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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:19 PM


First Published in 1994


We have witnessed yet another massacre of innocent children in a gun free school zone. When will school decision-makers learn that teachers and administrators cannot protect children against a gun, knife or ball bat-wielding assailant with their bare hands?  Children must be protected from evil people who would harm and even kill them. Teachers and administrators must be given the tools and ability to ensure safety to the greatest degree humanly possible. The “gun free” craze virtually prevents safe schools by creating a “soft target” for killers. Children become “sitting ducks” for deranged killers seeking fame as mass murderers.

The massacre of students and school staff in Connecticut, Friday, was a demonic act of evil. Could it have been prevented, or minimized? That answer, in my view and that of others, is a qualified “yes.” Measures could have been taken to discourage such behavior and limit the loss of life.

Sadly and tragically, America has moved away from God. Christian pastors, parents, teachers and taxpayers have allowed faceless bureaucrats and liberal judges to replace God with Humanistic Psychology and Harry Potter’s introduction to witchcraft in government run schools.  Our society has become obsessed with selfishness, greed, and dependence on government and empty promises of leaders who hate God and strive to erase Him from public life. It is frightening to think that we may have reached a point where God has removed his hedge of protection from a nation that for more than 200 years has been favored and blessed by a loving God.

As a nation, we have accepted the slaughter of unborn children as a way of life. It is not difficult for a deranged demon-possessed individual to rationalize that it is also acceptable to kill very young children in Kindergarten, or for godless elected officials to rationalize that it is acceptable to withhold medical treatment from unproductive elderly individuals to provide more funds for younger political supporters.

The vulgar godless left is using this tragic incident to politicize their next step to achieve totalitarian government: “We need more gun control” is their battle cry.

Their hypocrisy is epidemic. It is worth noting that most advocates of gun control in Washington, Chicago, Hollywood and elsewhere either carry a gun or have bodyguards. Armed guards protect President Obama’s daughters 24-hours a day, everywhere they go. Why should other children and grandchildren be deprived of that protection in government schools simply to carry out a political agenda? The agenda is to circumvent the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and disarm the American people. Simply stated: armed citizens are a danger to tyrannical government.

It is not necessary to make schools an armed camp. We must avoid becoming a police state. In Greenville County, a law enforcement officer is assigned to schools and there is close coordination between schools and law enforcement. The system is probably as secure as it can be in a gun free zone. However, a well-armed killer could gain entry to one of these large sprawling schools and kill scores of teachers and students before a quick reaction team could arrive.

Hiring numerous armed guards would be expensive and unnecessary. Some schools already have teachers and administrators with military training and others who would volunteer to be trained in the proper and legal use of firearms. South Carolina could simply train these volunteers and allow them to carry concealed weapons in the school. That alone would provide additional security and be an effective deterrent to a potential murderer who seeks defenseless victims with no protection.

“When seconds are important” in saving the lives of young children, it is little comfort to parents to know that an armed police reaction team is “only minutes away.”

We are engaged in spiritual warfare. Each of us must choose whom we will serve. In the meantime, it is importance to recognize that evil exists and deal appropriately with evil individuals. In dealing with this situation the protection of innocent children must have a high priority.