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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 04:27 AM


First Published in 1994


Contrary to the reasoning of Stephen Goss (Opinion, 4-28-19 in an upstate newspaper) neither “illegal aliens” nor “legal immigrants” have a “moral right” to vote in local elections of the host country simply based on paying taxes locally. Stephen concedes only citizens’ should vote in state and national elections but feels “illegal aliens” and “legal immigrants” should be entitled to vote in local elections by vitue of paying some local taxes. But voting in local elections is just the first step to easily expanding the argument to state and national elections. After all there are income taxes, sales taxes and many other “taxes’ also paid by “illegal aliens” and “legal immigrants” too! Actually, drifters and transients even pay some form of local taxes such as Accommodations and Hospitality taxes. Should they vote? Once you get on local voting roles with the necessary state identification or driver’s license the next step to state and national elections is inevitable!

Local taxes are usually based on public services actually made available to all in that taxing jurisdiction regardless of citizenship. Mr. Goss acknowledges services such as schools, police, fire, roads, etc. are available to all (citizen or not) so why not pay for them like all others? Why would “illegal aliens” and “legal immigrants” as non citizens also be entitled to more privileges? They are eligible to enjoy what they pay for! Stephen states he is now a citizen: therefore, by virtue of that fact, he now has a valid claim about citizens’ privileges of anything before his governments, but he also now has additional obligations!! Citizenship carries privileges and responsibilities that “illegal aliens” and “legal immigrants” and “transients” don’t have! Even citizens who reside outside a locality may also pay some taxes locally but that does not, per se, give them the right to vote locally; and, additionally, they may not even personally receive some services! Voting in American elections, rightfully, by law is reserved to citizens only! “Legals” and “Illegals” whether they like it or not are subject to existing law when they arrive and do not have the same privileges as citizens!

Mr. Goss attempts to introduce the American Revolution as an argument concerning a connection between voting representation and taxes: but that is an absolutely merit less attempt at comparison; and, an irresponsible and unworthy effort to couple a noble and creditable argument about representation of “citizens” with the ill noble claim of “alien” and “immigrant” representation, even perhaps transients, before governments. I hope it was an unintentional “in passion” remark in the heat of advocating a cause!  The American Colonists referred to themselves, in their petitions to King George III, as “American Subjects”, “English Freemen”, “fellow subjects with people in Great Britain”, “fellow citizens” and other variations of the same theme; and, those are “citizenship” claims that require government response because of mutual duties and privileges of government and citizens! (See Petitions of Continental Congress: October, 1774; July, 1775 and Declaration of Independence 1776)  They never referred to themselves as “immigrants” of any status!

No one is entitled to enter our country no matter the absolutely compelling need felt by them nor the right to vote after entering by simply being here and paying taxes! Voting is a citizenship privilege only. Thieves and criminals, even citizens, have felt “compelling” needs too but that does not justify “lawlessness” by them to gratify their perceived desires from the efforts of others. “Illegal aliens” prove they have no character and should be stopped at the border; and, all here deported! They “knowingly and calculatingly” violate congressionally passed laws to steal what Americans have laboriously built and died for near 250 years; and, continuously violate our laws with impunity to stay here in the shadows or with the help of lawless Sanctuary Cities! And, then claim the right to vote because they are poor fugitives and expected to pay taxes for the welfare and medical systems they are abusing!! That is cold “illegal alien” logic and resembles the child who cold bloodedly murders mother and father and then pleads for mercy before the court because he or she is a poor orphan! “Illegal aliens” prove their lawless characters daily!

Our ancestors proved their characters just under 250 years by building, enduring, suffering, working, dying and correcting injustice at home and around the world. Why shouldn’t these “illegal aliens” stay home and do the same in their countries? Our ancestors suffered and died and now “illegal aliens” want to skip the burdens and suffering of nation building and steal American benefits for themselves! They want to live in the house with ease and comfort after some one else struggled to build it, paid for and died for it! The continuing actions of “illegal aliens” are irrefutable evidence of undesirable lawless character! They will always act lawlessly to get what they want! We already have more than enough “born here” American “lawless citizens” as is proved by Democratic Party controlled Sanctuary Cities! We do not need to “import” more lawless people! Legal immigrants are welcome and when approved for citizenship, I hope they realize their version of their American Dream. People of proven Character like them helped build this nation!

But, if you are physically here illegally you are not welcome, you can not vote even though you may pay some taxes and should go home or be jailed and then deported!!


Jim S. Brooks, retired, inactive attorney, SC Bar #911, Roebuck, S.C. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.