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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 10:22 PM


First Published in 1994


As the nation's oldest biblical creation ministry that reaches millions worldwide through our radio program, Creation Moments has seen first-hand how intimidation has been used as a weapon to support such non-biblical philosophies as Darwinism. Indeed, those who reject evolutionism are portrayed today as haters of science when, in fact, the exact opposite is true.

Saul Alinsky, the Marxist "Community Organizer" who became a hero and mentor to many of today's political left, laid out his methods in his book, "Rules for Radicals." Intimidation, he wrote, made the rest of his methods work and was the single most important operating principle. Indeed, "intimidation" has been used for years with evolution, the foundation of Marxism. You'd better get on the bandwagon of evolution or be cut-off from all funding, your good job, and association with other scientists!

Intimidation is increasingly the mode of operation in American society, influenced by politicians who have studied Alinsky. The mass of people must be made to feel so frustrated, so lost, so hopeless and despairing in the current system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. You can see how COVID fears, Climate Change fears, and street-rioting fears can all be tools to prep people for radical change.

So what should we do in the face of all this intimidation and ridicule that's so prevalent in today's society? Well, we can understand what we are up against and not absorb the despair, frustration and ridicule being dished out! We can press-in to Jesus and His Word like never before! We can understand the spiritual warfare and pray and trust in the Lord.

The truth is becoming more and more important in our day of an increasingly aggressive political left with its basis in atheism and its control of so many public institutions. As Christians, we need to stand strong and boldly proclaim the Gospel. We also need to make it clear that we are the ones who are following the science found in Genesis and the rest of the Bible. May the Lord protect us all and give us courage in these challenging times!