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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:14 PM


First Published in 1994


The United States of America is entering the most dangerous period in the history of the republic since the period 1861 through 1876, when the federal government was waging war against Americans and directing election outcomes at the point of a bayonet. Union victory resulted in the first major shift of power from the sovereign states to the federal government. The party in charge was Republican. The Republican president was desperate because he was about to lose the states that produced a large portion of the tariffs and taxes that financed the wheels of federal power.

The citizens of the North rebelled. They were not willing to fight and die for the profiteers or even to hold the union together by force. There were riots and rebellion. Newspaper editors and state lawmakers who did not tow the party line were thrown in jail. Eventually the Radical Republicans found an emotional moral issue that would be used to justify their unjustifiable actions. They would free the slaves from the “evil” slave owners in the South and, as a matter of policy, systematically promote and cultivate black hatred against white southerners for political purposes.

Former slave and northern carpetbagger rule of the Southern States, kept in power by federal troops, began to end with the Second American Revolution, led by Wade Hampton in 1876.

Soon, Democrats, in retaliation for the abuses during Reconstruction, threw the Radical Republicans, carpetbaggers and former slaves out of office and took out their revenge in the form of “Jim Crow” laws on the former slaves who were banned from most northern states and had no place to go. The much-touted “Underground Railway” ran from the South to Canada, because former slaves were not allowed to remain in the northern states.

The Democrat Party has carried on the tactics of the Radical Republicans and managed to become the modern day progressive “slave master” of a large segment of the descendants of former slaves, using intimidation, threats, promises and dependence on government for the necessities of life to control and use them.

Throughout history, white slave masters have designated and favored individuals who are willing to lead their friends and relatives to do the bidding of the master and punish those who fail to follow. Everyone knows who they are. They appear on the scene in front of television cameras each time an incident is to be exploited for political purposes.

President Barack Obama has spent almost four years dismantling the constitutional republic and free enterprise system created by the founders and preserved by the sacrifices of thousands of young Americans who gave their blood, limbs and lives in its defense. He has continued what Lincoln began and presidents of both parties have tragically and gradually continued. Obama needs a second term to finish the job so there will be no chance of reversing the trend and restoring freedom from God guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.

His ultimate goal is to destroy the Constitution, control every aspect of American life and replace the free republic with a socialist dictatorship and downgrade the United States to simply another nation-state in a socialist world government. It is becoming evident that exploitation of the tragic incident in Florida by supporters of the President is paving the way to herd groups to the polls to vote for Obama and intimidate and frighten his opponents away from the polls.

President Obama cannot win a second term running on his dismal record. He cannot win a second term if he tells the truth about who he is and what his ultimate goal really is. He cannot win a second term without the vote of 90 percent of Black Americans.

Desperate men with unlimited power are dangerous. The fact that millions of Americans are ignorant of history and current events adds to the danger. We can help preserve freedom for future generations of Americans by trying to inform and educate and by asking an all powerful God to remove the scales from the eyes and plugs from the ears of people who call themselves Christians but fail to read, hear, and discern truth from fiction.