tom Corbin, Stan Tzouvelekas, John McCravy, Palmetto Gun Rights, SC Citizens for Life LIFEPAC, Joe Dill, Palmetto Conservative Fund, and Donald J. Trump.

Tom Bates - https://www.batesforhouse.com

Born in Travelers Rest, moved to Atlanta, had a career in the insurance business, and founded the Travelers Rest Police and Fire Foundation in 2022. In his political donations, the only Republican I have ever seen him give to was William Herlong when he ran for Attorney General (for those of you who don’t know, William Herlong was an attorney on Greenville County school board who devised the plan to build new schools in the county by going around a state law requiring a vote by the county voters authorizing a tax increase. He was part of the liberal majority on the school board – not a conservative.) Endorsed by the SC Conservation Voters (SVSC).

He is the chosen candidate of the Columbia Establishment, which is funding his campaign.  Will he kiss the ring when told how to vote and sign their loyalty pledge?  The political consulting firm he is using, is actively working with the Progressive group “Palmetto Truth Project.” The Palmetto Truth project is a propaganda arm of the progressives in alignment with the GOP House leadership to lie and defeat all the Freedom Caucus members statewide because they, the FC, will not Bend the Knee and abandon their constituents’ values.

Evert: This is my District, and I am proud of my representative, Mike Burns. I endorse and will be voting for him.


State House District #18

Alan Morgan - www.morganforsc.com  

He moved to Greer when he was in high school and lives near downtown Greer. He graduated from BJU and attends Morningside Baptist Church with his wife, Karis, who is a public school teacher. Involved in local and state GOP politics for many years.  He has worked for and volunteered for conservative candidates.  Worked on Bill Connors’ campaign for Senate in 2013 against Sen. Graham. He decided to run for office after the company he worked for instituted a vaccine mandate, and he left that company. The agenda he put out is Improve Education, Lower Taxes, Pro-Life, Fight Corruption, 2nd Amendment, Fix Our Roads, and no unconstitutional mandates. At the debate two years ago, he supported protecting women’s sports in K–12 and college, getting rid of the Certificate of Need for hospitals, reforming the DOT and gave a very strong answer on why he opposes legalizing marijuana. Favors the tax credits and the money following the student. He has been faithful to his campaign promises and stayed conservative. Alan has been involved in fundraising and working with the local pregnancy care centers for years. Endorsed by Adam Morgan, Bobby Cox, Josiah Magnuson, SC Conservative Fund (John Warren), Dr. Bob Jones III, Dr. Bob Taylor, Dell Baker, Pastor Josh Crockett, Dr. Carl Herbster, Pastor David Stockard, Paul Campbell, retired Col. Bill Connor, and many other conservatives. He went to Columbia and was not the go-along-to-get-along House member to the point that the Columbia Establishment has recruited a candidate to run against him. CPAC ranking: 100%; NRA: A with their endorsement; Palmetto Gun Rights: 100%; CFG: 100% and ranked #1 legislator in SC. Endorsed by: Palmetto Conservative Fund, State Freedom Caucus Network, SC Conservative Future, Greenville Co. Sheriff Hobart Lewis. Received 100% rating from SCCL LIFEPAC and their endorsement.

Tramaine Booker - www.bookerforschouse.com

He was originally recruited to run for County Council by the Greenville County GOP and its leadership, but after meeting with the Greer Chamber of Commerce and members of the House Republican Caucus, he switched to run against Freedom Caucus member Alan Morgan. His campaign slogan is “Rooted in Greer, Ready for Change.” Native of Greer, is a husband and a father, has worked in banking, and is now currently a real estate agent. He is a member of the Greer Planning Commission, minister, and church leader. Campaign issues: strengthening family and community integrity, driving economic growth through fiscal reform, modernizing infrastructure with sustainable solutions, reforming education for excellence, ensuring public safety and justice, and a unifying voice for conservative reforms. He is endorsed by Mayor Rick Danne.

He is the chosen candidate of the Columbia Establishment, which is funding his campaign.  Will he kiss the ring when told how to vote and sign their loyalty pledge?  I do not know who his consulting firm is, but he uses the same Democrat talking points that the Palmetto Truth Project is putting out.  The Palmetto Truth project is a propaganda arm of the progressives in alignment with the GOP House leadership to lie and defeat all the Freedom Caucus members statewide because they, the FC, will not Bend the Knee and abandon their constituents’ values.

Evert: I endorse and would happily vote for Alan Morgan.


State House District #19

Patrick Haddon (INCUMBENT) - https://www.facebook.com/HaddonforHouse

He is one of the most conservative non-members of the Freedom Caucus. He is a 7th generation farmer, former chairman of Greenville County GOP, and one of the founding members of the Family Caucus. He has an A ranking and endorsement from the NRA. Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund, SC Citizens for Life LIFEPAC. Endorsed by Donald J. Trump.

Nate Marcionette - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557948426258

He does not have a Facebook page or a website for his campaign. According to the SC Ethics Commission, he has raised either no money or less than $500 – not a serious campaign.

Evert: I endorse and would vote for Patrick Haddon.


State House District #20

Stephen Frank - https://www.facebook.com/votestephenfrank

He grew up in Greenville, was a faculty child of Bob Jones University, graduated from Bob Jones Academy and University, and is currently in the insurance business. Campaign issues: advancing upstate values, taking on the RINOS and UNIPARTY, protecting your rights, eliminating state income tax, judicial reform, and fighting for free markets. Campaign slogan: “Conservative, Fighter, Trustworthy.” Adam Morgan has said that he intends to vote for him. Endorsed by John Warren’s SC Conservative Future, Palmetto Conservative Fund, and Dr. Bob Jones III. He has an “AQ” ranking from the NRA, the highest non-incumbent ranking. He stated he would join the Freedom Caucus.

Sarah Curran - https://www.votesarahcurran.com/           

She grew up in Taylors, graduated from Greenville Technical Charter High School, graduated from USC, went to DC northern VA, and worked for Republican organizations and entities. She worked for an organization that helped recruit, train, and finance GOP women to run for office. She earned the Maverick Award (this was an award given to young professionals who bundled and raised money for Republican candidates.) She has worked with Grover Norquest's anti-tax group in the past.  She has an “AQ” ranking from the NRA (which is the highest ranking for a non-incumbent.) Endorsed by AFP (the organization that heavily backed Nikki Haley for President) SVSC Conservation Voters of SC. Campaign issues: Phase out state income tax, judicial reform, protect life, defend gun rights, safeguard parental rights, cut the waste and root out corruption, finally fix the roads, and bond and sentencing reform. Sarah is a very accomplished political operative. I do not know if she was recruited for this seat. I have heard that she was, but she says she was not. I don’t believe she is as conservative as a Freedom Caucus member would be, but she is not a moderate. In the current environment, many of the voters do not know her because she has been gone for many years despite growing up locally. As such, I can’t look up her SC donations or how she has voted in the past. She was accused of being a “never Trumper,” and I saw her speak to the issue, she talked about working for his campaign in 2016 and 2020, I don’t believe she is a “never Trumper”. At one of the forums, she did say she would not sign the GOP Caucus loyalty pledge.

Evert: I endorse and would vote for Stephen Frank. Adam Morgan stated he would vote for Stephen Frank, and John Warren’s group endorsement indicates that he is the more conservative candidate.


State House District #22

Stan Tzouvelekas - http://www.stanforhouse.com

Native of Greenville. He and his grandfather ran a small restaurant in the area and worked for Ryan’s Steakhouse as part of their real estate team. He’s currently a board member of the Christian Learning Center. He is a current County Council member for District 22 and one of only 3 consistently conservative votes on County Council. He stood firm and voted “no” on the tax increase and voted in favor of removing graphic sexual material from the children’s sections of the libraries in 2022. He was one of only 4 Council members to vote to appoint conservative board members to the library board in 2023. He is running to give the Freedom Caucus another member to defend our family values and protect our Constitutional rights. Campaign issues: Drain the swamp, End corruption, Advance conservative values, Stop the wokeness, Win the cultural war. He is pro-life and pro-2nd amendment. He wants to protect women’s sports. He is endorsed by Dr. Bob III, Palmetto Conservative Fund, and SC Conservative Future.

Paul Wickensimer - https://www.paulforhouse.com

Longtime Republican Clerk of Court who recently retired. He is a former County Council member elected to the Greenville County Clerk of Court in 2000. Pro-life and 2nd amendment. He received an “AQ” ranking from the NRA. He stated at a local forum that he would sign the House Leadership Loyalty Pledge. Endorsed by the CVSC.

He is the chosen candidate of the Columbia Establishment, which is funding his campaign.  Will he kiss the ring when told how to vote and sign their loyalty pledge?  The political consulting firm he is using is actively working with the progressive group “Palmetto Truth Project”. The Palmetto Truth project is a propaganda arm of the progressives in alignment with the GOP House leadership to lie and defeat all the Freedom Caucus members statewide because they, the FC, will not Bend the Knee and abandon their constituents’ values.

Evert: I endorse and would enthusiastically vote for Stan Tzouvelekas.


State House District #24

Bruce Bannister (INCUMBENT) - https://www.facebook.com/BruceBannisterSC

He is a trial attorney, he has a Pro-Life voting record, 100% score, and their endorsement. He’s part of the House GOP leadership and has been actively recruiting candidates against the Freedom Caucus. This spring, he announced he had cancer, and as such, he has missed some votes. “A” ranking from NRA, and their endorsement.

Bill Coleman

He has no website or campaign Facebook page. He has not filed an Ethics report, which means he has raised or spent less than $500. I would not vote for this gentleman. He is an apologist for Jeff Davis and makes excuses for all of Jeff’s bad behaviors. He will do the same in Columbia for those he likes.

Evert: Bruce Bannister is going to win re-election.


State House District #28

Chris Huff - https://votechrishuff.com             

Grew up in southern Greenville County. After college, he worked in business and had a business background. He entered the ministry and pastored for 20 years. After he recently retired, he moved back into his family home. In January, Ashley Trantham asked Chris to run for her seat as she would not run again. At the first forum, he let everyone know he would join the Freedom Caucus in his opening statement. His slogan is Accountability and Responsibility. Campaigning on the following issues: Preserving our conservative values, Fixing the broken education system, Protecting parental rights, Taking on the swamp, Stopping the Woke left, Election integrity, and fighting for medical freedom. Supports Closed Primaries, Gun Rights, and making Government smaller.  He gave a donation to Kevin Bryant in his race for Governor. At the first Forum, He gave a strong Pro-Life statement, stated he was in favor of Tort and Judicial reform, and in favor of zero-based budgets. Endorsed by Ashley Trantham, Mike Burns, Sam Manley, Stand for Health Freedom, Palmetto Conservative Fund, and John Warren’s SC Conservative Future. He has an “AQ” ranking from NRA. The financial report shows the money raised is about 10K, with no loans.

Troy Prosser - https://www.facebook.com/Troy4SCHouse/

He is a businessman and owner of a local family-owned farm. He is a former Vice Chairman of the Canebrake Fire Board Commission. Issues he is campaigning on: Eliminate Unnecessary Taxes, Maintain Our Medical Freedoms, Strengthen Local Food Sources, Protect Life & 2nd Amendment, and Local Choices on Education. At the first forum, he said he would NOT join the Freedom Caucus and that he would sign the GOP Loyalty pledge; Mr. Prosser posted a video on FB after the debate, where he explained that he thought the loyalty issue was to the GOP, not to the House leadership. He said he would join the FC at the forum hosted by UPA.  From the video on Facebook, he has clarified that he would vote with the FC and would like to join it.  If you have questions, watch his video on his FB page.  His response in the 1st Forum to a question regarding the life issue gave a Pro-Life answer. Also he has on his FB page that he would not sign on to any caucus until he heard from his district. He did not have a response to the NRA for a ranking. The finance report shows the money raised is a loan for 10K.

Allen Kellett - https://kellettforhousedistrict28.com

Allen Kellett is a 3rd generation farmer and businessman who owns Kellett Farms in Simpsonville. He is married to Heidi, a teacher in Greenville County. He was a lifelong resident of southern Greenville County and a member of Reedy Fork Baptist Church, where he served on many committees and as a deacon. Kellett Farms specializes in raising Polled Hereford beef cattle and hay production. He has served on several Upstate FFA advisory boards through the years and held several positions, from board member all the way up to President of the Greenville County Farm Bureau. Issues he is running on: Fix Our Crumbling Roads and Bridges, Back the Blue, Protect Conservative Family Values, Eliminate Wasteful Spending, and Fight for Our Classrooms. The finance report shows the money raised is a loan for 2K. He has an “AQ” ranking from the NRA.

Daniel Rumfelt - https://danielrumfeltfor28.com/ 

Raised in a little community in upstate South Carolina.  A pastor’s son who graduated from Lighthouse Christian Academy, then moved to Pelzer.  He works for ZF Transmission in Gray Court. He is working on his degree in software development at Grand Canyon University. He has assisted the Main Street Laurens Organization with event planning and organization. “I have been a Christian by faith since the 13th of June in 2010.” Running as a blue-collar worker on a platform of traditional conservatism, with transparency and open dialogue.  Campaign issues: Repeal the Gas Tax, use other monies to Fix the roads, Slow urban sprawl, Social Issues should be controlled by the state and local community, Judicial Reform, and supports Constitutional Carry. At one of the first forums, he said he would not join the freedom Caucus and did not answer whether or not he would sign the GOP loyalty pledge, he gave a pro-Life answer to a Life question, and wants Tort, Judicial and Bail Reform (higher bail to keep criminals in jail).  He is running a more grassroots campaign, finance report shows the money raised about 10K, with 4K a loan.  He did not have a response to the NRA for a ranking.

Kerri Smith - https://www.kerriforhouse.com

Kerri Smith is the SC Regional President for Self-Help Credit Union.   Before joining Self-Help, she was a speaker and consultant specializing in guiding organizations toward growth, innovation, and expanded business horizons.

She has certifications as a Credit Union Financial Counselor and a Credit Union Development Educator, and she is a graduate of Leadership Greenville. She is also an author. She wrote "Drive Into Daylight: Navigating Life with Faith and Gratitude." Born in Panama City, Florida, a parent was in the Coast Guard, so they moved around. She attended 12 schools by the 10th grade.  Her Campaign Issues are Common Sense & Fiscal Conservative, Growth and Infrastructure, Small Business, Healthy Families, Education, and Law Enforcement.  In her announcement video, when Ashley Trantham was still running, she claimed the incumbent was divisive and extreme. In her book and in other postings, she has come out in favor of DEI and LGBT and transgender issues.  Remember she was recruited to get in this race, when Rep Trantham was still in the race, Mrs. Trantham was the lead sponsor for Save Women’s sports (allowing only biological women in women’s sports).  Funding for her business has direct ties to George Soros and his organizations.  Although there are no direct ties to Mr. Soros, there are several major Democrat donors to her campaign.  At the first forum, her answer to the Life question was not in favor of our current Pro-Life law. She gave the Talking points from the Palmetto Truth Project, answered that she would not join the Freedom Caucus, and would sign the GOP loyalty pledge.  I do not believe this lady is a Republican, much less a Conservative—her writings, postings, and demeanor towards conservatives show that.  The interesting thing is that the Columbia Establishment recruited her and a few other non-GOP candidates to run as conservatives. They are funding and recruiting non-GOP people to run against Conservatives.  She got a B Ranking from the NRA. 

She is the recruited candidate of the Columbia Establishment, which is funding her campaign.  Will she kiss the ring when told how to vote and sign their loyalty pledge? (She has said she will.) The political consulting firm she is using is actively working with the Progressive group “Palmetto Truth Project.” The Palmetto Truth project is a propaganda arm of the progressives in alignment with the GOP House leadership to lie and defeat all the Freedom Caucus members statewide because they, the FC, will not Bend the Knee and abandon their constituents’ values.

Evert: I endorse Chris Huff and would vote For Chris Huff,   Kerri Smith is a Democrat that cannot be trusted in the GOP.


State House District #35

Bill Chumley (INCUMBENT) - Chumleyforhouse.com & https://www.fb.com/RepBillChumley

Farmer, small businessman, citizen legislator. Has sponsored/co-sponsored multiple conservative principal pieces of legislation (for example, personhood and heartbeat bills). He has introduced legislation pulling the State of South Carolina out of ObamaCare and co-sponsored a bill for constitutional carry. Supported pay raises for teachers. Has generally supported and/or endorsed conservative candidates throughout the Upstate. 100% Pro-Life voting record with the endorsement of the LIFEPAC. A strong defender of the Second Amendment, property rights, free speech, religious freedom, and an advocate for reforming state government and state’s rights. Consistent fiscal and social conservative. I would consider him to be a Tea Party conservative. Consistently fought to improve the immigration system for legal immigration. Mr. Chumley is a member of the Freedom Caucus, and because he would not bend the knee to the Good ol’ Boy Club in Columbia, the GOP caucus, the Columbia Establishment has recruited candidates to push out the FC from SC. The Caucus and House leadership are actively and aggressively running a false and misleading campaign against them through the Palmetto Truth Project, even going to the level of using Democrat talking points and tactics like taking a vote for the constitutional carry law as a vote to let felons carry guns(which is not true, still illegal) and giving you stats on how many votes they missed and not how many they missed out of a total number of votes( when their attendance and voting records are in the 90% range and in some case better than the establishment). Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.

Kevin Dunn - https://www.kevindunnforschouse.com 

Kevin, a lifelong South Carolinian, was born in Anderson.  He graduated from TL Hanna High School and earned his degree from the University of South Carolina, the first in his family to achieve a college degree.  He has a very accomplished corporate business career from Dunn & Bradstreet, to Cigna, to BI-LO working with Coca-Cola and other vendors and companies.  He now owns a State Farm Ins office in Greenville. His issues are Tax Reform, Roads and Infrastructure, Education, Crime and Safety, & Jobs and Economic Development. 

He is the chosen candidate of the Columbia Establishment, which is funding his campaign.  Will he kiss the ring when told how to vote and sign their loyalty pledge?  The political consulting firm he is using is actively working with the Progressive group “Palmetto Truth Project”. The Palmetto Truth project is a propaganda arm of the progressives in alignment with the GOP House leadership to lie and defeat all the Freedom Caucus members statewide because they (the FC) will not bend the knee and abandon their constituents’ values.

Evert:  I endorse and would vote for Bill Chumley.


State House District #36

Rob Harris (INCUMBENT) - https://www.harrisforsc.com                       

He has been a registered nurse for 27 years and is well-versed in the medical profession. He got involved in politics after 2020 for various reasons, including opposing vaccine mandates and passports. He lists these issues on his website: citizens first, Pro-life, effective repair of the roads, Judicial Reform, Constitutional Carry, election integrity, legal immigration, God-given genders, school choice, limited gov., fiscal conservatism, tax cuts using budget surplus, Sales tax v. Income tax, constitutional sovereignty, property owner rights. Received a ranking of “A” from the NRA and their endorsement.  He is a member of the Freedom Caucus, and as such, the Columbia Establishment has recruited candidates to remove all FC from the legislature in SC. Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.

Adam Crisp - https://www.voteadamcrisp.com/

Upstate native, He graduated from Riverside High School with honors, won two state baseball championships, and was nominated to the United States Military Academy West Point by then-U.S. Senator Jim DeMint. He was drafted by the Baltimore Orioles out of high school. Adam Crisp has served on the Lyman Town Council since 2021.  Attended Spartanburg Methodist College and graduated from the University of South Carolina on a full baseball scholarship. In 2009. He transitioned into law enforcement and graduated from the Police Academy. Until 2013, he served as a Sheriff's Deputy in Spartanburg County. Crisp is co-founder of a local security franchise, Signal of Spartanburg / Greenville / Asheville. Endorsed by SC Citizens for Life LIFEPAC, Josh Kimbrell (SC Senator), Greg Satterfield (Duncan Police Chief), and Pastor Keith Kelly, Received a ranking of “A” from the NRA.

Evert:  Any other year I would not deal with this race, but with the onslaught by the GOP House caucus against the FC I would Vote for Rob Harris the incumbent.  Mr. Harris is more Conservative but has also caused the Freedom Caucus the most problems.  I don’t like the fact that Mr. Crisp is parroting the Palmetto Truth talking points, but from what I see, he is conservative.  I am fairly certain he was recruited, so I suspect he will sign the GOP House loyalty pledge.  I have less info on this race than I would like, so I have been a little less decisive in this race.


Countywide Candidates


Greenville County Sheriff

Hobart Lewis (INCUMBENT) - http://www.HobartForSheriff.com

He was born in the Poe Mill community, went to Travelers Rest High School, and then joined the U.S. Army.  Joined the Greenville County Sheriff's Office Cadet Program in 1986 and the Greenville Co. Sheriff’s Office (GCSO) in 1986. In 1994 moved to the Greer PD and served 10 years there as a Patrolman, Corporal, and a Sergeant. He also served as a Uniform Patrol Sergeant, Traffic Sergeant, and Community Patrol Sergeant and was the Tactical Team Commander.  Served one term as Greenville Co Sheriff. His accomplishments that he is campaigning on are Increased Deputy hiring and retention, solving numerous cold cases, violent crime and homicides at historic lows, and our constitutional rights are secure.  He is against Red Flag laws and in favor of Constitutional carry and is a member of the NRA.  I believe he has done a great job getting the Dept back up and improving morale, plus has dealt with some of the small disturbances well enough that our county has not made the national news when riots were happening elsewhere. Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund. 

Mike Fortner - https://www.votemikefortner.com

Has been a deputy with GCSO for 29 years, started as a reserve deputy and worked through the ranks, Uniform patrol, to White Collar crimes, to master deputy criminal investigations, internal investigations, and then to the department that keeps the departments compliant with the accreditation.  From his website” I believe in God, family, and country in that order.” So, he is a patriot, the issues he is running on include:  because he wants to provide the citizens of and visitors to Greenville County with a more efficient and effective Sheriff’s Office.  He wants to transform the work environment under which the men and women, both sworn and non-sworn, work.  He is being supported by MYSCGOP, Jeff Davis, and the parts of current Greenville County GOP leadership in his campaign.  Because of this, I cannot support his campaign.

Evert: I enthusiastically endorse and will vote for Sheriff Hobart Lewis


Greenville County Clerk of Court

Mary Brice Garrett (INCUMBENT) - https://www.brice-garrett.com

Mary Brice Garrett was born in Greenville, went to Greenville Tech, and has spent most of her career in the healthcare industry, where she was a manager.  She was appointed to this position by Governor McMaster when the long-standing incumbent (Paul Wickensimer) retired, she was his deputy when she was appointed.  She has been in the office for about two years.  Endorsed: Paul Wickensimer, Leanda King (Ret Assist Clerk of Court), Eric Bedingfield, & Rhonda McElvean (Barnwell Clerk of Court), and many other voters in the county.

Jay Gresham - https://www.votejaygresham.com

Mr. Gresham is a native of Greenville County and graduated from the Citadel with Honors.  He was a cadet officer with cadets under his leadership.  He went on to law school, where he served as a law clerk along with his studies. Voted most outstanding law student in his class.  Clerked for an admin law judge before starting work in the Solicitor’s office here in Greenville. He wants to modernize and bring efficiencies to the office. Endorsed: Greer Mayor Rick Danner, Caroline Morris (Former Clerk of Court staff), Col. Wendell McMillan: Ret (Citadel), Carroll Campbell III, Johnny Mack Brown (former Greenville Sheriff), Mike Burns, David Stumbo (8th Dist Solicitor) Dr Bob Jones III, Palmetto Conservative Fund, plus others.  He has personally given donations to Freedom Caucus members in past years.

Both candidates have raised about the same amount of money as of the 1st quarter reports. Mr. Gresham has criticized Brice Garrett on two items: not getting the jury notices out in December and having a criminal record.  I have looked at the paperwork regarding that issue, and it was a traffic court bench trial in 2004 where she was found guilty of a false statement on a watercraft title application. The fine was $50. I believe his argument is regarding Moral Turpitude and being in charge of the court system in the county. I believe he is overstating the criminal record part; however, the Moral Turpitude issue is an issue she may want to answer. 

I believe Jay Gresham is more conservative and would most likely be more vocal and communicative in the community, whereas Brice Garrett seems to like staying in the background and just doing the job.

Evert: I have struggled with this race a little bit. I am going to vote for Gresham, but many other conservatives will make a different choice. I want a change, and I see him as a change agent.


Greenville County Coroner

Dale Arterburn - https://www.Daleforcoroner.com                            

Went to and graduated from Mauldin High, Joined the US Army, and then went to college for Criminal Justice.  Hired by Greer PD and has been there for 27 years.  For the last 21 years, he has been a violent crimes investigator, which includes Death investigations. The 3 issues he is campaigning on are: Lifetime of Service, Necessary Experience, & Conservative Values.  He sees the position as one of service to his community, not as a political position.  He has investigated and been to hundreds of deaths because of his position at Greer PD.  He has a very good relationship with the Sheriff, Hobart Lewis.

Mike Ellis - https://www.mikeelliscoroner.com

Lifetime resident of Greenville County.  He has a lot of certifications for the coroner’s position and has even been teaching some of the new coroners across the state.  Started in the coroner’s office as a Volunteer Deputy Coroner and was hired in 1996 and promoted to Chief Deputy Coroner in 1999.  Served 4 years as Training Director of the SC Coroners Association training for SC Coroners and Deputy Coroners. On the committee of (CTAC) The SC Coroners Training Council.  He has been endorsed by the outgoing coroner and the coroner of Oconee County.

This position is not one people run for so they can move up in the political world but to serve their community.  Both men, in my opinion, are very accomplished and will be able to do the job.  I see Mr. Ellis as someone who will continue with the office as it is. I see Mr. Arterburn as the change agent.  For example, all the deputy coroners work 9 to 5 shifts with time outside that as overtime, which means that they must work overtime to handle when people die at all hours, instead of shift work with reasonable salary amounts to support them.  For me I think it is time for a change.

Evert: I endorse and will be voting for Dale Arterburn.   


Greenville County Council District #18

Kelly Long - https://www.votekellylong.com

Lifelong resident of Greer, she has been in Banking or Finance for 30 years, specializing in Mortgage Banking.  She has a business degree from USC and a Masters in Business Management from North Greenville. Her Issues are Ethical Growth vs Overdevelopment, Transparency in Budgeting & Finances, Pro-Life, Pro 2nd amend, Parental Rights in Public Ed, & Constitutional Conservatism.  She got in the race because of the incumbent raising taxes and voting against members who wanted to keep Porn and very Graphic sexual descriptions in books out of the children’s sections. There is a story that Mrs. Long was Fired from a previous job. That is untrue, she like many people lost their job in 2008 when the Real estate market collapsed. Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.

Mike Barnes (INCUMBENT) - https://www.facebook.com/VoteMikeBarnes     

A local businessman who has been on council for 2 full terms. He owns a towing company. For the last few years, he has been unopposed.  A strong supporter of the police and first responders.  He has three really bad votes in this last term, He voted “no” on a resolution to disallow porn and very graphic sexual books and materials in the children’s and young adult sections of the public library.  He supported and voted for the largest tax increase in Greenville County history, and he voted to put progressives (who wanted to have the sexual graphic and included porn images to stay in the children’s sections) on the library board in two rounds of votes.  He sided with the liberals and Dems on the council.

Evert: I endorse and would vote for Kelly Long.


Greenville County Council District #20

Steve Shaw (INCUMBENT) - https://vote4steveshaw.com     

Travelers Rest and Taylors real estate attorney who lives in the Taylors area. Campaigned on a platform to protect our conservative Christian values, manage our county’s growth, strengthen gun rights, support the sheriff’s department, and lower the cost of living by shrinking government and cutting taxes. Long-time NRA member. Volunteer state constable. Holds PhD in growth management.  Recipient of the Order of the Palmetto for Second Amendment advocacy. In 2020, it received a 100% ranking from the SC Citizens for Life. He has been a fighter for conservative values on council, he fought against the tax increase and he has fought and helped the local community fight to remove the Graphic sexual items from the children’s sections in the libraries.  He is one of only 3 who consistently voted conservative on taxes and social issues. Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.

Ken Matesevac - https://ken4district20.com

First-time candidate. He and his wife are both graduates of Bob Jones University and are currently members. He is a deacon at Colonial Hills Baptist Church. A strong advocate for the Right to Life. Advocate for strong fiscal conservatism as well as strong social conservatism. His issues are Repealing the Property Tax Increase, Focusing on the Core Functions of Government, & Supporting what is Good, Moral, and Constitutional.  Ken entered this race when Mr. Shaw announced he was seeking another office. Mr. Matesevac is not running against Mr. Shaw; he intends to run to ensure that the values he and Mr. Shaw share are still represented on the council.  I intended to support Mr. Matesevac in this run before Mr. Shaw got back into the race.  A quote from his website, “Conservative Republicans stand for limited government, but we also need to speak out for what is good and right. We must keep porn out of our public libraries. We must refrain from infringing on people's God-given liberties. We must encourage noble work over government handouts. We must support our police and justice system. And we must root out corruption, fraud, and graft.”

Alex Reynolds - https://www.votealexreynolds.com

First-time candidate. A graduate of North Greenville.  He has several blogs, and from his campaign websites, you can tell he is versed in online communication.  In all of that he says very little about where he stands on issues, he is very good at creating a word salad and not being transparent on where he really stands on an issue.  I have heard that he favored the most recent tax increase, he said he is against them at a recent forum, but when Joey Russo changed his vote to vote in favor of the tax increase, he posted Mr. Russo’s FB page thanking him for his vote!  From what I can see, his signs are also with other establishment candidates and in the same yards as establishment candidates.  I suspect he will be a vote with the other moderates & liberals on the council.

Evert: A politician who votes conservatively on hard-fought and divisive issues is increasingly rare. When we ask politicians to vote conservatively, and they do so, we must support them when they are up for reelection.  I really admire and like Mr. Matesevac; I believe he is as conservative as the incumbent. Mr. Shaw has taken the hard votes and stood with the conservative community and had our BACK; we, at this time, must step up and have his BACK.  I hope Mr. Matesevac runs for office again, as he is a strong conservative voice; don’t take my comments as criticism of him or his campaign. 

I fully endorse and would vote for Steve Shaw.


Greenville County Council District #21

Curt McGahhey - https://www.mcgahheyforcouncil.com  

“Curt is a conservative family man, successful business owner, and retired U.S. Marine. He owns CAVU Flight School and Aviation Services and flies commercially as a contract Maintenance Test Pilot for the U.S. Army. As a husband and father, he understands the core values you hold dear to your heart. Curt will rigorously protect those values, ensuring Greenville remains a great place to live and raise a family.” The Issues he is campaigning on are Taxes, Out of Control Growth, & Lack of Accountability. Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.

Chris Harrison - https://www.harrisonforcouncil.org                   

He is a commercial real estate broker. Graduated from Clemson with a focus on City and Regional Planning.  Previously served on the planning commission and the Greer planning commission. He grew up in the district. Four years ago, he ran as a conservative Republican who wanted to be fiscal, frugal, pro-business, and pro-growth (with a check on uncontrolled growth).  However, his record for the last couple of years does not reflect the campaign promises he made 4 years ago. He voted for the largest tax increase in Greenville County history, and when constituents communicated with him to ask that he not, he was dismissive and let them know he was happily voting for the tax hike.  On the library board vote he voted for the conservatives and some existing members, he didn’t vote for the progressive candidates, although in 2022 he voted against the resolution to restrict porn and graphic materials from the children’s section in the library.

Evert: Because, in my opinion, Mr. Harrison has not fulfilled his campaign promises of 4 years ago. I would not vote to re-elect him.

I would vote for Curt McGahhey.  


Greenville County Council District #22

Frank Farmer - https:// https://frankforgreenville.com

“I’m a God-fearing Christian, a conservative Republican, and a native of Greenville, South Carolina. At my four years at the Citadel, I went on to join the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, where I earned a promotion every single year at the Citadel as well as the Army for my leadership abilities.” He has taken a strong stance regarding standing against tax increases and transparency in the finances of the county.  Claims to be Anti-tax & Pro-Life. He has stood up for moral values regarding removing sexual and graphic books from the Children’s sections of libraries because of this gvlflag (a group that is essentially fighting to keep gay and Trans Themed books in the library regardless of their graphic nature and maturity levels) has condemned his campaign. Endorsed by outgoing Councilman Tzouvelekas and Palmetto Conservative Fund. 

Ethan Jedziniak - https://www.ethanforgreenville.com

A native of Columbia, SC, Ethan moved to Greenville to attend Furman. After completing law school at Washington & Lee University, Ethan returned to Greenville and joined his sister’s law firm, Hawkins & Jedziniak, LLC.  He is a Trial attorney.  His campaign issues are Forward-Thinking Land Use Practices, Reasonable Government Balance, Preventing Repeat Offenders, & Cleaning Up Highway 276. Claims to be Pro-Life and anti-tax.

Jay Rogers - https://www.votejayrogers.com

“Jay Rogers was raised in Greenville, graduated from the University of Virginia, and completed his education at the University of South Carolina School of Law. He has worked in private law practice in Greenville since 1989.” He is campaigning on Fix Our Infrastructure, Keep People Safe, Protect Taxpayers, Get Things Done, and Plan Ahead For Growth.  In his comments he talks about how the council is divided, and they should be getting things done instead.  So, instead of acting like the last councilman, I get the impression he plans to go along to get along and work with the liberals and Dems on the council.  That is the message I get, so he is a moderate at best.  He is currently on the planning commission and there are several articles in the Post & Courier regarding him, Ennis Fant, and the chair of the planning commission, the articles deal with the ethics of some housing projects.

Nina Thomas - https://www.votethomas4gvl.com

He has voted as a Democrat for several years, and in my opinion, is NOT a Republican, just running as a GOP.

Evert: I think Mr. Farmer & Mr. Jedziniak are the two conservatives of the two. I think Mr. Farmer is the stronger candidate.  Stan Tzouvelekas has endorsed Frank Farmer.

I would vote for Frank Farmer. This will probably go to a runoff.


County Council District 27

Garey Collins - https://www.collinsfor27.com

Mr. Collins has a inspirational story, he was one of 13 children, and his parents died when he was a child, he moved through several foster homes.  Once he came of age, he joined the military and retired after his career of service in the Air Force.  He wants to improve roads, defend the 2nd Amendment, and he support constitutional carry.  Constitutional conservative republican, husband and father of three. He has always desired service to his community. Now that he has retired from the military, he serves as a substitute teacher, on-call bus driver, YMCA youth coach, and special needs mentor.  He is running on: Rising Taxes, Rising Population & Rising Frustration.  He is steadfast against raising taxes and responding to its constituents.  Endorsed by Palmetto Conservative Fund.

Butch Kirven (INCUBMENT) - https://www.butchkirven.com  

Mr. Kirven has been on council for several terms and has rarely had any opposition in the primary. On the issues over the years, he has been a moderate, this term it has turned more liberal. He has supported tax increases. Retired Brigadier General from Army National Guard. He received a lot of criticism over his handling of the Covid shutdown issues.  He has three really bad votes in this last term, He voted no on a resolution to disallow porn and very graphic sexual books and materials in the children’s and young adult sections of the public library.  He supported and voted for the Largest Tax increase in Greenville County History, and he voted to put progressives (who wanted to have the sexual graphic and included porn images to stay in the children’s sections) on the library Board in 3 rounds of votes. 

Evert: Its time for a change, I would vote for Garey Collins.


About the Author, Evert Headley

Evert has been involved with politics since 1989, both at state and local levels. He considers himself to be a Reagan conservative (conservative on social, economic, and national security issues). His first issue is always the Right to Life (without that right, which is endowed by our Creator, none of the other rights even exists). His second issue is always the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) because this right guarantees the ability of individuals and states to defend the other rights. His third issue is always the First Amendment (freedom of religion, speech and assembly). His fourth issue is the defense of capitalism and the defeat of Socialism/Marxism/Fascism, along with the protection of private property rights. On the national level, we are printing too much money, spending too much money, and borrowing too much money. The federal government is trying to usurp and infringe upon the rights reserved to the states and to the individuals.

Produced by Evert Headley

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