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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:11 PM


First Published in 1994


President Obama has ordered American flags lowered and flown at half-staff across the country to honor the victims of the Colorado “Joker.” Both President Obama and his challenger Gov. Mitt Romney officially stopped campaign appearances and suspended TV commercials in Colorado. The President flew to Colorado to meet with the families of the victims and others, a smart political gesture just the same.

On the same weekend that the President flew to Colorado on Air Force One, the Islamic Terrorist who slaughtered military and civilian victims at Fort Hood, Texas, spent another day with food shelter and the best medical care provided by the U. S. taxpayers. Although confined to a government facility, he is continuing to hold his rank of Major in the U. S. Army Medical Corps and draw his full salary, medical bonus and other allowances totaling in excess of six thousand dollars per month. The administration will likely postpone his court martial until after the presidential election for obvious political reasons.

Most of his victims who were active duty military personnel and were not killed, but severely wounded, have been discharged from the service without benefits available to troops wounded in combat. Obama has refused to award the Purple Heart Medal to either the wounded or those killed. He has refused to acknowledge the attack by an avowed Islamic terrorist as terrorism. The murders have been officially declared by the Obama Administration a case of “workplace violence.” This is a national disgrace and an insult to every active military service member and veteran and must be addressed promptly by the next administration if an honest election is held. In the meantime, this matter should become a major issue in the presidential election dialogue.

Lawyers are gearing up for a massive lawsuit against the Army and U. S. government that will cost the taxpayers millions. The redress they seek may be too late for some of the victims who need specialized care now.

It is not yet known what motivated the “Joker” to commit his horrible crime. Presently, it appears he was simply possessed with evil. But the truth, as in the Fort Hood Islamic terrorist case, will eventually be exposed. Regardless of the motivation, as far as the victims are concerned, both were pure and simple acts of terror.

The “Joker” planned his terrorism for months. He was clearly not a deranged kook who snapped and committed an irrational act of violence. He obviously had a reason. He grew up and was educated in California. He was a professional student working on a Ph.D.  He suddenly stopped school and began planning his crime.

ABC television tried to link him to a Tea Party, but they were quickly proven wrong. It is more likely that this professional student whose employment career was going nowhere decided to become a martyr for the leftist anti-gun movement at a time when their popularity and public support is at a low point.

No information has been released regarding his religious affiliation. That could be a factor. He could even be linked to Iran or Syria. He was getting money from somewhere. That should be easily traced.

Regardless of the motives of the “Joker,” that incident should not distract from the disgraceful handling of the Fort Hood terrorist acts by the Obama administration, including the actions of the civilian political appointees of the President and the loyal general officers carrying out his policies to the detriment of the Army and the nation.

FOX News is commended for their recent documentary on the Fort Hood situation. All Americans, and especially veterans, should demand President Obama do his constitutional duty and deal with the situation he has ignored and covered up at Fort Hood.