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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:14 PM


First Published in 1994


After briefly mentioning The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future, by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jew, in this space last week, I was in for a surprise a few days later. On Thursday evening I was fortunate to be one of about 20 people who were invited guests of a Greer couple. They presented the video documentary version of the Harbinger. The video is titled, The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment. Those present engaged in an interesting  discussion afterward.

We were all amazed at the knowledge the author has of American and Biblical history. But even more striking were the unquestionable parallels between the behavior of ancient Jews and the Americans of today.

When the chosen people of God departed from His ways, they were given warnings. If they ignored the warning the next reminder was more severe. Eventually, when they refused to repent and change their ways, they were abandoned and no longer having the protection of their creator and protector, they were left to their own devices and were slaughtered by their enemies or enslaved.

The author and narrator of the documentary describes the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11 as the first Harbinger or warning. Members of Congress gathered on the capitol steps and sang God Bless America. People attended their churches in larger numbers for a while. Eventually everything returned to normal.

The abortion mills continued to kill unborn innocent babies, men and women continued to commit adultery, thieves continued to steal, elected officials continued to promise one thing and do another, but most of all, we continued to ignore the warnings of God.

Depending on our government to save us, we proved ourselves to be fools. Government officials smugly quoted Scripture thinking it was supporting their actions, when the Scripture was actually a warning of the wrath to come if the nation does not return to God.

The Senate Majority Leader, Senator John Edwards, President George W. Bush and Barack Obama all quoted Isaiah 9:10 in speeches following the attacks on 9/11.

“The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with smooth stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will replace them with cedars.” NASB

Our political leaders, or their speech writers thought these were words of inspiration, but taken in context they were words of warning.

Ezekiel 13:14 issues a warning in blunt language: “So I will tear down the wall which you have plastered over with whitewash and bring it down to the ground, so that its foundation is laid bare; and when it falls, you will be consumed in its midst. And you will know that I am the Lord.”

The message from the book and the documentary CD leads to this conclusion: Unless America repents and puts God back in His rightful place in our lives and in our government and public affairs, we are powerless to change the direction of our country that is clearly headed for destruction.

The answer is found in II Chronicles 7:14 KJV

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

We can accept it or reject it. We can take it or leave it. We can believe or disbelieve, we can pretend that politicians can save us and preserve our way of life, but God is sovereign and His will shall prevail in the end.

Read the book and watch the documentary. It will change your world view forever.