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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:28 AM


First Published in 1994


The American people are told by their elected leader that The United States of America is no longer a Christian nation. Revisionist historians write that the Founding Fathers were not godly people. University professors and some public (government) school teachers tell their students that through the years the United States has been the cause of many of the world’s problems. The elected government is now banning the Bible and the God of the Bible from public life and increasingly punishing those who pay respect to God in public and in government organizations. Our government is violating virtually all of the Ten Commandments by either legislation or court decisions.  These actions by government officials are evil; they are demonic and satanic. This is what happens when evil rules in the affairs of a nation and God’s people remain silent.

It is unforgivable that government leaders are using the military, our most respected government agency, an organization under strict government civilian control, to take the lead in promoting and implementing ungodly anti-Christian programs.

The United States of America has been blessed more than any nation in modern history. A loving God who created us in His own image and set this nation aside for special purposes has blessed our nation beyond measure.  He is tolerant, but will not forever tolerate individuals or nations that worship idols. Government wants to replace God and become the source of all things desired by secular humans. Greed, wealth, power, sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, education degrees, titles, denominations, buildings, religious leaders and programs are only a few of the worldly attractions that have become idols for many who call themselves Christian. Environmentalists are worshiping the creation, not the creator.

Allow me to confess up front: I am not a Bible scholar. I am simply blessed to be a sinner saved by grace, nothing more. Believers in the God of the Bible need to recognize that we are engaged in spiritual warfare. Government does not have the answers. Political parties do not have the answers. The answers to spiritual matters, and how to conduct spiritual warfare are found in the Word of God, commonly called the Holy Bible and understood clearly by believers with discernment provided by the Holy Spirit. Lesson number one is man can’t save himself or the earth from the Wrath of God.

Without God, the “natural man” cannot understand the things of God. “They are foolishness to him.” I believe that helps to explain why so many people who sit in our churches, and occupy some of the pulpits believe the lies coming from Washington and the liberal media. Unprepared children are vulnerable to being brainwashed by skillful university professors and teachers with evil motives.

Our government has sanctioned the killing of millions of defenseless unborn children, has refused to support marriage between a man and a woman, and has instituted laws and programs that have destroyed the traditional family unit.

Virtually all of our personal and national problems are spiritual, and caused by a politically incorrect term called “sin.”  A merciful God in II Chronicles Chapter 7, verse 14 provides the answer to all the problems we face. Sadly, we may have to suffer a lot more to be willing to “humble ourselves.”

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.