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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 04:18 PM


First Published in 1994


The attitude of the Liberal Media tends to be that, “If we don’t report it, it is not news.” Sometimes network affiliates and local newspapers owned by conglomerates are forced to report important events, but due to self-imposed political correctness rules the stories do not go beyond the local area. This seems to be especially true where events have racial overtones.

Have you heard anything about teenage mobs terrorizing, assaulting, looting and robbing in Chicago,  Philadelphia, and Peoria?

A website operated by the Philadelphia Daily News reported June 27th that, “A woman’s leg was broken and others were injured Saturday night when a large group of teens accosted pedestrians in Spring Garden, police and witnesses said.”

The woman with a broken leg was city editor of a local publication. She was accompanied by Molly Eichel, reporter for the Daily News. According to the police report, the women were “jumped by 30 or 40 men who punched and kicked them numerous times. Eichel said when her group tried to run, about 20 teens chased them down the street. “They were kicking kids down and punching them when they were down.”

Shortly after this incident, police responded to another assault about 5 blocks away. A 20-year-old man said he was attacked by a large group of men and women. Some witnesses said the mob ranged from 50 to 100 people that not only assaulted people, but also threw trash cans and lit fireworks.

Police said they checked the area for surveillance but had no luck.

The Daily Times reported that on Thursday night, a “flash mob” of about 40 individuals stormed a Sears Department Store on 69th Street in Philadelphia and stole thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. Police said the crime was planned and coordinated on a social network website. According to the police report, the Sears loss-prevention officer saw the mob enter the store about 7:09 pm on Thursday. “They began taking merchandise off the shelves... It was fast. They ran out, leaving empty shoe boxes and store tags behind.” They ranged in age from 11 to 19. The 19-year-old apparent mob leader was arrested and charged.

A CBS affiliate in Chicago reported that a “teen mob hit Walgreens on the Mag Mile” on June 23rd. “The teenage robbery mobs are at it again on North Michigan Avenue,” the report said.

“Some 50 young people barged into a Walgreens on the Magnificent Mile on Tuesday afternoon. They took bottled drinks and sandwiches off the shelves, then ran off.”  A police report said 3 thieves were arrested.

“The Mag Mile earlier this year was hit by similar mobs of young thieves. Attacks on commuters and bicyclists have become violent. And police have stepped up patrols.”

The Peoria Journal Star reported on June 27th that “Some claim reports of racist Peoria mob are exaggerated.”

The Drudge Report picked up the story from the Peoria Chronicle website and lead with a headline: “Pandemonium in Peoria: Mob yells ‘Kill all White People.’”

“A group of 50 or so young people was walking down Thrush Avenue toward Sheridan Road about 10:50 pm. Friday. Paul Wilkinson, (president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association) who has lived on Sheridan for 11 years, said the group was blocking four lanes of traffic, fighting and yelling racist comments at neighbors.

“They were yelling ‘We’re going to kill all the white people. This is our neighborhood,’” Wilkinson said. He said problems with drugs and guns have visibly increased recently. He said police recommended residents “stay inside and keep their doors locked.”

“Kenny Rogers, who has lived on Sheridan for 10 years, called police Friday after he saw a group ‘hollering’ and stopping traffic on the street. He said the crowd was running wildly around yards and porches. It was the largest he had ever seen in the neighborhood.

“They were doing a show of force,” he said, to show everybody, “Hey, this is our hood.”

Is this organized criminality using those who are too young to try as adults locally initiated or part of a coordinated movement with political goals? Only time will tell.... And you won’t hear about in the liberal media.