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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:20 AM


First Published in 1994


The Giant Collision Hypothesis of the origin of the Moon proposes that the Moon formed as a result of a collision between the Earth and a Mars-size body referred to as Theia. This is the latest in a long line of theories and it will probably be taught in schools as fact only to be replaced in a few decades by a new theory that will be taught as fact. One evolutionist illustrated the difficulty they have in explaining the Moon by purely natural means by jokingly saying that the best explanation for the Moon is “observational error.”

According to this idea, which is little more than another just-so-story, Theia forms at Earth's L5 point with the sun and eventually drifted into an impact. The L5 point is one of 5 points between the Earth and the sun where a small body can have a relatively stationary position with respect to the Earth and the Sun. The Moon is thought to have formed after the earth was hit by the hypothetical protoplanet Theia. The name Theia comes from Greek mythology and was the name of the Titan goddess who was the mother of the Moon goddess Selene.

The question before us is can you get the current Earth-Moon System from this in a manner consistent with the observed data. What follows is an analysis of the reseeding of Moon and slowing of the Earth's rotation to test the feasibility of this model with regards to the laws of celestial mechanics. These results are then compared to old Earth proponents' own paleontological data to see if they fit.

This model has a set of starting conditions for the Earth-Moon system resulting from the hypothetical impact. The model has a 5-hour day on Earth when the moon formed. It further starts with the Moon just 14,000 miles (22,526 km) from Earth. These starting conditions allow us to calculate this model forward to the present to see how it fits reality.

The first forward calculation of this model simply involved plugging the starting conditions into the simulator with no fudge factors. It produced an initial phase angle (θ) of 6.93o which is more than twice the current value of 3o.

tides IP5 a

tides IP5 b

The result was a present Earth day of 44.9 hours and a lunar distance of 440,476 km both of which are significantly larger than their current values.

The next forward calculation of this model plugged the starting conditions into the simulator but forced a phase angle (θ) of 0.99o and an added fudge factor of 94.3% of the torque from the Moon actually applying to slow the Earth's rotation rate. The additional factors were not based on any geological or other factor that would suggest them, but they are simply what was required to get the current Earth Moon system from the starting conditions.

tides IP5a a

tides IP5a b

Now this simulation did produce the current Earth-Moon system but only by tweaking two factors of the simulation specifically to get that result.

tides IP5a c

However, the projection of the number of days in a year falls far short of old Earth proponents' own paleontological data. As a result, the Giant Collision Hypothesis of the Origin of the Moon fails the reality test. Yes, if tweaked just right you can get the current Earth-Moon system, but it does not fit other data.

The conclusion is that Giant Collision Hypothesis of the origin of the Moon does not naturally produce the current Earth-Moon system and only does so by deliberately tweaking the phase angle and the percentage of torque from the Moon that is actually applied to the slowing of the Earth's rotation rate to do so. There are no scientific bases for this tweaking other than forcing the simulation to produce the current Earth-Moon system. Furthermore, it does not fit with the paleontological data from old Earth proponents' own theoretical system of geology, thus this model fails.

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