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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:20 PM


First Published in 1994


Has the Republican Party declared war on Republicans? The first shots were fired during the last Republican National Convention, when obvious dirty tricks were played on key conservative delegates at critical times and during critical votes. Some were delayed from entering the convention floor. Others were kept on buses and not allowed to exit. It was the beginning of top down direction of the GOP. It is nothing new. The RNC is not being creative, they are simply copying the unethical practices of the liberal Democrats, and tragically, for the party and the republic, they have recruited “willful idiots” to support their agenda at the state and county level across the “fruited plane.”

In January, the United States Senate will have 54 members that call themselves Republicans. The House of Representatives will have a larger majority of members calling themselves Republicans than the current membership.

Who are these people? What do they stand for? Do they stand firmly on the Constitution of the United States as they swore in their oath of office? Will they abide by the platform of the Republican Party? Will they carry out the mandate of the American people that gave them a legislative majority?

Will they stop implementation of Obamacare as they promised during their campaigns? Will the Republican-controlled Senate and House use the “power of the purse” to prevent implementation of unconstitutional Executive Orders that would give amnesty and voting rights to millions of individuals from across the globe that entered this country illegally? Will they insist on prosecution of individuals who have entered the United States illegally and have continued to break the laws of our country and states with immunity?

Rush Limbaugh believes the Republican legislative leaders will do nothing significant to stop any of Obama’s initiatives, because they support what he is doing and don’t have the political courage to be honest about it. Therefore, they will give lip service to killing Obamacare and amnesty Executive Orders, to appease the Chamber of Commerce and their corporate donors.  They will use the fear of “government shutdown” and “minority backlash” as flimsy excuses to allow Obama to Destroy the Republican Party and, along with it, the American Constitutional Republic.

Under current South Carolina law, political parties have no authority to choose their own candidates. Any registered voter can vote to choose the Republican primary candidate to represent the party in the General Elections. Any registered voter can be a Republican candidate without going near the Republican Party.

The state GOP has had a major role in keeping open primaries. Since they can’t run their own primaries, all they can do now is raise funds and help perpetuate the illusion that Republicans control South Carolina government.

Empowered by President Obama and liberal judges, homosexuals are organizing to be a major influence in the “big tent” Republican Party. If they can be successful in Greenville, South Carolina, in the shadow of Bob Jones University, they will make history and do it more easily anywhere.

That may be why the lead story on the front page of The Greenville News on Sunday, December 7, pertained to young Republicans wanting “anti-gay” language removed from the Republican platform. The anti-gay language they object to is the part that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Greenville County Council passed a resolution in the 1980s defining marriage the same way. They were verbally and editorially attacked, but never backed down.

The author of this advocacy article did a good job of putting a smiley face on a national organization of at least three or four named people that were given page one billing and half a page inside. The local flavor was provided in the article by the author who described one of the leaders of the young GOP conservatives as being from Greenville and being the son of a “fundamentalist missionary” who attended Bob Jones University.

I don’t recall the article mentioning the “Preservation of Sovereignty and Marriage Act” that is being pre-filed in the South Carolina House.

People elected as Republicans to the South Carolina Legislature and the United States Congress now have an opportunity to keep their campaign promises. How they use their newly acquired power will determine the future for our children and grandchildren.