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Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 11:51 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


During World War II, the number of active-duty US Military personnel serving in 1945 reached a peak of over 12 million US military personnel.  The ratio of Flag Officers (Generals and Admirals) to subordinate military personnel was 1 Flag Officer for 6,000 subordinate military personnel.  Today the ratio of Flag Officers to subordinate military personnel is top heavy with 1 Flag Officers for 600 subordinate military personnel.  The following discussion explains why the number of Flag Officers and their Woke policies should be severely modified.

While Obama occupied the Oval Office for 8 years starting in 2009, and controlled the Oval Office over the last 4 years, he established a screening policy for all O-6 Officers prior to their consideration for promotion to Flag Officer.  For the first time O-6 Officers were required to respond to political related questions to determine if they supported Obama’s woke policies.   “Military Merit” and “Merit in Combat” were no longer the primary issues that were considered for promotion to Flag and General Officer.  DEI policies were the primary consideration for promotion.   The result is that today’s Flag and General Officers are Politically Correct Managers, unlike the WWII Flag Officers who were Warrior and Combat Leaders.

The current leadership of the US Armed Forces, at the expense of “Merit,” have employed DEI policies to determine the admission to service academies, selection for promotion, selection for command, prioritizing who is selected for flight training, and who will attend prestigious military advanced schools.  Discriminatory Racists DEI Policies have been destroying “Unit Cohesion” and the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces.  

The Discriminatory Racist Policies established by Obama’s Third Administration are oppressive and unlawful.  The Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have taken their woke marching orders from Obama’s Oval Office Staff.  They have had the Woke Flag and General Officers install the Marxist created DEI to oppressively use race/color and identity politics in personnel actions when military leaders should be color blind and should reject the radical racist DEI policies in making personnel decisions.  The Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have been instilling the racist cultural transformation of the US Armed Forces which is illegal and in violation of the US Constitution.

The above listed described policies, installed during Obama’s Third Administration, not focusing on “Merit” has eroded the current and future quality of military leadership.  There are no selection boards for the promotion of 3 and 4 Flag and General Officers, those promotions are controlled by the Oval Office, DEI policies, and equity considerations.  The current Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, appointed by Obama’s Third Administration, have employed Woke Flag and General Officers to employ their DEI and woke discriminatory actions. 

The Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have deprived highly skilled US military warfighters from not having proper leadership by employing DEI policies and equity considerations for promotion, while minimizing “Merit” to promote the most qualified, professionally trained, and highly skilled O-6 Officers to Flag and General Officer rank.  By promoting woke Flag Officers, the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have degraded the once most effective US military in the world. 

Thousands of highly qualified military personnel and pilots are not re-enlisting and have been leaving the US Armed Forces.  The US Armed Forces have a critical recruiting and retention problem.  Undermanned US Navy ships have been unable to get underway, thousands of pilots have left the US AirForce and the US Navy, and new woke policies affecting women in the US Military have resulted in US Army Units being undermanned and unable to deploy.

Their racist and unelected civilian appointees in the Department of Defense and the Flag and General Officers appointed to the Joint Chiefs of Staff have been allowing the purging of highly trained career Christian conservative white US Military enlisted personnel.  The purging is taken under the guise of removing white supremacists: where white supremacy does not exist in the US Armed Forces.  Highly trained senior enlisted white military personnel have been purged because they are white and rose to senior enlisted leadership positions after 20 years of dedicated service.  “Merit” has not been the primary consideration in replacing highly trained and qualified senior white enlisted personnel; equity is a consideration resulting in less qualified replacements.

Since 2009, the Third Obama Administration has been degrading “Combat Effectiveness” by eliminating highly trained career Christian conservative white US Military personnel, who opposed the racist brainwashing indoctrination of DEI and Black Lives Matter.  Unqualified Flag and General Officers were not selected based on “Merit”, but were selected because of their support for woke and racist policies which are new destructive policies installed by the Woke Flag and General Officers.  A percentage of recruits should not have been recruited---those who are not physically fit, have lower IQs, are overweight, and are allowed to undergo gender transition surgery that are costly and prevent the patients from performing military duties for more than three years.

We encourage you to read the below listed outstanding article by Capt Steve Deal, USN (Ret); he states Woke Flag and General Officers who destroyed the “Combat Effectiveness” and the “Unit Cohesion” of the US Armed Forces should be immediately retired; we agree.  Competent retired Flag and General Officers should be recalled to active duty to replace Woke General and Flag Officers who were forced to retire, as General George Marshall forced incompetent Flag and General Officers to retire and recalled competent Flag and General Officers to fight in WWII.    

We also encourage American citizens to contact their Congressional Representatives and Senators to inform them that you oppose the racist anti-white programs installed in the US Armed Forces by the racist policies of Obama’s Third Administration.  Let them know that you are asking them to stop the politicizing of the US Armed Forces, and requesting the restoration of a “Merit” based promotion system for US Armed Forces.  


Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.        

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
Capt USN(Ret)/Former FBI
Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184
San Diego, CA 92108 