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Monday, January 13, 2025 - 01:20 AM


First Published in 1994


Measurements are important. They give to us dimension, so we might comprehend size. They reckon for us moments of time so that we might schedule events to occur and date former occurrences by year, month, day, hour, and so forth.

Measurements assign to things relativity. It is by measurement we are able to access quantity or quality. We say that something is more than or less than something else, which establishes quantity, or we speak of an item being more or less like another item, thus giving in measure of quality.

Certainly we could not live without the use of measurement, but we certainly need to be cautious as to how we apply it to the church.

The Scriptures suggest that the church can often claim a greater measure than that for which the Lord finds evidence. The church often considers itself rich (a measure of its wealth/value) when it is poor (Cf. Rev. 3:17). Often the church declares itself faithful (a measure of its quality), but the Lord questions that at His coming whether He will find any faith upon the earth (Luke 18:8). Jude urges the believers to contend for the faith which has been delivered unto the saints that constitute the Church (Jude vs. 3), indicating that a measure of faith can be lost.

Perhaps the greatest misuse of measurement comes when the church seeks to evaluate itself by a record of its attendance.

Now, no church ought to be stagnate in is attendance, for the record is clear that where God is working others are attracted to attend giving attention to what is transpiring (Cf. Acts 2:41, 47). Nevertheless, real church growth is not to be measured by merely the presence of additional members.

Church growth as Paul defined it was a matter of character, not of count: “But, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head even Christ” (Eph 4:15).

Hence all aspects of our lives are to be measured by the quality of life which is demonstrated and provided in Christ.

It has been noted that growth in the church can be characterized in various categories. The church grows closer through fellowship; deeper through discipleship; stronger through worship; broader through ministry; and ultimately larger through evangelism.

Christian growth is measured by our faith, character, and godliness. By these we will attain unto “The measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13).

Summit View Baptist Church is located at 31 N. Highway 25 Bypass, just south of Furman University’s golf course.