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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:17 PM


First Published in 1994


“Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country.” We can do that by shining the light of truth on the lies and distortions coming out of Washington, DC  daily.

Former presidential candidate Herman Cain may have spoken the truth when he said the current occupant of the White House was elected by the ignorant and stupid. He should have added that the Obama leadership cadre came from the well-trained hard-core leftist students of Sixties radical Sol Alinsky and the Columbia University  anarchist team of Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, not to mention former bomb-throwers and now tenured professors at the University of Chicago, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn.

Many of the ignorant and stupid masses were victims of deception and became intentionally misinformed. Some of these folks have become better informed while enduring the first term of Obama. Others are teachable. We need to reach out to the former Obama supporters  who are teachable and equip them with truth. They need to know who Barack Obama is and what his plan for America is. They need to realize that if they vote for the same candidate again, they will likely live to regret it, just as the Germans did when they embraced and elected Adolph Hitler because he promised them everything they ever wanted. By the time Hitler showed his true colors, it was too late to stop him. Some tried. They died.

In November, we have one, and likely the last, chance to stop Obama’s socialist agenda before it is too late. With another four-year term, this regime will finish the job of transforming America. Should that happen, Americans who allowed it to happen can privately explain to their children and grandchildren how it was in the olden days when people were free to achieve and  become whatever they were willing to work for. They can tell their children and grandchildren how their parents and grandparents were able to freely express their opinions and even criticize the president and members of Congress.

We ignore the reality of what is happening at our own peril. Don’t say it can’t happen here. Liberals in positions of influence in Greenville, South Carolina, have attempted to shut down The Times Examiner through advertisers for several years. Now they are threatening advertisers of conservative talk radio and television throughout the nation. Active duty military personnel have been muzzled. Christian chaplains are forbidden from using the name “Jesus Christ” in a chapel service. Last week a sergeant was given a less than honorable discharge and removed from service with loss of all veteran benefits for posting a comment critical of the president on a website.

People of average intelligence, that have a general knowledge of history, can already see clearly where Obama is headed with our constitutional republic. He is systematically ripping free enterprise apart piece by piece and creating government agencies to oversee every aspect of our lives.

To his credit, candidate Obama said up-front that his  goal was about “transforming America,” Some people heard what they wanted to hear. They thought he meant he was going to put money in their pockets and gas in their cars with his “stash.” A favored few radical environmentalists have become wealthy from government grants. However, the typical recent college graduate is unemployed and still living with parents.  The masses with no marketable skills or those unable to pass a drug test are waiting for Obama to make them wealthy with money taken from the “wealthy.” All  they will get will be a few “walking” dollars for helping herd their family and neighbors to the polls  instructed on how to vote a straight Democrat ballot.   They never dreamed that their idol and hero could become the modern day plantation owner – union bosses and community organizers could become the enforcers with the leather whip and, by their own choice, they would become slaves of the government with no hope of freedom this time.