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Friday, July 5, 2024 - 05:21 AM


First Published in 1994


Sometime during a winter season in the insignificant, ancient Roman Province of Judea-over two thousand years ago-God the Father, in love, chose to send His Word and Spirit into the material world He had created and to reveal Himself in the human flesh of a fully human man who was named by His earthly mother Jesus. That incarnation and its benefits are beyond the mental grasp of any of the seed (mankind) of Adam! The incarnation had many purposes and among them were: (1) to fulfill God's ancient Promise to Israel (to send The Long Promised Anointed One) born of the “seed of a woman” through the line of Abraham and David (Jesus was a human descendent of Eve-not of Adam! Genesis 3-14.)

When Adam “transgressed” the Commandment of God the automatic sin penalty of death in the flesh passed to him and all his seed in him at the time of his transgression (mankind.) Eve also automatically died in the flesh because of her individual sin-the difference is Eve “sinned” but she did “not” transgress the Commandment. But she knew of it and misstated it to Satan. The penalty did not automatically pass to her seed in her. The Commandment was not given her-just Adam! God was harsh on Adam but showed mercy to Eve. Adam was under the Commandment, Eve was not. Adam sinned AND transgressed. Eve sinned but did not transgress, this is a typical teaching as to how God placed Israel under the Commandments because of unbelief but not the Gentiles. God was harsh on Israel for disobedience but showed mercy to the Gentiles and those in Israel who accepted, trusted and relied solely on His Word of Promise (Jesus).

But those born of a woman, without a human father from the “loins of Adam”, would be born without the inherited automated sin penalty of death in the flesh-unless they individually sinned-which all inherit from Adam. Jesus would not inherit the automatic transgression penalty which is death in all Adam’s seed. Jesus, like Eve, would only die in the flesh if He personally sinned. But Jesus was “also” born a Jew under the Covenant of Law. The Jews were under a covenant with God that included the Ten Commandments. Jesus, by His birth into the nation of Israel, assumed an additional burden before God the Gentiles were not required to bear-the Law! Like Adam He could not now transgress the Law (clearly stated and with additional penalties) and like Eve He could not sin! (Sin means to “miss the mark”. It teaches to always live as God says about anything-if not you “miss the mark” of believing all God’s Word.)

There has only been ONE birth not involving a human male! Jesus was not subject to the original sin penalty of death in the flesh we all inherit from the loins of Adam but subjected Himself to the Law by being born a Jew. But in order to have a pure offering to give for the sins of all believer’s (Jew and Gentile) it was essential that Jesus not commit a single sin or transgression in thought or deed.

Neither Eve, nor her seed: Jesus, are descendants of the loins of Adam after Adam’s transgression-but all other humans are as individuals. Jesus HAD TO VOLUNTARILY LIVE A PERFECT SINLESS LIFE in order to have a pure and perfect sinless human body on the cross to pay the inherited sin penalty of those who believe in Him. The body of Jesus could not die on the cross and His Spirit could not be subject to internal agony unless Jesus, in love for believers, “voluntarily” willed His body and HIMSELF to become sin, FOR US, and die in our place and pay what we deserve! HE DID! We have all sinned!!! We have no way of knowing the magnitude of all His agony in the Spirit as He suffered for us and in our place; and, (2) serve as a means to GIVE”  UNDESERVED MERCY by God the Father to the Gentiles, and all flesh to cover their sins.

God demonstrated His satisfaction with the life of Jesus' and His voluntary love offering on the cross by resurrecting Jesus from the dead. Jesus just walked out of His tomb with a NEW Heavenly BODY that OUTWARDLY appeared like His former fleshy body! But His new body is eternal!

Because of Jesus Christ alone BELIEVERS will INHERIT (not earn) the Kingdom of God and Eternal Spiritual life in a sinless resurrected body. Jesus Christ is the source of our life (John 14, 6). On Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to Heaven God turned over all power over ALL material and spiritual existence to His Only Son-Jesus Christ! Remember the typical teaching taught with Pharoah and Joseph! Pharoah gave all power to Joseph-except the throne! Because of faith in Jesus alone we believers live! “Religion” and our “good deeds” won't accomplish what Jesus has done and is doing-ALONE.

Adam’s lack of faith and trust in God’s Words DOOMED “ALL” in him-death in the flesh and a sin barrier to eternal spiritual life.  Our response to JESUS is faith alone for what He has done and is doing. Those in Adam AUTMATICALLY (despite any efforts otherwise they may have) die for what Adam did-we inherit his sin. Those in Jesus AUTOMATICALLY live for what Jesus did-we inherit it by being spiritually united with Him in the new birth-we inherit His righteousness.  Automatic death from Adam. Automatic life from Jesus! Each died but we inherited!! Typically remember the Passover. The death Angel in Egypt passed over. In Adam all die. In Jesus all live.

In the early Church there was a Mass at the approximate date of the birth of Jesus. It was called “Christ Mass”.  It was a solemn (but I suspect a joyful occasion for true regenerated-born again-believers) occasion of thanksgiving. Jesus was born into this world for us and we are born into a new spirit and soon to come new body through Him. We “inherit” it through His Death and Resurrection! We can’t earn it! Only believe!

We celebrate “Christmas” differently today. In the early church it was focused directly on Jesus alone. Today it is focused on us, merchants and our own. The original focus of thanksgiving was, and should have been, on Jesus Himself. Have we “gentiles” become as “religious” and “calloused” as were the Jews of whom nearly all rejected Jesus when He first appeared? They were extremely religious for “God” but not according to truth! Do we also have their OUTWARD zeal but not INWARD spirit according to truth? Paul said to those reading the Book of Romans that if they did not have the inward Spirit of Christ, they were none of His (Romans 8, 9-13)!! A somber admonition! Let us all search ourselves but also remember with thanksgiving of relief that it is God in us that works both to will and to do of His good pleasure (Philippians 2, 13).  And what Jesus told Paul (Acts 26, 14-18). Faith in Jesus Christ first then acknowledgement first of that faith by the gift of the Spirit as a seal of that faith. (Acts 2, 38; Galatians 3, 2 and 4, 6) All good gifts come from above.

What happened to Israel-the chosen nation-after God offered love in Jesus Christ and few accepted and most all preferred religion!! Follow their history!!!

Under the world calendar, after Christmas, a New Year is coming-but not yet. For a Christian a new existence is coming (resurrection)-but not yet!

Have a Joyful and Merry Christ Mass and Christmas season because of Christ! Believer’s live because Jesus died and God accepted His offering for us. Jesus died in order to demonstrate His and God's love for us who simply believe and trust the Word of God-not our religion and/or goodness-for a true relationship with Him!


Jim S. Brooks is a retired inactive attorney, Bar #911 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..