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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:20 PM


First Published in 1994


We are facing a New Year with great uncertainty. We have a President of the United States who is only interested in carrying out his liberal leftist agenda to “transform” our constitutional republic into a socialist, Islamic dictatorship under a world government that is bent on redistributing the wealth of this nation to the “have-nots” of the world. He is intentionally rendering the greatest nation the world has ever known to be defenseless against our enemies.

He is dismantling the defense establishment at a time of great danger. At the same time, he is living the lifestyle of the “rich and famous” on borrowed money and flying around the world and from town to town in a huge airplane as if cost was no consideration. He has proven that he has no interest in saving the nation from economic ruin.

He considers himself unaccountable to the people because most of those who are factually informed did not vote for him and those who did, either don’t care or are totally ignorant of history and factual current events. He is supported by a compliant anti-Constitution media that has adopted the Communist belief that lying is virtuous as long as it supports their cause.

Despite the deplorable conditions, there is the potential for a bright future ahead. We have had difficulties just as bleak in our history, although only a relative few Americans have experienced them personally and only a few have studied or been taught factual history of previous generations of Americans.

George Washington and a “rag-tag” army of farmers and merchants defeated the greatest military force of its time with the blessings of their creator.

The people of the South underwent a brutal invasion that resulted in the death or wounding of most of their young men. The war was followed by eleven years of oppressive military occupation and reconstruction that was considered by many to be more brutal and dehumanizing than the war, yet many retained their strong faith in God and belief in their cause and remained “unreconstructed.” History is proving them right. The causes they resisted, such as a strong tyrannical central government, excessive taxation and abuse of rights guaranteed to states and the people by the Constitution of the United States are the major issues being debated today.

The dominant national media was just as reckless with the truth during the Vietnam War as they are today. The difference is that more people are aware of their blatant lies currently. During the Vietnam War they had more people deceived. Remember? Walter Cronkite was touted by CBS as being the most trusted man in America. It is now a matter of history that this clever old leftist socialist was an influential spokesman for the views of the North Vietnamese Communist regime. He, more than any other American, helped them achieve victory over the United States government and impose a Communist regime over the long-suffering people of South Vietnam. We can credit the U.S. media with giving aid and comfort to our enemies in every conflict since then.

The media was also a factor in helping to justify the crimes of the anarchists of the 1960s. Few were jailed and none had a stigma attached to their terrorist activities. The same people are now in charge of our government, media, academia and other major institutions and international corporations. Who could have imagined that John Kerry, a mendacious alleged war criminal, would one day be nominated for the position of Secretary of State?

The murders of children, teachers and school staff in Connecticut by an alleged Devil worshiper filled with hate has marred the Christmas holidays and depressed the nation. The most frequent questions asked are “Why did this happen?” and “How could a loving God allow this to happen?”

In simple terms it is something like this:

God created the Heavens and the Earth and all living things. He created man in His own image one level below Him and gave man a free will that He will not violate. Adam, the first man, was deceived by Satan and abandoned dominion over the Earth to Satan, the father of lies and death. It was Satan, not God, who possessed the killer. The young children are with God in Paradise. The parents sadly, must suffer the pain of their loss. The answer is in Second Chronicles, Chapter 7, and Verse 14.  Happy New Year!