Congress must declare war. Pardon me for being blunt, but every day we fail to deal with the radical Islamic threat, we are contributing to the eventual death of more Americans. It is the constitutional duty of Congress and no one else has that authority to declare war. Our nation and our people are being attacked and killed by a global enemy. The United States is engaged in an undeclared global war. Many Americans are in denial. Elected officials and the dominant liberal media are lying to the trusting citizens of this country.
Wake up people!
This enemy is more vicious than either the Nazi’s or Japanese. If we don’t stop them there, they will kill you and your loved ones here.
In the past, our political leaders had an excuse. The so-called terrorists controlled no nation, no territory. President Obama and his Attorney General Holder have treated the attacks on Americans as criminal acts, and sent in the FBI. This is insane to anyone who understands warfare and the determined and bloodthirsty enemy we face.
Now there has been a major change. ISIS has claimed to be a nation. They control territory and are going after more. Now is the perfect time to declare war. If we don’t do it now we will be forced to do it when the enemy destroys one of our cities or cuts the heads off a bus load of American tourists or decapitates hundreds of college students on a “gun free” campus.
I understand those who say, “End the wars and bring the troops home.” There is a misconception. We have not been at war, we have been feeding taxpayer dollars and the blood of young Americans to the wolves to keep them from our doors so the politicians don’t have to deal with reality.
You declare war and you fight to win. Iraq and Afghanistan were delaying actions, nothing more. Our elected leaders did not have the courage or brains to win. Now we are being forced to do more. We have no choice if we are to survive. When Congress declares war, people who commit treason can be charged with treason, given a speedy trial and swift justice.
Had Congress declared war against the Communists in Vietnam, many of the people in tenured professor positions and the government today would still be in jail and our republic would be intact rather than in tatters. Also, thousands of Vietnamese would be our free allies today rather than beholden to the Chinese.
Former Army PFC Chuck Hagel, Obama’s Secretary of Defense, has gotten the message and sees the light. There was stark fear in the expression on Hagels face last week when he finally admitted the seriousness of the threat and little General Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs admitted, “we must defeat ISIS.”
Retired generals and intelligence operatives are being even more graphic. Most are saying, “We have to kill all of them to win,” otherwise we continue to fight piecemeal and live in constant fear.
The down side of declaration of war is that it would give the president additional police powers to influence future elections. That concern will be of no consequence if, as expected, he grants amnesty and voting rights to millions of people who entered the country illegally.
Race riots similar to those in St. Louis and New York last week could break out across the country at any time. With reports that the Muslim Brotherhood is well represented in the White House and in all branches of government, if the reports are true, they could make a move to take control of the Government at any time.
I acknowledge that my military training and experience influenced the opinion expressed above. It includes knowing charming, accommodating, fun-loving Muslims who became murderous tyrants overnight when the power structure shifted to the radical clergy in Iran.
Having served in uniform under seven commanders-in-chief, including Johnson and Carter, I understand why officers and non-commissioned officers on active duty are not speaking out about what is happening. General Dempsey may have sealed his early retirement by telling the truth about ISIS. Secretary Hagel doesn’t have to worry about being fired. He is a natural RINO scapegoat for the administration.
Hagel simply doesn’t want his head paraded around Washington on a stick.
I hesitated to write this piece; however, it is better to be warned now than surprised later. They are committed to killing us. They will eventually succeed if they do not die first. Think about it!