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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 02:17 PM


First Published in 1994


After all the political ploys, the extreme rhetoric, and even an occupation of the Capital by pro-Trump protestors—it’s over.

Democrats now have almost unbridled control of the Federal government.

Republicans are just now coming to grips with a Joe Biden presidency, while some refuse to accept it.

While we can talk of “rigged elections” and possible foreign interference, Joe Biden will be our president and the Democratic agenda will most likely steamroll through Congress.

Of course, after the dust settles Americans will ask themselves, “What does this all mean?”  The answer to this question is not a simple one.  It centers around how far the extreme left of the Democratic party will exert its power over a Biden presidency.  Will there be a deflection from some of the centrists that are left in the party? Or, is has Biden in his mind already conceded to extreme legislation?

Either way, Democrats will have their course lubricated by a main stream media that is favorable to them.  It will be interesting to see how a Democratic administration will be reported by, say, CNN since, quite honestly, Joe Biden is not an electrifying personality—or as bombastic as Trump.

Of course, there is more at play than personality here: there is legislation that may fundamentally change America.   The humongous Green New Deal, higher taxes on the wealthy, appointments of important justice department posts—and possible Supreme Court nominations.

Combine this with an imbedded “critical race” conscientiousness, which may indeed change the way appointments are considered, and you have quite a tsunami of change.

During this past summer we saw upheaval in cities across our country.  Black Lives Matter and Antifa activists were relentless in their protests.  Will a Joe Biden presidency calm things down?  Will left leaning groups see his presidency as a victory—a foot in the door to greater things—or an establishment politician who will try to steer things to the center?

Conversely, after the Capital siege incident, will the fringes of the Right react even more forcefully to counter what they see as a coup?

The answer to these questions may come within the first ninety days of the new administration.  If Biden and Congress move with great alacrity, there will be a clarification on just what Biden believes—or will allow. 

Will this matter to the Republicans and those on the Right?  As it stands, most view Biden as either an illegitimate president, or a sock puppet for the Democratic extreme left—or both.

Conservatives and the Right in general have been in quandary particularly over the censoring they believe they have received on social media.  They are not sure where to go to express their ideas in an uninterrupted way.  They also don’t know where to go to soak in conservative news that is unfiltered. 

The flow of conservative ideas has gone from a torrent under Trump, to a dripping faucet in the wake of the election.  And there does not seem to be a set strategy to remedy the problem.  Conservatives have even turned on their old reliable, Fox news, believing it has moved more toward the center.

Domestic issues aside, the Right will now have to contend with a foreign policy that will most likely resemble that of the Obama administration.  There will certainly be a rapprochement with Iran, particularly on the nuclear agreement that was doused by Trump.  There may also be a new—or shall we say old—approach to our allies, particularly NATO, whom Trump squeezed financially to pay their “fair share.”   Biden and our NATO allies may welcome a return to “normalcy,” but the Right will see it as letting friends who owe us off the hook.

With Trump successes in brokering Middle East diplomacy between Israel and its former enemies, one wonders how Biden and his party will walk the tight rope with the Palestinians who may see the new president as an opportunity to reinvigorate their cause.

The new year will certainly bring challenges.  How quickly and how far the Democrats can roll back the Trump policies remains to be seen. 

For conservatives and the Right, the way forward seems a bit cloudier. 

Joseph M Bianchi is an independent journalist based in Greenville, SC.  His work has appeared in national and international publications.