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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:23 PM


First Published in 1994


Earlier this year, the Pew Center described our voter registration system as "Inaccurate, Costly. and Inefficient."  It reported that 24 million voter registrations in the U.S. are not valid; and that more than 4.5 million deceased are listed as voters or registered in more than one state.  Still, the Obama Administration, and its 'attack dog,' Attorney General Eric Holder, is suing states that are enacting common sense voter ID laws to correct these problems.

These Obama/Holder lawsuits are costing taxpayers millions of dollars and are being done because Democrats believe they benefit by fraud -- so they oppose any attempt to verify that voters are who they say they are. And, even though one needs a picture ID to get on a plane, cash a check, buy alcohol rent a car, get a marriage license, or get into the Democratic National Convention, the Democrats are fighting the GOP's picture ID identification plan 'tooth & nail' even though the US Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that Indiana's picture ID law,"considered the strictest in the country," as constitutional.

For the Latino vote, the Obama Administration in 2010 instigated a protection racket for illegals by suing three states to stop them from protecting their jobs and its citizens; and seeing the racket as successful, at least 'until after the 2012 election', they are now trying the same with voter ID laws.  As Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of the NRA, says in its October 1st Freedom magazine, "The Obama/Holder Justice department is running a voter fraud protection racket by ramming the courts with lawsuits opposing state mandates that provide a simple solution to election cheating. And, political scientist, Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia, stated in regard to voter fraud:  "The fact that so many people (Democrats & the news media) thwart legitimate and prudent efforts to improve ballot integrity has become a scandal in its own right."

A 69 year old, white, voting tenant of mine hasn't driven for years and sees a SC picture ID which he has had for years as no problem. -- and which he renews every 5 years for $5 and a rent receipt. Another tenant of mine, works at Walmart and also does her banking at the Woodforest Bank located in the store.  But, in order for me to cash her check  I must sign it there, present my picture Driver's license, and  transfer an inked thumb print to her check before I receive any money.

To me, it's amazing that I must go through all these requirements to cash a small check; and yet, Obama and his left wing Democrat party believes their base, many of whom are black, is so uniquely stupid and incompetent that they can't expected to get a photo ID like normal people. It's also amazing that in today's world a major political party would make such patronizing and insulting argument against its own base.