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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:14 PM


First Published in 1994


It is becoming crystal clear that President Obama is using the full power and resources of the United States Government to destroy the Republican Party once and for all. His only viable political opponents are the conservatives in the Republican Party. He knows that they must be discredited and destroyed if he is to succeed in completing the destruction of the constitutional republic and creation of a socialist dictatorship that has been the dream of leftists for decades.

Republicans are at a great disadvantage. They are constantly under attack by Obama. He can lie without challenge by the dominant leftist media. It is now becoming known that the administration has been threatening reporters who would report on issues that could be embarrassing for Obama. Many so-called “journalists” do not need to be threatened. They are eager to help any they can to move the nation to a socialist “heaven on earth.”

The only way for Republicans to survive is to expose the truth of who Obama is and what he is doing to the country. Why it is not being done is a mystery, however it is likely fear or possible financial gain that is keeping GOP leaders from speaking the truth about Obama and his minions. One could conclude that if Mitt Romney with all his money was fearful of challenging Obama, what chance would a congressman or senator have against a ruthless machine.

On Saturday a retired general revealed on FOX News that Obama has already cut from the Defense Department eight times the amount of the highly publicized Sequester and military leaders have been forbidden from reporting it. This all took place under the watch of Secretary Gates, the RINO. Now another RINO has been given the reins of the Department of Defense to finish dismantling the national defense establishment. It is intentionally set up as a bi-partisan decision and will eventually be the fault of Republicans when reported by unchallenged leftist media.

Obama is intentionally targeting sequester cuts to cause the most pain knowing that Republicans will be blamed and voters will punish them by staying away from the polls and allowing more radicals to be elected to congress.

The Republican National Committee has apparently learned nothing from the McCain and Romney election losses. They are at war with an enemy bent on their destruction and they do not have the judgment to recognize it. An important universal rule of warfare is to “know your enemy.” Republicans in leadership positions at the national level do not know their enemy and they will be destroyed if they do not wise up. Their enemy is following their Alinsky rules to the letter and their actions are predictable.

If GOP leaders want to know what they are facing they will read Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals or David Horowitz’s Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model. If they know who Obama is and what his motives and methods are, and have their “head in the sand,” they have already surrendered and are traitors to their electorate and have violated their oath of office to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

If it were possible, the behavior of Republican lawmakers in Columbia is even more bizarre, some would say more “stupid,” than those in Washington. D.C. The “Republican” controlled House and Senate has voted to remove political parties from control of their primaries and give control to Election Commission bureaucrats. Primaries are a party function. They are not an election. They are the means by which political parties may select their candidates to run in the general election. This vote makes no sense except to perpetuate Democrat control of South Carolina Government through a Democrat/RINO coalition that has successfully deceived many voters for decades and prevented the passage of any important conservative legislation.

Believe it or not, this coalition of deceivers may also be successful in blocking the popular bill to Nullify Obamacare. We can only speculate what federal and private money is influencing this matter.