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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 04:20 PM


First Published in 1994


(Originally published Feb. 7, 2021 by Conservative Business Journal, and reprinted with permission.)

Black Lives Matter was a faithful backer of the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ticket for the 2020 election.  They went to the mat, protested police, burned down cities, and Black-owned businesses, all for Joe Biden and kamala Harris.

Both Biden and Harris were all for their support which by their belief pushed the campaign over the top to win.  The Black Lives Matter movement raised $10.6 billion in 2020 through their website.  The contribution interface is nothing more than a link to actblue.com, also known as the Democrat party donation portal.  BLM encourages visitors to donate to the cause of stopping racism and helping the African American community achieve social justice.

BLM put too much trust in the new administration by thinking they were genuinely interested in their social justice movement or any Black causes in America.  After November 3rd, the Biden-Harris transition team slowly rolled Black Lives Matters requests to be a part of the Biden team.  BLM co-founder Patrice Cullors wrote a congratulatory letter to Bien and Harris for winning the election.  She also set out demands for the BLM agenda and requested meetings to discuss them.  “We want something for our vote”, she emphasized.  Cullors concluded by saying she looks forward to meeting with Biden and Harris so they can “begin the immediate work of black liberation.”  Biden and the Democrats have a long history of pandering to those they think are “useful idiots” to get their votes.

BLM was angered when Biden selected former Mayor Pete Buttigieg to head the Department of Transportation in his cabinet because he functioned as a racist mayor in the City of South Bend, Indiana.  The transition team did not listen to BLM who identified specific ‘anti-black’ candidates and requested that they not be considered for any positions in the new administration.

The list included Mayor Garcetti, former Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo.  Well, what do you know.  Gina Raimondo was hired as Commerce Secretary.  Rahm Emanuel was  under consideration for Transportation Secretary, and Mayor Garcetti was slated for a position with the Inaugural Committee but turned it down.  Neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris has any intention of giving BLM any power or say even after they raised billions for his party.  This is a real case of “keeping the man down”.  His cabinet picks deliberately contradicted and insulted BLM and their concerns, which further aggravated their realization that they were powerless on the outside, looking in.

On inauguration day, BLM protesters took it to the streets of Portland, Oregon, fueled by their assumption the Biden Administration would not accept their key demands:  Abolishing ICE and defunding the police.  Protesters were burning Biden/Harris flags in the streets.  A BLM spokesman said, “It doesn’t matter who is president now”  Similar protests occurred in other cities.  The realization finally set in the Biden and Harris are only good for lip service and never believed in the cause from day one.  A less violent event attended by BLM-affiliated people in Hartford, Connecticut meant to counter Trump ‘extremists’, who never showed up, took place there.

A BLM representative was quoted, “The Black Lives Matter movement will continue to hold the Biden Administration accountable over the next four years and especially over the next 100 days as the country continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic.”  A tiger never changes its stripes.  Both Joe and kamala have not been “black friendly” in their political careers, so why would they change in 2020?

On the backs of Blacks is how they achieved positions and voter success.  Their scorched earth mentality will be even more reckless when they work on behalf of their own interests, that do not include the American people. 

What kickbacks did BLM founders receive  from the $10.6 billion they raised?  The organization’s founders, three Black women—Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, have all been accused of not sharing “a single cent with Black people”.  Some supporters came to BLM’s defense, saying, “They are donating to BLM city chapters and trying to start a bank.” 

BLM is an organization that most would never accept as a legitimate ally, based on their violent actions.  Why would Biden and Harris even entertain, bail out of jail, and support them?  Why would the Democrats partner to siphon money from unsuspecting donors?  You must wonder about their judgment and lack of a moral compass.  Honesty does not exist in their corrupted reprobate minds.  They know they and their allies cheated to win the election.  They both are part of the foreign interference in the 2020 election and someday may pay for the fraud they foisted upon the American people. 


(Kevin White is a retired veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and served many years all over the world.  He is a strong, black conservative who believes in patriotism, nationalism, and peace through strength.  He now works in the aviation industry.  His leisure time hobbies are writing and playing the guitar.  He lives in Ohio with his wife and two daughters.)


THE CONSERVATIVE BUSINESS JOURNAL, founded by John & Christie Di Lemme, West Palm Beach, Florida.