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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:15 PM


First Published in 1994


Memorial Day is a national holiday to honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice: giving their lives for their country. It originally honored only the dead of the Union Army, but now honors all United States of America war dead.
Many Americans served their country in uniform, all were willing to give their lives in service to their country and some gave all. It is their ultimate sacrifice of their lives that we honor on Memorial Day.

Those who survived war and lived to enjoy the fieedom earned and protected by those who served, often ask: “Why me? Why was I a survivor while others gave all?” We will never know the answer to that question, however we can show our eternal respect and appreciation for the service of members who sacrificed everything and for their families who made great sacrifices. As a Vietnam War Veteran, we pledged never to allow veterans to be treated and ignored as fellow Americans treated us. Many of the organizations created to support wounded warriors and dependents of those killed and wounded in battle were founded, operated and supported by Vietnam War Veterans.
Few know enough history to know that Arlington National Cemetery is on property owned by the wife of General Robert Edward Lee, West Point Graduate, who commanded the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. It was taken for failure to pay property taxes in person because she was bed-ridden with arthritis and unable to travel to the designated place to pay the taxes and was refused to allow anyone else to pay the taxes for her.
The Custis-Lee mansion located on the property, was the home of the Lee family prior to the War known generally as the Civil War.
General Lee was highly respected by the generals of the Union Army. General Grant allowed him to keep his sword and his troops to keep their horses after the surrender.
President Trump paid proper respects to the honored dead at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday.
Trump stated at the ceremony, “We will never forget our heroes.” The applause for the president showed the deep respect the troops and their families have for President Trump.