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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 06:25 AM


First Published in 1994


(Originally published by John Di Lemme’s The Conservative Business Journal, Aug. 5, 2020)

Vice President Joe Biden finally has picked his running mate for his 303030 Presidential campaign.  He only had a handful of shady Democrat black women to choose from based on his poorly conceived racist criteria.

Besides Kamala Harris possibly not being “natural born” (as required in the U.S. Constitution—ed.), she is also NOT “African American”.  She is, however, one of the greatest charlatans in the history of man and womankind.  Remember Kamala’s “that little black girl was me” rant about Biden’s racist past on segregation in the first Democrat debate?  She was so upset that she went on a well-rehearsed tirade about how she unfairly treated.

When Kamala Harris’ name was being considered as a possible VP candidate, she abandoned her convictions faster than a speeding bullet.  The same outrage she grandstanded while she questioned Justice Kavanaugh about his rape allegations in her “we must believe all women” talk.  The irony is that she’s the running mate of a man being accused of sexual assault by a woman with real evidence.  What happened to ‘believing all women’, Kamala?

Harris co-wrote the anti-lynching bill that happened to coincide with the fake attack on Jussie Smollett that she called “an attempted modern-day lynching.”  As the truth was exposed, it was clear that Kamala’s rush to judgment made her look like a fool.  Simply put, Senator Harris is a three-ring circus of phoniness. 

There’s always a basis of truth in a conspiracy theory, so bear with me.  Is there more to Biden’s handlers picking Kamala Harris than we realize?  On July 20, Nancy Pelosi, on the “Morning Joe Show” made a weird statement that she was “second in line to the President”.  What did she mean by that?  Her position is always third in line after the Vice President.  IF a President Joe Biden is unable to serve his full term and Kamala Harris is declared ineligible based on the fact that her parents weren’t living in the United States for the 5 year minimum  required by the Constitution to be ‘natural born’, Nancy Pelosi would take Biden’s place as President of the U.S.A.

Is Kamala the Trojan horse the Democrats have up their sleeve?  Are they setting us up for a President Pelosi take over in 2021?  If this theory is true, we must do everything in our power to fight this from happening.  A Pelosi presidency is about as scary as any patriot can imagine.  She would destroy our nation in her first term. 

It is more important now than ever to defend America against the tide of globalism and vote FOR President Donald Trump on November 3, 2020!


(KEVIN WHITE is a black retired veteran of the U.S. Air Force who served many years all over the world.  He is a strong conservative who believes totally in patriotism, nationalism, and peace through strength.  Kevin always encourages others to utilize their skills and education to rise above their current economic restrictions.  Kevin works in the aviation industry with skills he learned during his military career.  His leisure time hobbies are writing and playing the guitar.  He resides in Ohio with his wife and two daughters.)


The Conservative Business Journal is a media outlet founded by John Di Lemme that provides Real News to the American people on business, politics, and other current topics impacting our nation.