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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:17 PM


First Published in 1994


During my interesting interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi last week, he mentioned that he had a discussion earlier in the day with G. Gordon Liddy who had discovered new information on the birth of the current president of the United States, Barack Obama. Dr. Corsi said the information would be contained in a new article he was preparing for World Net Daily.

According to the report published by World Net Daily and authored by Dr. Corsi, Liddy has a trusted source that supports a source already reporting to WND that the birth records in the vault in Honolulu are forged and that the files were tampered with as early as 1978. Liddy and Corsi warn that there are forged copies of birth information from both Hawaii and Kenya planted by Obama operatives as a trap to discredit so-called “Birthers.”

In the meantime, Bob Unruh, writing for WND reports that two more county sheriffs in Florida and New Jersey are being asked by Tea Party organizations to launch investigations into the authenticity of Barack Obama’s birth documentation and his eligibility to be president under the U. S. Constitution’s requirements.

Tea Party leaders in Maricopa County, Arizona, recently presented a formal request to Sheriff  Joe Arpaio asking for an investigation on the grounds that a fraudulent document could be used to place an ineligible candidate for president on election ballots in the county.

Arpaio has appointed a 5-member “Cold Case Posse” to investigate. WND reported that the sheriff appointed citizens with “professional experience in conducting investigations, including people with experience in law enforcement, lawyers who have participated in criminal or civil cases and others with specialized skills in fields ranging from accounting to criminal forensic examination.”

Corsi continues to believe that Obama was born in Kenya, although so much misinformation has been planted it is impossible to prove unless credible witnesses come forward with firsthand information and are willing to testify under oath.

There are indications that the Administration is spending a great deal of time and money worrying about and dealing with the issue of Obama’s place of birth.

It is an issue that will not go away and must be resolved before the next election in November 2012. World Net Daily has a chronological record of the controversy that may be seen at worldnetdaily.com.

Having fought every effort to discover the true birthplace of Barack Obama, the administration is looking forward to the 2012 election employing a different tactic. It is the tactic being used to circumvent other laws. They are turning to the regulatory agencies.

Recently World Net  Daily, the organization that has spearheaded the eligibility inquiry, discovered that the Federal Election Commission has ruled that “naturalized citizens” are the same as “natural born citizens” in terms of eligibility to run for President of the United States.

Recently the FEC ruled that a Guyana-born naturalized American citizen fits the Federal Election Commission’s requirements to run for president of the United States.

Evil thrives when well-intentioned individuals compromise with evil doers.