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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 04:21 PM


First Published in 1994


After much preparation to accommodate the invitation from a History teacher to speak to several of her classes ; I was very disappointed that she would cancel that visit. And, even more so disappointed that she would proclaim that it was possibly a signal from God that caused her to do so.

However, as I look out of my window , the porch is covered in about four feet of snow, and still snowing. Reports of the Interstates, impassable and shut down . Maybe she was right.

However, what would I have told my babies ? I would have told them about a young baby girl, "Candice Hardwick"; sitting in a classroom just like them , don in a shirt that bore the Southern Cross , with a pair of ear rings that bore the same, dangling from her pretty ears. Stoically proud she sat, as she felt that all around her would be in a school in the Southland of America.

Mistreated and scorned by a spinless administration who threw her under the bus ; as she faced terror that no baby child of God should have to face. I would tell them that Candice fought these schoolhouse terrorist all the way to the United States Supreme Court where a biased clerk would not let the case come before the court. I would tell them that the jurisprudence system stinks when it comes to Southern symbols and heritage.

I would tell them that Southerners are made to feel like they need to hold their heads down because of the courage that their ancestors put on display before, during and after the War for Southern Independence. And, as one of the Africans whose heritage places them as slaves in the Southland of America, have cause to get down on our knees and thank the Almighty God we have accelerated to this time in history with a ticket paid to be called "Southern"because of the place of honor our ancestors earned beside a man and woman they not only called master and missus, but also family and friend.

And, to be duped again to turn our backs on the Southland of America is truly a return to the reconstruction of 1865 modus operandi ; something that the Pole Bearers and Knights Monumental vowed that the Southern blacks would never do again. And that they would do everything within their power to regain, and retain the trusting and loving relations and relationships of the Southern white man ; the man who introduced him to Jesus Christ and constantly bestowed upon them Christian Charity.

I would tell them how ashamed and violated I felt when a black man stood before the City Council in Lakeland, Florida, and told those gathered that the City leaders should have built a Union soldiers monument and placed it in Munn Park instead of one to the fallen Southern heroes who gave their lives to protect its citizens against the onslaught of a Northern army armed with Lincoln's General order 200 that gave them the green light to burn Lakeland to the ground, plunder it, rape the young boys, the girls, the women , with some doing it to the sheep and lamb.

I would have told the babies just how hard folks not of the Southern soil ; work so hard to divide and separate Southern whites and Southern blacks utilizing the "Red Herring " , the world wide economic institution of slavery, not forgetting the complicity of the African.

And, I would not have left these babies without telling them about how a Governor succumbed in fear from the domestic terrorist , and a fake news media who fabricated a scenario to fuel the carnage now taking place against our Southern culture as they try to cleanse our American scene of any remnants of those brave ancestors of the South who faced a great evil that would change forever the Republic forged by the Founding fathers . and, most importantly these continuous attacks on our homeland is the death knell that brings the whole of America to that end.

I would have told these babies just how proud I was of their teacher to invite me into their school to tell them a different story than the one inculcated into their thinking processes to endeavor them to view our ancestors in shame for their "Honorable Stand" against incredible odds for four years.

I would tell them that they should never, ever, hold their heads down in shame because of the Stand made by their ancestors in the War for Southern Independence. God bless you & Happy Birthday to the Honorable Attorney David McCallister , Moms and my brother Rashad !