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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:16 PM


First Published in 1994


Can Barack Obama win South Carolina in the November 2012 General Election?

Both “moderate” Republican Karl Rove and “radical” Democrat Dick Harpootlian reportedly think the Palmetto State is a tossup or a “swing state” in the upcoming presidential election.

If that proves to be true, then South Carolinian voters and the Republican Party leadership in particular will have a role in the demise of the republic and the loss of freedom for Americans.

It may be wishful thinking and overconfidence in my fellow South Carolinians, but I don’t believe it. I don’t think it is possible that the descendants of people who have risked everything to fight for freedom since the early days of the American Revolution would be so deceived.  Would they spit in their Forefathers faces and vote to dismantle the constitutional republic that our ancestors fought and died to create and preserve?

Would South Carolinians who are only three or four generations from slavery voluntarily vote to become slaves to government?

May God help us if we have degenerated to that level of ignorance and incompetence.

One does not need a college degree or even a high school diploma to see the obvious. President Obama’s words are cleverly and skillfully designed to deceive the willingly ignorant and uninformed. His actions speak louder than his words, however.

The former sixties radicals and bomb throwers understand Sol Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. They occupy leadership positions in unions, media, academia and government and are Obama’s hard-core supporters. They know the goals. Radical homosexuals, self-appointed spokesmen for illegal aliens and leaders of religious sects are seeking political leverage and a seat at the table of power in the perceived coming dictatorship. So-called civil rights leaders are tolerated only so long as they can deliver the masses to the polls. When they can no longer deliver or are no longer needed, they will be cast on the trash heap of history.

Marxist professors are expected to deliver their students to the polls. Many of the targeted students are the sons and daughters of the affluent Americans President Obama intends to tax to finance his political base.

By his actions, President Obama has demonstrated that he is determined to ignore the Constitution of the United States. He has shown a willingness to by-pass congress and ignore the courts when they do not do his bidding. He is systematically dismantling the free enterprise system that has given Americans the highest standard of living the world has known. He is favoring Islamic radicals and Communist dictators in administering American Foreign Policy. He is systematically undermining and degrading the traditions and moral fabric of the US Armed Forces and jeopardizing our nation’s defense. Finally, by his policies, he is increasing the dependency of Americans and illegal aliens on government programs and, by reckless spending, he is intentionally driving the nation into financial chaos.

Why would any South Carolinian vote for four more years of Barack Obama? Even pessimistic Democrats are saying Obama could get as much as 45 percent of the vote in South Carolina. How could that be, in view of the above facts?

It is estimated that hard-core Democrats can deliver about 30 percent of the vote to the polls in November. All above that will be determined by the turnout of black voters, registration of illegals and non-residents and how well they have been indoctrinated, controlled and bussed to the polls.

The Constitution and Libertarian Party candidates could at best pull off 5 to 15 percent of the anti-Obama vote from Republicans. Since GOP Candidate Mitt Romney was not the first choice for many South Carolina Republicans, the choice of a running mate and turnout of Republicans and so-called “independents” will be the key to the size of the Romney victory in South Carolina.

South Carolina Republicans must have a good reason to vote for Romney. Currently, the only strong reason is to oppose Obama. Will that be enough?