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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:23 PM


First Published in 1994


Word coming from the campaign of former Mass. Governor Mitt Romney indicates that the leading Republican candidate for President of the United States who has been running for half a dozen years will not attack his opponent in a personal manner and will deal only with policy differences. This sounds a lot like Sen. John McCain. How did it work for him? Mr. Romney would be better served if he would just tell the truth and be honest about who Barack Obama is and what he is intentionally doing to systematically destroy the American free enterprise system and our sovereignty as a free people ruled by law and not by man.

Romney lost some of those who supported him in the last primary when he publicly accepted the hoax that global warming ia at least in part caused by man. He is sending signals that he is moving back to the left and becoming the darling of the liberal wing of the GOP. Some observers believe that is why his support has never exceeded about 30 percent, because the other 70 percent are to his right.

The real battle is for that 70 percent of conservative Republicans, many of whom have not decided on a candidate. Some fraction of those voters are devoted to Ron Paul and are not likely to move to another candidate. The remainder of the conservatives are up for grabs.

A growing number of seemingly troubled white women  either really liked something about Herman Cain or they hate him. Regardless of their motivation and his degree or lack of involvement, they have virtually destroyed any chance he may have had to earn the nomination.

That leaves four candidates vying for the conservative vote. Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Rick Perry all have a shot at it.

Governor Perry has a decade of experience as governor of Texas, but has been less than perfect in the numerous debates and has left a bad image in the minds of potential voters. He is still in the race but is unlikely to capture a large portion of the conservative majority vote. Conservatives are afraid Obama would tear him apart in a debate. At best, he is a “long shot.”

Former House Speaker Gingrich has a lot of baggage because he has been in government most of his life and has been a public figure even out of office. He has an advantage of having a wealth of experience. He knows the enemies of the country as well as the friends. He knows how the government works and how to work with others to get the job done. Obama could not lie and get by with it in a debate with Newt. Therefore, he is the best choice to go against Obama in a face to face meeting. There are those who think he does not want the job but is in the race to sell books and DVDs and get a cushy appointment by whoever becomes the next Republican President. Finally, a large number of conservatives would have to “hold their noses” to vote for him because of past problems in his personal life that are really ancient history.

This leaves Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum with strong conservative credentials and the potential to rise to the top. About the only negative working against Santorum is that he has a stigma from having lost his last senate election in Pennsylvania. Michele Bachmann has to overcome the mindset of some conservatives, including women, who don’t think a woman has the nerve and stamina to be President of the United States.

Finally, the conservatives minus the Ron Paul followers must choose between Paul, Perry, Gingrich, Bachmann and Santorum. Some political observers believe it will be June before a winner is chosen through the primary system. When the winner is chosen, it is imperative that all Republicans support that candidate, otherwise Barack Obama will have a second term and a license to impose a socialist dictatorship and a police state.