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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:24 AM


First Published in 1994


As a career United States Senator, Vice President Joe Biden made a big deal out of riding the train from Delaware to Washington. He identified with the “common man” and “blue collar” worker. As Vice President in his second term and visions of never being held accountable for his actions, he has “thrown caution to the wind.” Into his fifth year as partner with the spender in chief, Uncle “crazy” Joe has learned to live “high on the hog” using the taxpayers’ money.

Biden has apparently always played the dual roll of “poor man” and the “elite Senator,” depending on who he is with at the time. Some would say he is a very versatile phony. When he was contemplating running for president, Biden visited a church in Greenville. The church family prepared a fantastic breakfast of eggs, bacon, gravy, hot “cat head” biscuits and a variety of fruit and treated Biden with the highest degree of Southern hospitality.

I was a guest of the pastor at the event. As I recall, Biden only nibbled on some fruit and delivered a short breakfast political message followed by a private audience with a group of black pastors. I was invited by the pastor to attend that event also. Biden moved on to Columbia where he lunched with a group of Democrat elected officials. Newspapers reported that he made negative comments about the type of food the gracious church members in Greenville offered him. Biden apparently doesn’t like anything “Southern,” especially grits, gravy and greasy bacon. I don’t suppose they offered him grits in Paris and London last month.

After the White House cancelled tours for visitors due to alleged lack of funds, and reports surfaced that there are insufficient funds to adequately train combat troops, U. S. Representative Randy Neugebauer, Texas Republican, released information on the Vice President’s two-night trip to London and Paris last month.

The Congressman reported that Vice President Joe Biden’s one-day trips to Paris and London cost the American Taxpayers more than $1 million for hotel rooms alone.

The London Daily Mail reported that the contract for the Biden one-night stay in the Hyatt Regency in London specified that Biden’s crew required 136 rooms. The cost for the night of February 5 was $459,388.65 for Biden and his crew of staff, security and friends.

Biden and his security detail rung up a $585,000.50 tab for a single night on February 4 at the Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grande. The luxurious five-star hotel website describes the Intercontinental Paris Le Grande as follows:

“With floodlit views of the Opera House, this superbly renovated luxury hotel in the heart of Parisian society, opened in 1862, defines historical grandeur, from Café de la Paix to La Verriere Restaurant, set in an 800 square metre winter garden. Elegantly appointed, the hotel’s boutique-style suites overlook stunning landmarks. Located … close to the Louvre Museum, shopping, theatre and banking districts, this luxury Paris hotel is an icon in the City of Light.”

The London Daily Mail reported that Biden’s entourage required more than 100 rooms at the Le Grande. One night in the presidential suite costs more than $3,800. At least Uncle Joe didn’t sleep alone in the residential suite. Dr. Jill Biden accompanied him to Paris and a stop in Germany.

It is difficult to avoid anger when so many Americans are hurting and Obama and Biden are living like billionaires on the working people’s dollars. If my grandfather were living he might say: “There must be a special place in hell for such people.”