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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:22 AM


First Published in 1994


Truth comes from our Creator. His Word informs us that it is “truth” that sets men free. Freedom and liberty cannot for long survive in the absence of truth. Tragically, truth has become a casualty of liberalism and political correctness in the United States; therefore citizens of the United States are losing their freedom and liberty daily. The trend is growing worse, not better.

For decades children have been conditioned to lie when they think it is “necessary” to protect themselves or someone else. They are conditioned to accept, repeat and support lies if they are intended to promote someone’s vision of the “common good.” We have now reached a point in time when it is a common belief that everyone lies and it is unacceptable only when the liars get caught and are unable to lie themselves out of it. So many people in publicly visible positions are getting caught lying that this has led to liars telling more lies to cover up exposed lies.

There was a time, especially in the South, when it was socially and legally unacceptable to lie. The individuals who earned a reputation of being untruthful were shunned and not trusted. If they were church members, they were counselled, and if their behavior did not change they no longer remained on the rolls of that church.

Those were the days when “a man’s word was his bond.” A handshake among honorable, moral and ethical people had the power of a contract. Anyone who lied or failed to keep a promise or an agreement was no longer trusted and the word of their reputation spread. A reputation once damaged by abuse was difficult to rebuild and could take many years of “clean honorable living.”

A plague of liberalism and political correctness has swept the country and truth has been its strongest opponent and primary victim. It began in the universities and spread to the schools, government and corporate boardrooms.

General Motors, once the corporate icon of the nation, has lied to cover up dangerous problems in their vehicles for more than a decade that caused deaths. They were rescued from being held accountable by the man elected President of the United States. This man, the standard bearer of our republic has been labeled by the military troops he has betrayed, the Liar-in-Chief. His falsehoods are numerous and legendary, yet each one is explained away with the use of more falsehoods.

Most politicians now routinely lie about their opponents and themselves. Virtually all the political television-advertising spots contain either blatant lies or half-truths. The practice has become both socially and legally acceptable.

The entire South Carolina political system is based on a lie. We are told that South Carolina is a conservative Republican state with a conservative Republican government. That is true only on paper. Neither the South Carolina Republican Party nor Republican voters have authority under state law to select the candidates who will put an “R” beside their name on the general election ballot. The state election commission runs the “sham” so-called Republican Primary. Republicans may vote in the Republican Primary, but so can Democrats, Socialists and Communists and any other registered voter. Anyone can call themselves Republicans and become Republican candidates and the Republican Party can’t do anything about it. In fact, by SC law, the candidates don’t even have to go near the Republican Party in order to run as Republicans.

The Greenville County Republican Party has spent thousands of dollars going to court in an effort to force the “Republican” legislature to allow Republicans to pick their own candidates. The state party pledged to support the effort in court. Just days before the case was heard in Federal Court, the state chairman who promised to support and help Greenville County Republicans, broke the agreement, betrayed Greenville County Republicans and caused the case to be dismissed due to lack of state party support.

The Republican national chairman immediately hired the former SC chairman as director of outreach to Evangelical Christians. Is that ironic, or what?

Democrats are not the only folks engaging in mendacity. The absence of truth in the United States has reached the epidemic stage.