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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:17 PM


First Published in 1994


Joe Arpaio served in the U.S Army from 1950 to 1953.   Then Arpaio was employed as a police officer in Washington, D.C. and Las Vegas, Nevada for almost five years.  He also was a federal narcotics agent and he infiltrated drug rings in Turkey, the Middle East, Mexico, Central, and South America.  Arpaio worked to stop drug operations in U.S. cities.  He was the top federal law enforcement officer with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in Texas and Arizona which included the border between Mexico and these two states.

In 1992 Arpaio campaigned and was elected Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona.  Since that first election he has been elected five other times due to the fine service that he has provided for the people of Maricopa County.  Arpaio has about 10,000 inmates in his jail system.  In August of 1993, he started the controversial “Tent City” for convicted inmates.  About two thousand men and women serve their sentences in this tent compound.  Also Arpaio puts the inmates to work through chain gangs that clean streets, cut grass, pick up litter, and dig graves to bury people in at the county cemetery.


“America’s Toughest Sheriff” decided to stop allowing jail time that was being served by convicted inmates from being a time of pleasure.  Arpaio banned smoking, coffee, movies, and unrestricted television viewing by inmates.  Years ago when he became aware that inmates were stealing white boxer underwear, he had all inmates’ underwear dyed pink for better inventory control.  The same thing happened when handcuffs began disappearing, he bought pink handcuffs to replace the ones that disappeared.  Also Arpaio had the sheets, towels, and sock that the inmates used dyed pink because it seemed to have a calming effect on the inmates.

The Sheriff started programs like “Hard Knocks High,” which was the only accredited high school under any Sheriff in a jail system in America, and he also started ALPHA an alcohol and drug abuse program for inmates.  Contrary to the leftist press that has made Arpaio a target to destroy and defeat in elections, his Sheriff’s department has done an overall outstanding job for the citizens of Maricopa County.

Sheriff Arpaio’s volunteer posse has over 3,000 members which help in search and rescue operations and other similar police duties.  Also the posse helps the Sheriff’s department in locating “deadbeat” parents, they fight prostitution, and help patrol crowded malls during the holiday seasons.  Arpaio uses the posse in enforcing immigration laws.  The posse’s activities are under the authority of Sheriff Arpaio and provide Maricopa County with the kind of community service that is greatly needed.

Sheriff Arpaio has drawn national attention in his fight to enforce the immigration laws of the land.  Obama’s puppet Justice Department has been attacking Arpaio at every step to try and stop him and the Sheriff’s department of Maricopa County from enforcing the immigration laws in their efforts to protect the people of the county.  Under Arpaio’s leadership his deputies have made raids over the heads of businesses that hired illegals, to try and clean up the ever growing plague of illegal immigration and its trail of lawlessness.  The Sheriff has conducted traffic checkpoints from time to time and has caught many illegal immigrants as a result of this action.

My wife and I recently had a twenty minute meeting with Sheriff Arpaio at his downtown Phoenix office in the Wells Fargo building on the 19th floor.  As we entered his office he was seated at his desk and he immediately stood up and came and welcomed us.  During my conversation with him he said that he intended to keep enforcing the immigration laws.  Arpaio also related to us that he was in the process of filing a lawsuit against the Justice Department because it was trying to take away his authority to operate the Maricopa County Sheriff’s department.  I told Sheriff Arpaio that we saw some of his fans in front of the bank building protesting.  Arpaio remarked that they have been out there almost every day for the last four years.  The protestors outside appeared to be connected to “Occupy Wall Street.”

I asked Arpaio how would be the best way to stop illegal immigration at the border?  He said by putting the military on the southwestern border. I noticed to the left of Arpaio’s desk were photographs of Wyatt Earp and John Wayne and another sign on the wall said, “I do it my way.”

Sheriff Joe Arpaio is eighty-one years old and he just was elected this past November to his sixth term.  I said to him that he looked strong and healthy.  He answered and said that he has been married to the same woman for fifty-seven years and that he is Italian and that he drinks olive oil.  The socialists are trying to collect enough signatures to recall Arpaio.  Radical racial groups like La Raza (The Race) have been campaigning vigorously over the years against Arpaio for diligently enforcing the immigration laws in Maricopa County.  La Raza strongly supports open borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants.

“America’s Toughest Sheriff’s” motto is, “If you don’t want to do the time, don’t do the crime.”

The Bible says in Acts 4:12, “Neither is there salvation in any other:  for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (King James Bible)


Pastor Franklin D Raddish is the Founder and Director of the Capitol Hill Independent Baptist Ministries.  He holds weekly Bible studies in the U.S. Capitol, Justice Department, and Pentagon.  He attended Bob Jones University and graduated from Tabernacle Baptist College in Greenville, S.C. with a degree in Bible.